Suggestions Dharma Dailey
from Dharma Dailey :- "...
the Questionnaires indicates that the Summit will be a working session, it would be good if we can plan to tailor all logistics to making it as easy as possible for people to get work done while in Mexico City.
Here is my list of logistics that make it easier for people to get work done.
Staff: How accommodating to the following is the selected venue?
If we are able to get all of these in direct proximity to each other - no riding elevators or chances to get lost – that is better.
Open Space:
Regardless of whether the Working Group adopts my proposal to follow an open space format, we should accommodate ad-hoc meetings and impromptu sessions. There should be some rooms or designated space where these meetings can occur.
24 hour space:
We will have people from all over the world, so we should accommodate that people may want to work around the clock.
Work Space:
There should be a "business center" space with solid internet connectivity, printers, faxes, phones, and the like.
Chill Space:
A designated "At Large Lounge" with comfortable seating and internet connectivity would be nice. At similar events, I've rented couches to achieve this.
Eating Space.
Running around to eat is a productivity drainer.Better to keep people together to eat.I'm in favor of having breakfast and lunch in the meeting space with dinner at an off-site location that can accommodate everyone.Dinner is a good time to do an evening plenary followed by some trust building fun.Ideally, we would partner with local ALSs on such an event.
I know that in Puerto Rico, there were a couple of issues with food. First being that the food at the hotel was expensive. Second being that the food at the hotel didn't accommodate everyone's diet.
Logistics crew should make sure that we know each participants food needs, scope out local eateries and make a list with maps. Food is too important to leave in the hands of whoever happens to be at the Hotel Front Desk.If we need to try to get sponsors for food, now would be an excellent time to know that.
Healthy Snacks and Drinks.Should be on premises at all times.
I would like a few people from At-Large to be on the ground at least 3 days prior to the Summit to trouble shoot logistics and a few more to be on the volunteer to be on logistics during the event.If we had one or two people from each region who everyone in their region knew they could trust to help them out with logistics, it will make everyone feel more welcome and comfortable.
What days are Summit expenses being covered for?It's always good to know well in advance if a meeting the night before or on the last day is possible."
and again from Dharma in response to several questions from Danny Younger "...
Danny Younger wrote:
A few questions:
The Summit
Questionnaire revealed that 28 ALSs would like to be a part of the team
planning and running the Summit.Who has
been assigned to reaching out to these ALSs to formally invite them into the
I believe the best way to do this is to have each RALO
get one or two individuals who are willing to connect with the At-Larges in
their region.Summit planning should be
an excuse for interaction within
regions aswell as
across them.It would be good to
connect with
each At-Large Org, understand why or why not they are
participating as well as get some more info on their individual goals for the
I see from the meeting notes that people have taken that
on some of this.Not clear from the
notes, if that just entails pushing the
questionnaire around again or that plus some more
probing.I am
willing to do this for NARALO,let me know!
When reaching out, it's always good to have a list of
tasks that
people can sign on to.Perhaps we can draw up a list of tasks that
are appropriate for the next three months that ALSs
who've signed up
for planning can opt in to.These could be suggestions.We should
also ask them up front what they feel is the best
contribution that they could make to pre-Summit, during the Summit, and for
Summit wrap- up.
I have some very
specific ideas of ways that we could do some outreach, education, and planning
work pre-summitto making the
Summit event more effective which I will share in a
separate email.
We should be able to get every ALS involved whether they
attend the Summit or not.
