Summary Minutes 03 January 2008
Summit Working Group
Telephone Conference Notes
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Attending: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Sébastien Bachollet, Evan Leibovitch, Darlene Thompson, Hawa Diakite
1. Minutes of previous meeting
2. Review of Previous Steps
Evan has posted the proposed meeting schedule for the Summit. It has received some comment but not much. Since we are under such strict time constraints we need to get something credible into their hands right away or else we will be unable to ask for a budget. We need tell ICANN that there is a program and then can ICANN approve the budget. We need to have people knocking on the door of the appropriate people in ICANN to push the budget while others continue to work on the program.
Cheryl: We also need feedback from Vanda in regards to her ideas on the fellowship activities planned for the June meeting options/partnership.
Other than that, how do we get more comments coming in from the RALOs?
Evan: This is a work in progress. First, we need buy in from the committee and then from the ALSs. This can be taking place WHILE we are getting budgetary approval. This will require ALAC support in approaching the board and other staff members.
Cheryl: The next ALAC meeting is next Tuesday/Wednesday (depending on time zones). Cheryl was planning to request each of the RALO reps to secure for the ALAC executive a teleconference meeting with at least the executive of each of the RALOs for both the Delhi meeting planning as well as for the Summit buy-in (not to mention admin stuff).
Evan: We need to find out what the timings are from ICANN for budget allocations.
Sebastien: ICANN just agreed to pay for the GNSO for the Delhi meeting so there is SOME flexibility. The budget may need to be a bit of a work in progress with it being finalized two months prior to the Summit.
Cheryl: By the end of this coming week (the 12th) we need to start a dialog with ICANN so that we know exactly what we need. We need to start now and know to whom we need to talk to in ICANN with regard to the specifics of our budget processes.
Cheryl: Not every ALS is on the RALO list or on the At Large list.
Darlene: We can't leave this up to the RALOs. We need to start getting firm counts and indications of interest.
Evan: We should put this through the Secretariats – since we have been doing this from the beginning.
Cheryl: This should be going through the Secretariats anyhow.
Evan: That is why we need the Secretariats on hand and in face to face for the improvements on communications to move this forward.
So, we have one week to hammer something out for the Secretariats to use.
3. Specific Outcomes
Sebastien: the European RALOs are quite excited about having this Summit in Europe – and not just because they want a trip to Paris.
Time in the New Delhi Agenda(s) and meeting(s) schedules needs to be planned for Summit discussions involving the RALO Secretariats as well as At-Large and other constituencies.
4. Summit Sessions Proposal
Evan: We need more than 2-3 days for the Summit. Some of it needs to go in parallel over the next of the week. Rather than going into some of the GNSO meetings, some of the RALOs may wish to meet with each other.
Sebastian: He disagrees. He would rather bring people together first thing in the morning for each day and have everyone go to the meetings. Also, we can bring them together a day or two ahead of time (Monday) so that they can bring forward things that are of importance to their constituency.
Darlene: Stresses how much education needs to be done with the ALSs. Also, we need time for people to bring up regional concerns.
Evan: If we look at the ICANN schedule (and it WILL change) perhaps we can schedule other meetings around those meetings. ALSs should certainly go to the workshops. We can definitely start two days before and then slot things in throughout the week. We can also have Summit programming that is “optional” so that people can choose which topics to go to and which ones not.
Sebastien: Don’t compare the Summit to San Juan. In the first two days we will be able to give people the tools to participate in the rest of the meeting.
Cheryl: Perhaps we need to pair newer ALSs with more experienced ALSs. Maybe we can do this on the Saturday and Sunday so that the more experienced ones can assist them in their understanding in their area of interest. The Monday afternoon slot for ALAC will serve to have a plenary with ALAC and Summit, perhaps.
Cheryl: Yes, have the first two days and then have other meetings during the week, including a closing plenary.
Evan: Similar to above. He will re-work the schedule to show this combination of active and reactive.
5. Next Meeting
To be scheduled on-line.