Communication between Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Tricia Drakes
Communication between Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Tricia Drakes on ALAC Review WG view on At-Large Director selection process
----Original Message----
From: Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Sent: 05 January 2010 21:35
To: Tricia Drakes
Subject: Request for a point of clarification or information from the ALAC Review outcomes regarding At-Large Director appointment process to ICANN Board
As you are well aware the ALAC and At-Large have formed an Ad-Hoc WG
to prepare a White Paper on the matters for discussion we've had to
date regarding the process for appointment of our At-Large ICANN Board
This WG has requested to me to inquire from you as Chair of the ALAC
Review Working Group, if their are / were any recommendations in terms
of any preferred “electoral process” for the process, in particular we
are keen to ensure that we have a resulting process that on later
review is both inclusive and representative of At-Large and that also
avoids previous issues identified as matter of concern after the 2000
open election process; and yet is in keeping with what your Reviewers
envisaged... Remembering that at this stage this is a first run
process ands will in itself be subject to future review and
modifications to meet At-Large and at-large needs and desires in the
future... Currently the majority At-Large view is for a combination
of ALS/RALO and ALAC input into the vote for our candidate, stage of
the process, (recognizing that wide community input is designed for
the selections of candidates stage(s); yet we still hear from a few
the value of using the 2000 model (and even the voter data base) and
many of us doubt that that would satisfy our current needs nor that of
ICANN; but we want to explore why within the White Paper process in a
full and transparent fashion.
Please feel free to pass this email onto the original ALAC Review WG
Members, and let them know it is our intention to send all or you a
copy of our White Paper when it is finalized (before weeks end) and
that we would value their input into our community discussion and
feedback process... Obviously some of them are involved with the
current SIC and they will also be receiving the Whitepaper and
deliberating on the final results of that role as they review the
results of this process and in the recommendations we want to send to
them for their Jan & Feb, meetings and I apologize in advance for any
duplications as a result if this.
Thank you in anticipation of your reply.
Kindest regards
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO)
2010/1/8 Tricia Drakes
The consensus view of the ALAC Review Working Group in relation to the election process is as set out in the extract below from our final Working Group Report (as approved also by the SIC and the Board).
Extract Section - Voting Seats on the ICANN Board:
>> Designing a mechanism to place At Large members on the Board is a complicated task and the WG recommends that ALAC working with the RALOs and the ALSs (and with staff support) develop that mechanism. As an initial proposal, the WG suggests that Board members be elected through a process that involves ALAC, RALOs and ALSs, rather than just ALAC or the RALOs. This will provide the best representation of the voice and concerns of the individual Internet user. The first Board member could take a seat at the AGM in 2009, at which time the ALAC Liaison position would be removed from the Board. The second Board member could take a seat at the AGM in 2010. In placing these At Large representatives on the Board, consideration will need to be given to the number of Nominating Committee appointments that need to be made. The WG can see the argument that the number of Nominating Committee appointments should be decreased, but would like to leave a decision on this until the outcomes of the Board and Nominating Committee reviews are clearer.
I have checked through the Working Group Papers. The Working Group did not consider in any detail any specific options in relation to any preferred “electoral process” for the appointment of the At Large voting seats on the ICANN Board, nor did it develop any “consensus view” on this matter.
I hope this helps … and also very much look forward to the At Large appointed director taking up his/her voting seat on the ICANN Board in the near future.
With many thanks and good wishes.
Comments will be accepted in any language.