English Transcript Confluence Wiki 14.06.10

English Transcript Confluence Wiki 14.06.10

Carol Cornell: Hello, this is Carol Cornell I am the Director of the project office here at ICANN and today we are going to give an overview of Confluence Wiki implementation, and a little bit of the basics of what, who, when, how, to help give an idea of the tools that we are recommending be changed from the current situation many of you are usually experiencing now which is called Special Text Wiki.

So if you go to the first page and I’ll just click over. The agenda for today is we’re doing as I said, what, why, who and when; so I’m going to move forward here with the what. As one of ICANN’s core values and missions remaining accountable to the internet community through mechanisms that enhance ICANN’s effectiveness we periodically review the tools we’re using and take an assessment of what’s working well and maybe what could be improved.

This is the situation for the current Social Text Wiki. Over the last couple of years many of you have used it and it is a fairly restrictive wiki in that it is limited to some of its capabilities and as we continue to be more and more ingrained in sharing information, being able to look up information and being able to communicate and use that tool well we would like to at this point say that we’ve done research taking all those points into account and we are recommending now we go and use something called Confluence Wiki and that is what we’re going to talk a little bit more about today in terms of some of the characteristics and benefits.

So why would we want to use this particular tool? There are four main reasons that we’ve identified to help explain it. First of all, it supports you the community better because it monitors a very similar tool to what is being used today but it’s got some added capabilities, it’s a much stronger search capability. We have used it a little bit internally and I can personally say that you can look up almost any topic by using the search feature and that makes it a much user one.

Now if you were to use Social Text Wiki you can’t look up a word and find it in a document and find that document. The next is, it has the ability to utilize Rich Text or Wiki markup or more importantly HTML format, and that’s a good feature because then you can make your point visually and words as well. I think that that second capability makes it easier for a variety of people to be able to communicate their thoughts in point and have it again all in one central place.

The last is, and I think this is a feature that internally in ICANN we’re also going to start doing more and more and this has to do with being a little bit paperless and not having to force a document into Word format and then turnaround and do it on an online template. What we’re going to do is be as a team, if you find that there is a template that you think would be useful, template to me by the way is a set of rigorous boxes and information that you want to repeat over and over again, you can set them up so you just type directly into that form and that form then gets saved on the site and then you don’t have to make it into a PDF and attach it and not have search capabilities.

It directly becomes available onto the site and you can save it with the common standard format where it would be (inaudible 04:22) over and over again and easier to find. So that’s one of the four points, the second is user friendly. I’ve kind of hinted at this from my first few points, but the other capability is you are able to go in directly, type in something and someone else might be doing it at the same time as you are, it allows you to keep both copies.

You wouldn’t lose any copy you could then just continually add and insert comments as a group rather than individually. The auto complete means you get less key strokes when you type because it is a bit like any Word document, as you’re typing if it’s a word that is very commonly used it will type it for you or add to it and complete it so you have less key strokes, so it is a little bit of a smart tool not just a plain blank slate.

The third reason is security is stronger and there are permissions that are allowable. What does that mean? You can have a given page on the Wiki where you can give access to everyone, all of the files and the information, the history, but let’s say you are working on a document that’s in edit version, that a set of teams wanted to be in a draft mode first. You could restrict that until you have all the right wording and then you could launch it one time, the final one that is acceptable so it also eliminates confusion because you can have the working version and you can have also the completed version all on the same site, but you have access to one or both depending on your role as a team.

The fourth reason that I think would be a reason for us to consider switching and we’re recommending that we go with what we call Confluence Wiki is it costs less than the yearly maintenance fee on Social Text versus Confluence Wiki is substantially, one is less than the other and the second is because it is a tool that each individual can type in directly and maintain and have access directly you’re not having to use IT services or resources as much to do the work, you can directly do it yourself and control it and therefore it requires less people and that’s another benefit.

So for those four reasons with that I’ll (inaudible 07:02) verification I think that is why we would recommend going to Confluence Wiki.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you very much Carol, and having been privileged, Cheryl Langdon-Orr here by the way for the transcript and record and I would ask others to pick up on what I’ve just done and identify yourself unless I introduce you because you’ve waved at me in the Adobe Room. I’ve had the privilege of having a tiny, tiny little preview of the Confluence Wiki and it seems like its usability and the ability for many of us, let alone any of us to be on the same page section and working at the same time without fear of having lost all your work which I think most of us have experienced with the older version of Social Text.

The new one isn’t quite so mean, that the searchability and the ability to inbed objects, video image etc seem hugely, hugely useful to At-Large and type of (inaudible 08:17) makes of the Wiki so I’m rather now looking forward to the wow factors, but I wanted to just take that moment Carol to ask you whether or not you wanted to take questions as you go or save them up for the end, or how did you want to do this?