The Summit Questionnaire
revealed that attendees support the idea of a Keynote Speaker.Who is on the team that will select the
Keynote speaker?When does this group
meet?What selection criteria will be
This is putting the cart before the horse.We should be paying most attention first to
the outcomes that people want out of the conference, then accommodating the
format to tailor to the outcomes
that participants are looking for.According to the questionnaires
compiled so far, the top two priorities that Summit
participants are focused on 1) work with other ALSs on current ICANN
issuesand 2)
education on specific topics.Questionaire respondents top two
choices for format were both participatory in nature, 1)
“combination of panel discussion and audience participation” and 2)“audience participation roundtables.”I’m not sure what “audience
formats” means.Because of the way the question is worded, it’s not
clear if people were voting for "audience
participation formats"and/
or "panel discussions."It is clear that respondents strongly
favored the first choice over “lecture hall
presentations” – 1.694
vs. 3.178 respectively.Based on the results of the other
questions, it looks like people will put up with a
keynote if they have to, but it will be taking time away from their stated
goals (get something done, learn something) and their preferred ways of
accomplishing those ends.
The Summit
Questionnaire revealed that most favor panel discussions that allow for
audience participation.What are the
specific topics that will be covered by these panels?What's the process by which the panelists
will be selected?
The “Outcomes”
questions somewhat clarify and somewhat muddle what
people are hoping for from the Summit.The number one Outcome listed
was “a plan for future work.”Number 2 was a “Declaration of Internet
Users Rights as they relate to ICANN mission.”This suggests to me
that people are expecting to do some “big picture” work
at the Summit- (number 2) as well as create some get informed and move forward
on current work(as indicated in the
first set of questions.)
We have two choices to mine the topics that people want
towork on and be educated about (Summit
goals 1 and 2).First, the RALOs can
back as I am suggesting, to the ALSs and do some
additional probing.
Second, we could adopt an open space model for the
Summit, which would allow people to “vote with their feet” to work on and/or be
educated about the topics that are most pressing to their ALSs come March.
I would like to see a combination of these tactics.We cantry to anticipate a bit what individual participants see as their most
pressing work and information needs then we can reach out to specific experts
to be on hand for possible work and/or discussion on those topics.At the same time, we won’t be corralled into
sitting through hours and hours of meetings that will be designed to accommodate everyone’s needs,
thereby accommodating no one’s needs.
I’ve been to several such “open space” events.I have found that they
can be extremely effective.Particularly in situations like the one
that confronts At-Large: we are all experts at something
to do with internet governance or internet users, but none of us are experts at
all of it.
I propose to the
working group and staff we adopt an open space model for the summit; that staff
allocates money to hire a qualified and proven facilitator to lead the process;
and that we put out an open call to contract such a facilitator.The right person will come with
recommendations from happy participants of comparable events.
This format would also accommodate the fact that
different regions may
have different priorities for the Summit.When the additional
surveys are compiled (this time hopefully including
mine)-- I would
like to see the results compiled collectively and per
Ideally, we will strike upon a form for the summit that
allows the At- Large org.s and regions to meet their own goals for the Summit,
without straightjacketing anyone else.I
believe it’s possible to do so.
4.Are Summit WG
members prepared to discuss this stuff on-line by email, or will discussion
only happen at a teleconference?
I am having terrible luck with syncing up for ICANN
related phone
particular, I am traveling non-stop through the month of
October.I encourage
people to talk when they can, but hope that we
can also find accommodate those who can’t.
Sylvia Leite also added "...
It will be an event of great importance and very rich for all.
But for this to happen we have to start working now. I think we had already talked about the idea that Dharma is proposing now. It will be important that one or two representatives from each region to work directly in the organization of the event as a way to be more in touch with the ALS of each region. I candidate myself again to be a volunteered to do that. Even when Frederic sent the questionnaire, I tryed to be in touch with the 28 LacRALO's ALS and I got some good result.
Vanda Scartezini has stated - "one issue we could add to the list of ICANN issues is the Fellowship Program. the program is relevant to outreach in each region and participants that have been part of the fellow program may become a member of regional ALS's. We, at fellowship program are trying, depend upon the result of travel policy, may open to ALS participants, so have information about fellowship program may be of interest of the summit attendees.
I understood ICANN meetings have change to not have improtnat meetings on Friday, so the reports to the board , I believe shall be sent on Wednesday nigth to be available Thursday morning at public forum.Hence, we need to plan the second round not to Thursday but at least on day before."