Summary Minutes 03 February 2009
Participants: G Shearman, W Kleinwaechter, W Ludwig, D Thompson, C Langdon-Orr, S Bachollet, S Muthusamy, R Vansnick, F Seye Syla, H Diakite, S Herlein Leite
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, H Ullrich, M Langenegger. L Honacker (KC-A), A Trujillo (KC-A)
1. Update from KCA
Visa issues
A Trujillo noted that 11 summit participants were still having visa problems. All but one of them are from Africa. KC-A is working closely with P Hinojosa, ICANN’s regional liaison for Latin America who is in contact with members of the Mexican Governenment directly.
N Ashton-Hart said that there have already been visa problems in previous meetings. The reason why there were many more this time was because there are many more travelers from countries that traditionally have problems obtaining visas.
S Bachollet noted that the visa problems were communicated a month ago. He urged the Staff to take this problems seriously and suggested that the local organizers and the GAC representatives be informed about it.
H Diakite noted that most African participants needed both transit and destination visas and expressed her concern with regards to the participation of the African participants at the Summit.
N Ashton-Hart asked the participants to send all visa-related requests to Alex Trujillo from KC-A (
Security Issues
With regards to security concerns at the Mexico meeting, L Honaker form KC-A said that she had a discussion with Stacy Hoffberg and Jeff Spicker on the matter. From their conversation, she gathered that there were no specific security alerts or actions being taken by ICANN or the local hosts at this meetings. Further, meet-and-greet and shuttle services will not be available before Saturday. Instead, it was communicated that the summit participants should use the official taxis outside the airport.
L Honacker pointed out, however, that there will be a meet-and-greet booth at the Melia to welcome the summit participants.
Participants are advised not to exchange large sums of money at the airport. Further, one should not go out alone at nights.
S Bachollet asked that the travel advisory documents be translated in to French and Spanish and distributed to the Summit participants in time.
2. Update on Format and Content of Wednesday Session
N Ashton-Hart outlined the program of the planned public workshop “E-crime and Abuse of the DNS Forum: a global perspective”. He noted that it would be a regionally balanced panelist with many At-large experts and said that G Bruen, P Vande Walle and R Vansnick would soon be asked to participant in this workshop. Nick said he was certain that this would be a very popular workshop.
R Vansnick complained that it was unclear who was supposed to participate in the general and thematic sessions and in the working groups. He added that it was important to know to avoid scheduling conflicts.
S Bachollet noted that there were many slots available and that he did not think that there would be a lot of competition between the different events. He stressed the importance of regional balance and authentic user representation.
3. Review of proposed format of Thursday Plenary
W Ludwig gave a short summary of the draft programme for Thursday closing plenary session.
N Ashton-Hart suggested that only a selection of the most thought-provoking, interesting statements form each working group would be presented at the closing ceremony. The presentations should be punchy and short. The advantage of this format was that is would be more interesting for outsiders and could easily be picked up by other constituencies. Nick added that the plenary was right before the public forum, which gave the summit participants a unique opportunity to set the topics and shape the discussion.
S Bachollet asked whether there would be recording assistants and noted that editing the videos would be a lot of work. He proposed to work together with the people from, which have been involved in previous ICANN meetings and will be present in Mexico.N Ashton-Hart responded that he had planned on getting somebody local but will look into this proposal.
There seemed to be general agreement with the draft design of the plenary and it was decided to go ahead with this proposal.
4. Review Proposed ICANN 101 Segments and Speakers and Approve
It was decided to add J Jeffreys, ICANN’ Esq., and Kurt Prinz from Services to the lists of invitees. Kurt would be asked to give a short presentation on the current status of the new gTLD programme and John on the role of ICANN’s legal departement. Both presentation should be ten minutes long. In order to accommodate the additional speakers, it was suggested that the NomCom presentation be reduced from 45 to 25 minutes.
Staff will get in contact with the invitees to the ICANN 101 segments.
5. Review and Approve Plan for Sunday Welcome Reception
Staff will get in contact with Glen de Saint Gery from the GNSO Secretariat to find out whether a joint social event on Saturday could be organized.
6. Update on ICANNWiki content, summit microsite
At-Large Summit page:
7. Segment_Fair+Poster-session.doc
H Ullrich will add an agenda item on this event for each of the RALO calls this month. This will allow each RALO to be informed of the details of the Fair and Poster session as well as what materials they should bring.
8. Any Other Business
C Langdon-Orr has been in contact with dotAsia with regards to sponsorship of the summit. She noted that they were willing to sponsor the summit.
C Langdon-Orr will get in contact Staff to come up with a detailed proposal that could be presented to dotAsia.
9. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 10 February at 2100 UTC.