21 June 2008

21 June 2008

Summit Working Group PrepCom

Date: 21 June 2008

Time: 15:30 - 18:00 UTC/ 18:00 - 20:00 Paris Time. For the time in various timezones click here

Location: Jacob Room

Interpretation: there is no interpretation for this meeting

Remote participation: Yes, Adobe Connect and telephonic remote participation.

Details for telephonic remote participation are below the agenda items.

Adobe Connect Link: http://connectpro53442879.acrobat.com/atlargeparis/

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Meeting Number: AL.SU/MT.32/1

Summary Minutes: None for this meeting

Action Items: None

Recording: English

A G E N D A:

18:00 - 18:05 - Welcome and Review of the Agenda / Meeting plan...

18:05 - 18:20

The Summit WG will meet as a whole for a short time to review recent work and activities;

18:20 - 19:20

The Summit WG will then break up into two subgroups (Content/Logistics) and discuss matters related to the Summit Proposal. (see sub Agenda's below)

19:20 - 20:00

The Summit WG will meet as a whole to review the subgroup work and 'Next Steps' activities for this Paris Meeting and towards Cairo;

Sub Agenda's**

for the Planning of the Summit Content Sub-Working group (CSWG)

It was decided at the Summit WG’s phone conference at the beginning of March 08:

  • to subdivide the WG into Sub-groups to increase the working coherence,
  • to create (besides others) a Summit Content Sub-Working group.

Moreover, it was decided to create a Questionnaire to be submitted to all ALSes to learn more about their concerns and expectations regarding an agenda setting of the foreseen ALAC User Summit (ATLAS) which is supposed to happen in autumn 08 in Cairo. First drafts were submitted by the CSWG-Coordinator and the Staff and revised repeatedly. The Staff organised translations into French and Spanish. The final version of this Questionnaire was posted to the Summit-WG on 12 June and to the RALO leaders and Secretariats on 17 June 08.

The finalised Questionnaire has now to be circulated in the ALAC community and among our RALOs as wide as possible and ALSes have to be encouraged to fill in this Questionnaire as soon as possible. All ALSes attending the 32ndICANN Public Meeting in Paris should be advised or even urged to fill in the Questionnaire at the meeting venue in Paris. All RALOs should take responsibility that we get as many responses as possible from their respective ALSes per Region. If necessary, a reminder has to be send in about two-weeks time or at the beginning of July 08 latest by the RALO Chairs. (We have to take into consideration that many people will be on holidays from beginning of July).

Once we have a relevant return of Questionnaires, the Staff should immediately evaluate the ALS responses to list the priorities, topics and concerns for the agenda-setting of the Summit. The Summit Content Sub-Working group will use the results of the survey for further drafting the Summit Agenda. This input by the CSWG should be submitted by the middle of August 08.

The proposed Agenda for the Summit has to be discussed in the Summit-WG and approved by the end of August 08 latest to provide enough time for subsequent arrangements (logistics, rooms, speakers to be invited etc.).

The final Programme of the Summit should be circulated to the ALAC community and among RALOs at the beginning of September 08 to have enough time for a broad mobilisation of ALS participation, pre-registration, travel booking, hotel arrangements and the further organisational process.

In the weeks before the Summit, drafts must be produced for consideration in advance of the meeting, by the Summit Program sub-committee, in collaboration with At-Large Staff, in response to priorities identified by the surveys, background material and resources will be collected for distribution at or before the Summit takes place.

At the Summit, Resolutions are to be developed by the participants. Organizers (from the Program sub- committee) will assist and provide resources and drafting assistance, it is not the goal of Summit planners to prejudice outcomes by having pre-done elaborate would-be resolutions.

Neuchâtel/Switzerland, June 08.

Wolf Ludwig

EURALO Chair and

Coordinator CSWG


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