Carol Cornell: I guess I should have highlighted that in the beginning, I thought it might be best if I kind of go through the set of slides that have been generated, because I think it will answer a lot of individual questions that might arise and then after that I’d be happy to take any and all questions, but I thought maybe if I went through the whole presentation it would give you the clear kind of picture of all the components that we’re talking about and then we could go ahead and take more questions if that would be okay.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Terrific, that’s fantastic. One other piece of administration, I know that certainly myself I’ve had about eight or nine restarts of the Adobe Room from where I am, it keeps telling me connectivity is lost even though I’m still in the room and then it restarts at (inaudible 09:24) so if as you go through slides be generation with the transition time between the slides so those of who are dropping in and out of our connectivity tool might be able to keep up better.

Carol Cornell: I certainly will take that into account thank you Cheryl, I didn’t realize that. From my vantage point I’m actually on the site and I haven’t been kicked off yet so I’m sorry if there’s any trouble that people are having.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I’m sure it’s not Confluence; I know full well it is the Adobe Connect Room. Over to you Carol.

Carol Cornell: Thank you. We’re going to hit, I’ve named four here, wow factors again but I’d like to kind of talk about each one as I go forward. The first is Confluence Wiki has strong what you might call version control or tagging each document as you are in the process of editing it and I think this is a really great feature. Having worked without that tool for a long time myself I’ve noticed that having it will eliminate confusion or who’s in it last?

Or how does it work? But this Confluence allows you to tag each document as you work on it, and therefore you don’t lose any words, even if two people I said earlier, are doing the work at the same time and happen to try to submit at the same time, it will actually save both versions, so someone could go back and take both of them and add or subtract accordingly if two people were working on it at the same time so you would lose no data which would be great.

The second wow factor is to allow for tags or ways to, if you will, hierarchically organize your work, so today a lot of people of think of as having multiple pages in a deck but you can sort those pages in the deck in an organized way you would like a file cabinet, so you can always find the topic and find the search capability, but one of the things that this particular Confluence Wiki tool does is you can tag an individual document so it has more than one search capability.

Let’s say you’re tracking, or that something that’s coming up, Brussels meeting right now, you could tag it for all past meetings, you could tag it to Brussels or you could tag it to a topic that you’re discussing at that meeting and by putting three tags on it, it would very much allow you to be able to find or search that information and I think that is a great way to significantly improve our search capabilities going forward.

The third wow factor is macro capability allowing you to import or view in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF, so one of the things it does is, let’s say I type it with a table, in the past when you go look up the table you might find that the table has shifted to the right or two the left so the columns or rows aren’t the same. In this tool it actually allows you to keep that format so what you put in and see on your screen as the individual person who set up the table which showed to everyone the same way going forward, so I think it might totally benefit everyone because you can all look at it in the same way.

You know, even today if you use Word and you’re sending something out in different pages it reformats it, so you can’t always see it the same way. Well this is one of the benefits again to the Confluence Wiki it keeps the format. The last one is and this is very much geared to your thinking as an At-Large community, it would enable you to create your own Wiki pages both as an individual person so you can contribute on the team but also as a team, so I think that’s another big wow factor. I

n the past you did everything as a committee, as an end product, this allows you both to have both the team capability and the individual capability so that let’s say you were working on a working group that is one of the At-Large mandates. You can flag it on the Wiki so every time there’s a new document or a new piece of information on that particular topic it will show up on your own home page, so that you can go in and find just that one area of interest and not necessarily everything and have to research it every time, which is again what I consider a real big time saver and therefore a big wow factor for you as the team.

So that completes what I think are four very great new elements that will improve going forward, I’m going to go one more page please, I’m going to switch now to the how. So I’m hoping that everyone will see that I can make this change, so what is involved for everyone and how we would make this change? So this slide is dedicated to explaining a little bit about that proposed idea, so here is what we would do.

We’d want to do a phased rollout approach which means a few chunks of work in phases so that everyone could follow along and keep up and only those who need to know at each phase would participate as needed, and it would be over a timeframe of six months. This would allow, I think, all of the community to come onboard and be comfortable when we would “eliminate” using Social Text Wiki and we would be using full time then, Confluence Wiki.

So the first phase is called the Introduction and just as it implies we would do a piloting and a planning stage, in fact we’ll go on later today and we’ll show you the beginning of an At-Large data page or a pilot page to show you that we’ve actually taken the liberty to start to move data to show you that it would look, and what it might look like on a new page. We haven’t done a lot of formatting of it but we’re showing that data. We can also say that we’ve embraced it because we are doing that work now in the background to be able to show everyone as.

