Summary Minutes 07 April 2008

Summary Minutes 07 April 2008

Summit WG Teleconference

7 April 2008
Summary Minutes

Present: C Langdon-Orr, D Thompson, D Younger, G Shearman, A Piazza, S Bachollet, W Kleinwaechter, R Vansnick, E Leibovitch
Apologies: V Cretu, V Scartezini
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, F Teboul, M Langenegger
Minutes taken by: N Ashton-Hart (staff)

The meeting was called to order at 2011 UTC.

The Chair asked S Bachollet to update the call on any budget related discussions.

S Bachollet briefly reviewed previous work on budgeting, related mostly to T&E costs, but perhaps revisions could be made related to hotel costs and the like related to the actual costs for Cairo. Perhaps we should revisit the number of participants from an absolute maximum to a more likely number.
E Leibovitch noted that he’d been time-constrained recently and as a result not a lot of activity had been forthcoming. He believed that shortly more interaction between the two subcommittees would be forthcoming.

The Chair asked for an update from the staff on budgeting matters. The staff provided the information previously emailed on this subject and noted that as soon as the information on meeting space, A/V and interpretation costs were available they would be transmitted.

After a discussion it was requested by general agreement that the Staff send the existing text off for translation in order to save time. It was asked to add a question to find out what ALSes expected to have a representative attending Paris.

A discussion was held on whether or not to ask the Fellowship participants to fill in the survey.

W Klienwaechter noted that he viewed it as essential to implement the idea to have a preparatory meeting at Paris and that this should be done quickly.

E Leibovitch noted that he believed it was essential that there was an additional meeting discuss the summit and allow other stakeholders to ask questions and discuss the objectives of the summit.

The Staff was asked to find a slot for these two meetings. It was noted that the At-Large meeting planning subcommittee would shortly be meeting and it could also address the scheduling of these two meetings.

S Bachollet noted that it was urgent for the At-Large staff to speak to the meetings staff on this matter.

The staff noted that the budget timeline was that the budget would be approved in Paris, so the discussions about whether or not to fund the summit would be largely held in advance of the Paris meeting.

It was noted that the public workshop was meant not to be as much of a ‘sales’ session to sell the subject but to get input for consideration in the programming for the meeting.

It was suggested that perhaps the internal meeting could take place Sunday, and the public session take place on the Monday.

Any Other Business

The Staff asked if it would be helpful for the staff to compile a list of the open questions that remained to be answered from the summit proposal and this was agreed without objection. The list is to be formulated in two parts, logistical and programme.

The Chair asked what remote participation options would be available for these meetings in Paris for those not present. S Bachollet said that he was due to discuss this next week and report back. The Staff noted that the public participation site chat functions could be used to enable a lightweight mechanism for remote participation as long as those in the room (or at least one person) could monitor the chat channels and the staff would help provide information on each agenda page to help the community know what options were available.

The meeting felt this was a good option and D Thompson offered to help with this.

D Younger asked if there would be a call for papers for the summit and the Chair noted that the content working group should engage on this question. The meeting noted that this would be sensible.

The meeting noted the importance of ensuring that the summit was not seen as a free-ride or holiday and that a call for papers was one way to help ensure this.
It was decided to use Doodle to see which of the 22nd, 23rd, 24th April would be best for the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 2112 UTC.