Summary Minutes 22 December 2008

Summary Minutes 22 December 2008

Participants: G Shearman, C Langdon-Orr, W Ludwig, V Scartezini, H Diakite, S Bachollet, S Herlein Leite
Staff: H Ullrich, M Langenegger

Travel Information/Organisational Matters

H Ullrich from staff informed the participants that an external travel company would handle the travel bookings for the summit participants. The booking period will presumably start in week 2. C Langdon-Orr noted that it was crucial to avoid Visa issues this time, as there had been problems in past meetings.
Staff was requested to set up a dedicated email address for requests related to the summit. The following summit organizers should be able to answer requests sent to that list: At-Large Staff, E Leibovitch, D Thompson, (D Dailey), S Bachollet, R Vansnick, C Langdon-Orr, TH Nguyen, S Herlein Leite, V Scartezini, (A Pisanty), H Diakite, (F Seye Sylla)

Staff announced that the 2nd summit survey on the summit issues would be sent out on December 24th . Summit participants are requested to answer until January 12th. The Staff will publish the intermediary results of that survey in the second week on January.

W Ludwig further made the suggestion that there should be a Chair, a moderator, two rapporteurs and at least one expert in each of the working group sessions to facilitate the work of the working groups.

The following At-Large policy experts were mentioned to facilitate the work of the working groups at the summit:
IDN: Hong Xue
WHOIS: B Brendler, W Seltzer
Cybersecurity: L Donnerhacke, P Vande Walle
Transparency and Accountability: W Kleinwaechter
IPV6: P Vande Wallw, O MJ Crepin-Leblond
Registrar/Registry Involvement in Cybercrime: R Vansnick

Outreach Briefings

H Ullrich from Staff noted that she has been in contact with ICAN’s Global Partnerships department to discuss the creation of a outreach briefings targeted to general population of At-Large Community. She added that she has contacted B Brendler to look into the possibility of contracting some journalist with experience in writing short, clear and concise articles on consumer issues.

Dedicated summit website

The Staff informed the participants that the work on the new website navigation continued and noted that the summit webpage should be available by the end of January. Due to the busy Holiday Seasons and staff shortage, the work on the summit webpage did not advance as quickly as hoped.

Participant information (“Participant Facebook”)

C Langdon-Orr asked staff about the member management system. M Langenegger from Staff noted that Staff did not currently have the resources to create a contact website where the ALSes could present themselves. With regards to the member management system, he noted that an outside consultant was doing this and that he did not know when the system was expected to be ready.

Adopt 'Hardcore Group' of Summit WG members

It was decided to create a core summit WG group, which disuss organisational matters. The members of the core group are: S Bachollet, W Ludwig, H Diakite, F Seye Sylla, E Leibovitch, S Herlein Leite, C Langdon-Orr, D Thompson

Staff will set up a Doodle for two new meetings: A meeting for the core group of the summit group in week 2 and a regular summit WG meeting in week 3.

USBs – Explore opportunities for distributing loaded USBs

C Langdon-Orr will get in contact with the APRALO Secretariat to explore the opportunity to brand and charge the .ASIA USBs with summit information

It was further proposed create a summit logo, summit stickers and a special lanyard for summit participants.

Discuss Suggestions made by Dharma Dailey and Wolf Ludwig

The suggestions sent to the Summit WG members by email were briefly discussed and found general support.

The meeting was then concluded.