The second part of that phase would be basic training, and this is where I would like to say that we are actually going to do the first round of basic training in Brussels, it’s actually on June 20th and I’ll share more about that as we get further on in the program. The next part would be to set some guidelines of operation and that is something that because we are using it internally at ICANN -

Maya: Sorry to interrupt you but can’t we open the chat in the Adobe Chat Room because other are using Skype or – and are not in the right place and I think it would be better if we can have a chat here, sorry to interrupt. It’s a (inaudible 16:55).

Carol Cornell: Hello, sure give us a minute, we’re moving things around on the page right now and I don’t see a square for it that’s been flagged up. Hold on a minute and we’ll go ahead and put up a chat box.

Maya: Thank you very much.

Carol Cornell: Sure, just a minute. I’ll wait and hold off talking more about the now in just a second.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It will also stop many of those annoying drip sounds that you’re getting through other people’s computers, certainly mine. Interestingly enough it’s telling me for the fourteenth time that my network connectivity has been lost in the Adobe Room I’m still getting those messages because my internet connectivity is perfect.

Carol Cornell: I’d just like to say at this point, Heidi and Marilyn sitting in this office were very quick and you’ll see if you’re on Adobe Connect Page now there is an open chat up on the top left hand corner. I’m going to go forward then assuming that this is a workable chat space for everyone.

So as part of the introduction the third bullet I wanted to talk about is I wanted to talk about is creating some guidelines. In looking at some of the spaces that people have used, I think it would be really helpful to develop a draft and publish it and then it would be a working tool that if there were things we needed to add over time we would certainly do that.

One of the common things might be how to set up a standardized page so that people knew how to go in and what to anticipate on a given page. Another idea would be how to save a document so you would be able to search that document, for example, quite often here people have a tendency to write the name of the document and then the date. If we’re searching it by year and date first that would be an easier way for people to look up the history for example. Another idea might be to have a respect where we only change pages by informing someone of a change to a document, just some good guidelines.

Next is providing access to a page. We are starting internally doing this and then we are going to do it as part of our basic training, we would be sending out a notice to anyone who is going to purchase a page in the early phase training over the next week anyone on this call that is associated with it, we would like to recommend that we would give you access to this Wiki. To do that you would be given an email that told you the URL address and then how do you have access to that, what your password would be. I know that’s a little bit different than we did it in the past but the good news is once you do it once you have access to that page and it would be an external facing Wiki so you would have access all the time.

So the next phase after the introduction would be a migration of data and specifically that’s moving everything that’s on the current Social Text Wiki onto the new Confluence page and then it would all be there and available and as I said with the search capability you would be able to find all that information, then if there’s anything that we might consider archiving, like you know from a long time ago, we would still have access to it but you could archive it, so we need a plan to do that and the last is to begin populating the space with real time data.

The last is when would we begin operation of the new space? First of course we would announce that availability to all and both simultaneously for three months we would have both the Social Text Wiki and the Confluence Wiki up. Now it would be difficult to maintain the two sites exactly current at the same time so the idea might be that you do view only for the older space and make the current space new and show people in the old space how to link over and how to have access to that data, but with a note on it so you know which is the current active space in any one time.

I am going to go forward, I notice it said, do we want to ask a question, I was just going to as I said finish making the presentation, I just have about two more slides and then we can open it up to a more question and answer session if that would be Okay for everyone.

So what’s the timeframe? I said six months so here is the timeline being discussed or I’d like to discuss with everyone in full. It would be July through December so as I said that’s a six month frame. In July actually even maybe a little before July we were going to have this initial basic training in Brussels because several people are there and we would have a chance to show them. In fact, at this point I’d like to say, if anyone would like to see me because I will be at the Brussels, I will be happy to take a few minutes and show anyone what the space look like or take a minute to just share what I’ve learned in doing the Confluence Wiki myself over the last couple of months, I would be happy to share that with you.

Next is when would the migration of data and the design? I think with basic training and all of July coming on board the thought would be the migration of data would start to be more visible to everyone by September at the latest I think is a very reasonable effort. Then we would have an announcement and full operation by October and then it would run parallel through December and then by December we would give another notice and close down Social Text Wiki.

So what are the immediate next steps that would impact everyone? The first is continue to roll out this message of why we would want to switch from Social Text to Confluence then share more broadly what the plan is for the rollout and then begin the rollout in Brussels, so this is again, this basic training will be Sunday June 20th, I believe it’s at 2.00 Brussels time, no I’m sorry 12.30 Brussels time I believe.

Heidi Ulrich: There are two actually, we’re going to have two sessions one is 11.15 to 12.30 that’s the actual hands on training and then there will be 30 minutes where there will be a chance for the members of the At-Large community who are in Brussels to actually provide feedback to the beta site that you are now going to see.

