Jeff Neuman Bio
Jeffrey J. Neuman, Vice President, Law & Policy, NeuStar, Inc. - Mr. Neuman has over 10 years of Internet, technology and telecommunication law and policy experience with domain expertise in ecommerce, e‐business, service and technology licensing, M&A, joint ventures, strategic alliances and reseller arrangements.
He is responsible for all legal services and policy for NeuStar’s Internet, Registry and Advanced Services Lines of Business. In addition to leading the legal team for these organizations, he is responsible for the oversight of intellectual property law and policy matters, information technology licensing as well as legal issues (including litigation) related to employment and insurance matters for the company.
Mr. Neuman is a frequent speaker on issues involving intellectual property, domain names, online dispute resolution and the introduction of new generic top‐level domain names. He previously served as Chairman of the gTLD Registries Constituency of ICANN and has participated in numerous task forces and working groups within ICANN’s Generic Names Supporting Organization.
Before joining NeuStar, he served as Information Technology Associate at Greenberg Traurig, LLP/ Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP, and as an associate at the law firm of Arter & Hadden, LLP. Mr. Neuman holds a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School.