Summary Minutes 07 May 2008
Participants: E Leibovitch, V Scartezini, C Langdon-Orr, D Thompson, S Bachollet, H Diakite, W Kleinwachter, W Ludwig, G Shearman
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger
Minutes taken by the Staff in the first instance
The meeting was called to order at 1305.
ATLAS Budget
The Chair noted that D Younger offered to assist in creating flyers/brochures for the Summit that could be distributed in Paris.
It was noted that the promotional material distributed to the other constituencies needs to be different from the material sent to the ALSes.
With regards to the budget version 2.2, it was agreed to have a sliding scale with different cost scenarios for different percentages of participating ALSes. The budget currently solely displays the costs for full ALS participation (100 Organizations). In an additional column it will be mentioned that the current budget for 100 ALSes might only cover 80 percent of ALSes if there were another 20 ALSes to join before the Summit Meeting. The matter will be further discussed on the mailing list.
The Summit WG will discuss the issue of sliding scales for the Summit budget on the mailing list until the next meeting.
The Staff noted that the ICANN Budget and Operational Plan containing the ALS Summit would be posted for public comment on 16/17May. He suggested putting the summary that was already in the Summit proposal in the ICANN Budget. Once the summary will be public there will be questions. He noted that is was important having the answers ready before the summary is publicly posted so that a dialogue can start before Paris.
Everybody seemed to agree with this.
The Staff will put forward the summary of the Summit proposal for inclusion in the ICANN Budget. It will add a note saying that two questionnaires are currently being drafted, one of which concerns the policy issues that the ALSes want to cover at the Summit.
ALS Questionnaire
The Staff put forward a suggestion by Denise Michel, VP of Policy at ICANN, to have two separate but interrelated questionnaires, one concentrating on policy issues and another one that concentrates on the logistic aspects of the Summit. He noted that there could be built-in features in the questionnaire such as a pop up windows that provide the participants with background information on the different topics. The Staff added that one of the merits of having two questionnaires was that it would help to determine more in-depth what issues the At-Large community is most interested in. This might help to concentrate and strengthen At-Large’s involvement in the policy process in the future.
W Ludwig said that he had some reservation to having two questionnaires but declared himself ready to wait for the two draft questionnaires put forward by the Staff before he takes a decision.
The participants agreed to comment on the two draft questionnaires that Staff would put forward.
Staff will draft two separate but interrelated questionnaires: one about the policy issues ALSes are interested in, another concerning logistics of the Summit.
E Leibovitch will help drafting policy briefs for the pop up windows of the policy questionnaire.
C Langdon-Orr noted that the questionnaire should help the Summit WG to better estimate the number of participating ALSes.
PrepCom Meeting in Paris
It was agreed that the PrepCom meeting would be on Saturday evening following W Ludwig's proposal. This meeting will also cover logistical aspects of the Summit.
The Staff will put the PrepCom meeting in the Meeting agenda.
Outreach to Sponsors
V Scartezini will approach Verisign with regards to sponsorship of the ALS Summit.
W Kleinwaechter suggested approaching Vint Cerf at Google to ask for a contribution for the ALS Summit.
S Bachollet pointed out that he believed sponsorship was a difficult issue and might put at risk the At-Large’s autonomy.
E Leibovitch noted that he was not against sponsorship but only if this did not take time out of the other activities the Summit WG is doing.
The Summit WG will continue discussing the issue on the mailing list.
Location of the Summit
The Chair informed the participants about the recent Board conference and read from the minutes:
“Cairo ICANN Meeting Proposal Acceptance
Paul Levins advised that this is a proposal for the Board to agree to Cairo as the host city for the meeting in Africa and the 2008 Annual Meeting, and a request to approve the budget, which was also reviewed by the Board Finance Committee. Levins noted that the proposed budget is $2.03m.
Raimundo Beca explained that he abstained from agreeing to the budget in the Board Finance Committee not because he disagreed with the budget but because he wanted to send a strong sign to the community that he does not believe that there should be an At-Large summit in Cairo.
The Chair clarified that the ALAC world summit was not part of this Cairo Meetings Budget. Raimundo Beca said he understood that but believed that if it were included, it would have made it extremely high and wished to make a record on that issue. Doug Brent advised that the board would be considering budget for a proposed At-Large Summit and travel for different communities for the 2008-09 ICANN Budget.”
The Summit WG then discussed whether it was an option to have the Summit at a later date but the general consensus seemed to be to push for Cairo as Summit location.
Any other business
C Langdon-Orr informed the discussants that there would be a 45-minute Workshop in Paris (it shares a slot with the IPv6 Workshop)
The Staff (Nick) will confirm to the Summit WG that there will be a 45-minute slot in Paris for a Summit Workshop.
There will be a Summit Brochure that will be distributed to all the other constituencies.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 13 May at 1500 UTC.
The Chair concluded the meeting at 1415 UTC.