ALAC ExCom Summary Minutes 2012-11-21

ALAC ExCom Summary Minutes 2012-11-21

ALAC ExCom Meeting
Wednesday 21 November 2012 at 2000 UTC 
Summary Minutes and Action Items


1.  Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 minutes)

  • Roll call was held

2. Review of Action Items from the Toronto Meeting - Olivier (10 minutes)

  • Indian ALSes are to liaise through Staff so as to better associate themselves with the multi-stakeholder process within ICANN. (in PROGRESS)
  • IDN WG Members are asked to join the ccTLD discussions- CLO.
    • [We need to check with Bart. SV AI. The future Chair of the IDN wishes to be part. What process needs to be followed. SV. ]
  • Matt: Mapping of ccTLD operators. (In PROGRESS)
  • At Large Future challenges WG - ICANN communications department. - CLO we are on track.
  • Matt and Heidi are to organize a Webminar by Mid Nov. - Heidi: It will be early Dec.
  • Matt Ashtiani to send out a call for suggestion by 26-Oct-2012.
  • Staff to remind Cintra  Sooknanan to go through the RAA Negotiations Report and determine which issues are relevant to At-Large and which are not.
  • Outreach Sub-Committee: Matt Ashtiani and Heidi Ullrich are to organize a webinar on Capacity Building for mid-November. Follow with Sala and see what the AIs are.
  • At-Large IDN Working Group. The issue of language is taken into account in the ALAC Statement on the Draft Recommendations Overall Policy for the Selection of IDN ccTLD Strings.
  • Matt Ashtiani and Heidi Ullrich are to develop a Human resources Matrix.- Low bandwidth.
  • Academy Working Group Session- Heidi heard that the survey will go out to the list.
  • Tijani: Sandra sent a report about the meeting on Friday.
  • The ALAC and Regional Wrap up. gTLD WG to take the time and present the draft Letter Regarding Registry SG DIDT on TMCH to the ALAC when it has been finalized. [.OCL will ask Avri...]
  • The issue of visas is to be linked to the other travel-related issues discussed at the Toronto Meeting. Several members of EURALO are drafting an statement and if all the RALOs agree it will be sent to  the ALAC.
  • CLO: Looking towards Beijing, for many countries it is rare to get a visa that is 3-6 months in advance of the travel date. We need to do it at the earliest but not too soon. For many countries Chinese visas are absolutely for specific dates of travel. The most probable itinerary can be printed out and not paid for.
  • OCL: In some cases you cannot apply before 3 months. Travel will have to have a most probable itinerary.
  • Heidi: Constituency travel will issue an email shortly.
  • CLO: BCD will have to issue itineraries which are not paid for and then issue a ticket.
  • Matt: BDC has done this multiple times.
  • Evan: Tijani has done a good job on this issue.
  • Heidi: It is not the liasion person, but the liaison slot. ALAC person who is also liaison, then ALAC takes precedence. At Large has 25 + 2. 

