ExCom Report 13 January 2009
.DOC File
DRAFT subject to additional update by ALAC ExCom and addition of more details and links / attachments...
BRIEF ALAC ExCom Activity Report for period between December 9th 2008 and January 13th 2009
1. ExCom conducted its monthly meeting in December ALAC ExCom Monthly Teleconference 20:00 - 21:00 22 December 2008 Location: Adigo Teleconference Start 1900 UTC. Find details under: https://st.icann.org/alac-excomm/index.cgi?alac_executive_committee
2. Ongoing Skype Chat and email work was conducted in the areas of
• ALAC Review Statement(s) and votes.
• Vote difficulty and recording issues effecting both ALAC Review and 2nd Summit Survey votes was discussed analysed and reported on by staff.
• Travel to Mexico
• Summit planning including room requirement and venue logistics/options, travel , budget and funding requirements/ sponsors
• Expanding and developing RALO input into Summit activities including GA’s and Workshops.
• New Meeting schedule
• PSC comments
3. ICANN Meetings and WG activities
• RAA Chair + 2 attended the briefing meeting(s) held in Dec
• CRAI report Chair and one VC attended the briefing meeting
• Chair and one VC attended the GNSO new GTLD Briefings held in December and the Chair will attend the next meeting on Thur 15th this week.
• Chair attended preparatory Leadership meeting for ACSO meeting in Mexico and new list has been started.
• ExCom Members Chair, Vanda as VC and Alan as GNSO Liaison have attended to new GNSO WG lists and meeting preparations for the WG’s they were appointed to in early December.
• Chair has (with Carlton Samuels from LACRALO) begun work on and new list has started for the Geographic Regions review WG.
• Chair has held 2 teleconference meetings and email correspondence with the BGCARWG Chair and lead staff regarding progress of ALAC Review.
4. Additionally the following meetings were attended:-
I. Summit WG Call Fri, December 12, 2008, 2000 UTC start.
II. Discussion on the ALAC Statement on the new gTLD Applicant Guidebook Fri, December 19, 2008, 1400 UTC start.
III. Discussion about At-Large meetings Mon, December 22, 2008, 19:30 - 20:00
IV. RAA Briefing Mon, December 22, 2008, 7am – 8am Start 2000 UTC.
V. Summit WG Teleconference Tue, December 23, 2008, 2030 UTC. Please find details: https://st.icann.org/summit-wg/index.cgi?23_december_2008
Plus the relevant RALO Meetings in their respective regions.
COB December 23 (UTC) to January 5th was taken as a staff and activity break with only minimal Skype and email activity going on...
Extensive Meeting Prep meeting call and Skype chat occurred on January 12/13th as there was a clash with the NARALO meeting and the usual weekly staff meeting teleconference set for 1900 UTC each Monday (that had resumed on Jan 5th) and not all staff and ExCom could attend...
Vanda - representing ALAC at OSC - Operations Steering Committee - this committee is already runing - next meeting on 15th january.
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-01-13 12:01:44 GMT