Action Items 07 May 2008
E Leibovitch will help drafting policy briefs for the pop up windows of the policy questionnaire.
V Scartezini will approach Verisign with regards to sponsorship of the ALS Summit. (there were some reservation about having sponsorship for the Summit)
The Summit WG will discuss the issue of sliding scales for the Summit budget on the mailing list until the next meeting.
The Summit WG will continue discussing the issue of sponsorship on the mailing list.
The Staff (Nick) will confirm to the Summit WG that there will be a 45-minute slot in Paris for a Summit Workshop.
The Staff will put the PrepCom meeting in the Meeting agenda for Paris.
The Staff will put the summary of the Summit proposal forward for inclusion in the ICANN Budget. He will add a note saying that two questionnaires are currently being drafted, one of which concerns the policy issues that the ALSes want to cover at the Summit.
The Staff will draft two separate but interrelated questionnaires: one about the policy issues ALSes are interested in, another concerning logistics of the Summit.