3.  Policy Advice Development Page -- Tijani, Olivier (20 minutes)

  • a. Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:
    • i. Community Input Draft 2013-2016 Strategic Plan - Approved on 11 November 2012
    • ii. Use of a Drawing for Prioritizing New gTLD Applications - Approved on 8 November 2012
    • iii. Proposed Bylaws Amendments to Align Board Terms - Approved on 8 November 2012
    • iv. Draft Recommendations Overall Policy for the Selection of IDN ccTLD Strings - Approved on 8 November 2012
    • v. Trademark Clearinghouse Documents - Approved on 7 November 2012
    • vi. ALAC Statement on Community Input and Advice Process - 18 October 2012
    • vii.  R3 White Paper - Approved unanimously on 29 September 2012
  • b. Statements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC
    • i. ICANN Consolidated Meetings Strategy Proposal - Vote started, 19 November 2012
    • ii. IDN Variant TLD Program – Interim Report Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs - Edmon Chung to write a draft Statement. Comment period closes 22 November 2012; Reply period closes 13 December 2012
    • iii. Expired Registration Recovery Policy - Alan Greenberg to confirm is a Statement is necessary. Alan is still waiting for further information before he can determine if a Statement is necessary. However, it may be best to submit something now and then a fuller Statement in the future. Carlton - I agree with what you said, but I think the framework spoken by Evan is the basis on which we should start.
    • AG: Sure, one of the issues we had is that we did not have a specific, official ruling on the issue.
    • CLO: We need to check on this issue and have an official ruling on this issue.
    • AG: I propose that I send out a reworked version of what I sent to Evan, Rinalia, and Cheryl. I suggest that the ALAC look at this information and that we move forward.
    • CS: This way forward seems appropriate.
    • CS: This is that we have a situation where a decision is made, but we then need to have a mechanism for the interpretation of what is being implemented.
    • iv. IDN Variant TLD Program – Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels - Edmon Chung to confirm if a Statement is necessary
  • c. Current open policy forums:
    • i. Proposed Modification of GNSO PDP Manual to Address the Suspension of a PDP - Comment period closed 12 November 2012; Reply period closes 3 December 2012 - No Statement
    • ii. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part C Policy Development Process (PDP) Recommendations for Board Consideration - No Statement
    • iii. Expert Recommended Improvements to ICANN's Accountability Structures - No Statement
    • iv. Application for New GNSO Constituency Candidacy-"Public Internet Access/Cybercafe Ecosystem" - Comment period closed 17 November 2012; Reply period closes 17 December 2012 - No Statement
    • v. Preliminary Issue Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part D - Comment period closes 14 December; Reply period closes 4 January 2013. - - Alan Greenberg to confirm by 28-Nov-2012 if a Statement is necessary
    • vi. At-Large White Paper on Future Challenges Entitled Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected

4. Briefing on Whois Review Team Recommendations - Denise Michel (15 minutes)

  • About a week ago the Board passed a resolution on the Whois review team final report. The Board decided to take a 2 prong approach, it not only acted on the review team rec but also on the underlying timing of the review team, the fact that the protocols have not kept pace with the evolution of the internet. The Board voted to launch a new effort, they directed the CEO to launch the new effort and there will be a new WG to provide for a foundational expert input. The intention is to provide input on the policy development process. Including the potential starting point. Second: 16 recommendations. It has materials which include the 16 recs and actions for each one. In particular to support validation of Whois data.
  • OCL: Question : would this be a WG that will work with remote participation or face to face. If there is face to face, is there funding for the WG? I urge the organizing team to think about this carefully.
  • Denise will get back to us.  This is a CEO WG.  The intention of the WG is not to mirror the representation of the whole community, but to have the most experienced individuals.
  • OCL: You know that composition of the experts could influence the results.
  • Carlton Samuels: I have a concern, we had WG on  some other issues and I am concerned that this WG that all the work that has been done would be rehashed. Is there any assurance ?
  • Denise: The intention is not delay the work of the IDN related efforts.
  • Evan: 1) Terminology CEO WG. We started to see a pattern and I am concerned that we may be re-inventing the wheel. Would there be a formal structure of this? Because there may be others. Can you say anything about this ?
  • Denise: This is a new effort and we can all agree that we can appreciate the need for a new effort in this area. This is in no way a replacement for the PDP and the intention here to give a PDP a jump start.
  • EL: We have seen some significant steps in Compliance, can you speak a little bit more on what you foresee on the Board direction to the CEO on existing Whois structures.
  • Denise: It has been continuously noted the importance of this subject.
  • EL: Does the board note change any of the recommendations?
  • Denise: Additional information will be forthcoming.
  • OCL: Has the method of choosing experts for the working groups already been worked out?
  • Denise: No, it has not yet been worked out how the experts will be chosen.
  • OCL: Thank you for this information, I believe many people in the ALAC will be interested in working within these groups.

