Suggestions by Wolf Ludwig 23 December 2008

Suggestions by Wolf Ludwig 23 December 2008

Dear all,

after having had a longer discussion with Heidi last Friday in Geneva and a shorter one with Matthias, I would like to suggest the following for tonight’s Conf.call:

  • time schedules and deadlines for the 2nd and approaching ALSes during the seasonal break are not perfect, as all of us know, but we have no choice and have to tackle with – therefore the RALOs have to assume more responsibilities;
  • RALO officers or members of the Summit WG take responsibility to contact their respective ALSes at the very beginning of January / immediately after New Year to remind them on the due Summit preparations, deadlines for travel arrangements and the requested inputs according to the circular mailing of the Staff and the Summit WG. As we did around the deadline of the first Questionnaire in October, RALOs have to remind their members via Mailings and phone calls if necessary;
  • RALO officers take responsibility to prepare and organise their own regional breakout sessions like GAs for Mexico and to submit draft of agendas and reporting to their GAs. Staff takes responsibility for final and coordinated timing of the GAs in Mexico and room allocations for each of the regional meetings;
  • We should decide on a smaller group like a "steereing committee" to continue the work over the holidays or immediately after New Year. this group should be composed of the ALAC chair/CLO, Vice-chair/ Sébeastien, the Summit WG sub-coordinators (Evan, Darlene and Wolf), one regional representative and the Staff.

I won’t be on ski holidays this year and I am therefore available for the necessary prep. works in our region and any further support of the Summit WG and the Staff.

Looking forward hearing you soon,