5. Trademark Clearinghouse - Los Angeles Meeting Update - Alan Greenberg and Evan Leibovitch (10 minutes)

  • AG: There is a meeting on Monday that will discuss going forward on the Strawman proposal. I believe he will tell set a timeline for action by the GNSO.
  • OCL: Can you please provide an update on this issue on Tuesday.
  • AG: Yes, I can provide an update on Tuesday.
  • EL: We just need to be sure to participate in this discussion we are not shut out of the process.

6. At-Large Activities at the IGF in Baku - Follow Up - Olivier, Rinalia and Tijani (10 minutes)

  • TBJ: We had a wonderful workshop that was successful on several sides. I was initially disappointed by the empty seats in the room, as compared to the participation in Vilnius. However, when I came to the main session for the IGF, the attendance there was below ours.
  • TBJ: Regarding content, we have some great participation and output from this workshop. I think there were many great instances of cooperation between ICANN and the community and I think the work done there was quite useful.
  • CLO: I think the excellent way that the leadership of Rinalia and her superb work and the organization of her team was amazing. I would like to single her out for her great efforts. I think the outcome of that workshop was not only extremely useful, as well as extremely well attended. I think that the overall participation of everyone should also be noted.
  • OCL - Many thanks to Matt for his work in Baku.

7. ALAC/ExCom - Working Smarter, Not Harder - Olivier

  • OCL - Gave brief background on this topic, including Rinalia's email on this topic. The response from CS was that this was a full time job. I tend to agree if we were to do these all at once. I think we should go on a step by step process. I'm receptive and positive about these suggestions. I'd like to hear from you.
  • CLO - Given that Rinalia is not here and that you'll be holding an ExCom call in early Dec, suggested having this item be placed on that agenda.
  • OCL - Agreed.
  • AI: Issue of the ExCom ALAC working smarter to harder to be placed on the early December ExCom agenda.

8. Agenda Items for 27 November ALAC Meeting

  • OCL - Standard items. Anything else?
    • TMCH
    • ATRT calls for applications
    • Baku follow up
  • AG: Re ATRT - Rinalia volunteered to coordinate for At-Large. The GNSO would like 4 slots. They are asking also for an extra month for the endorsement.
  • OCL - Will be applying for the ALAC slot. don't know how many slots the ALAC will get. Ideally, I'd like to have more than one person for the At-Large. I'd like to be the official, but then have others.
  • AG: They have said there have been no final decisions re official slots. If we want more than one, I suggest we ask for them. Also, do we wish to ask anyone who applies for more info than is on the application. If so, we need to decide now as more time is needed. Second point - need to have the process for ALAC endorsement clear. Last time, we did not have a good process. I think we need to manage it better this next time.
  • OCL -  Any suggestions on how to run it better?
  • AG - I would suggest that the ExCom do a first pass. I can I see that might be problematic.
  • CLO: You have a couple things in your favor - 1) we now know the process; 2) we have the precedent where you have the Chair of the AC act as the spokesman of the AC at the table. Remember that originally there were two seats allocated. In terms of the allocation process, Alan is correct re the ExCom proposing to the ALAC with Rinalia in the management role. That a first pass of the endorsement selection should be under the ExCom. I would also argue for two seats, not one.
  • AI: The ExCom to ask for two At-Large seats on the ATRT Part 2, inclusive of the Chair.
  • AI: Staff to ask relevant staff  or members of the MAG on the exact dates of the 2013 IGF.
  • AG: EERP - staff assistance on a quote from Maguy requested.
  • OCL – Regarding funding requests for FY13 - as we will be asking for the Summit, should there be a consolidated request for workshops for the IGF.
  • CLO: Asked staff to look into dates re-convening the ROP in the next two weeks (early in Dec). Start with the full ROP and then establish schedule for various DTs.
  • CLO: Asked re Dec and January meetings - and the ratification of new ROP rules.
  • OCL - Will keep up with the ExCom calls - early call in Dec. But will cancel the Dec ALAC call. In January, will have ALAC call.
  • AI: Gisella and Olivier to work on scheduling the ALAC December meeting one week prior to 25th Dec date.
  • HU mentioned the annual Policy Staff workshop will take place next week.