Carol Cornell: And then obviously the further development of the At-Large site would be the third continual effort, as Heidi just mentioned taking into account your feedback what we modify or change the At-Large site to look like to make it the most effective. So I believe that ends this part of it so if someone would like to ask a question, I will in the meantime switch over, I’m going to take control a little further of this page. I’m hoping to be able then to show you both the At-Large what I’ll say pilot test site and I would also show you maybe what we use for an internal site of a page just to show you how two of them are working. Okay. Does anyone have a particular question?

Heidi Ulrich: Go ahead Sebastian.

Sebastian Bachollet: Thank you. I don’t know who speak very, quietly to say Sebastian is requesting to talk but thank you for that. Yes I have two maybe three questions, the first one is how in doing the joke do you intend to have that in English and not just in Australian but in the real world I would like to know if other language than English is taken into account? My second question, it’s have you any plans to have a good link with the At-Large website? And my third question it’s for the future and hopefully one day management member system how it could work with each new Wiki tool? Thank you.

Carol Cornell: I’m sorry I need to step back a minute, would you mind repeating each question and I’ll try to answer it again. I’m sorry. The answer on multiple languages, the first one is that correct?

Sebastian Bachollet: Yes it’s about multiple languages.

Carol Cornell: We’re going to start off doing this in English, I think we could over time convert but it depends how much the community would want to participate in that effort. We right now do not have a budget to translate the Confluence Wiki into the five UN languages like we do some of the documents presently.

Navid: But whatever is on the At-Large site in multiple languages we are going to bring over and in fact in the demo which you’re going to see right now we did bring over some of the information in different languages. The product handles different languages in the exact same manner Social Text handles it. What we chose as this product, we chose it because it’s open source so the cost is essentially nil but the other advantage of it is we chose it by making sure it had the same capability as Social Text first and any app wanted to see what additional features. So you have the same capability as before, in fact the learning curve won’t be a steep learning curve, it will be an easy learning curve because if you’ve used Social Text you will be able to pick this up very quickly.

Carol Cornell: Thank you very much Navid for the answer. Can everyone, I think, I hope you can see that I have put up and I shared my desktop, I have opened up a page that says At-Large test site and it is as you can see in a similar format to what we have. We have an organizational tree on the left hand side that shows the latest news to rail or workspace et cetera, up on the left.

So you could easily let’s say, I’m just going to go At-Large Brussels schedule just to pick something and you can see with the click over that the site picks up and displays very much each one of the Brussels meetings, the agenda, just as you have seen before, but it’s as you can see without a click the format stays exactly as planned and shared just as it was created which was again one of the features that you can see should make it easy for everyone to participate. What else?

Maya: Show them the regional, you’ll see that it also has the feature to link Google Documents and Google Maps and you will see all the maps which we have down there which were taken from the At-Large website and put in and it (inaudible 29:53) taking them over at a loss.

Carol Cornell: So you can see, I’ve shown them here, you can see they all can be very available and readily viewable at a moment’s notice. Is everyone still on the line we seem to have had a big spurt? No? Okay, great, I’m just going to keep moving then. If you can see through Adobe Connect you can see that we have picked up that capability as well. If you go to the main page, I’m just going to go on down through the whole page, you can see the At-Large worldwide calendar with what’s new and you can see that you can operate directly in the space, it’s not an image or a picture so looking at the At-Large today you can quickly click over.

Let’s say you want to do a month view, if you do a week view you can switch over to real time and you’ll notice the upcoming meeting in Brussels, it’s all posted there, just by clicking it on and quickly direct. So in other words it’s real time in the web page, no loss of time once you’re in that space, so that’s a nice new feature and you can look on down to see the At-Large (inaudible 31:20) application status so you can see how that’s been now tied in directly, regional sites.

Maya: Yes if you go to…

Carol Cornell: Which one?

Maya: All of them link to the regional sites, they link to the websites.

Carol Cornell: Shall I just pick one? There it is your existing space. You’ll notice it picks up the format, it picks up everything just the way it was, so you would have no loss in being able to quickly move around and find the information you were looking for. I’m going to go back one page.

Maya: There’s another one, if you show them in the news they can see the multiple languages, if you go back up on here latest news.

Carol Cornell: So if I click that. I’ve gone over to the organizational tree, under latest news; to Sebastian’s questions I believe here are all the languages and all the data that is available both from a what’s been published in terms of announcements but pick one.

Maya: This will go to the At-Large Website.

Carol Cornell: And it goes directly to the At-Large.

Maya: We can import it and it will show up here too.

Carol Cornell: So as you can see quickly, you can follow along and it’s already just even in this pilot testing site available for anyone to be able to and latest news is by language. Maybe we should put a parentheses by latest news and put languages so people could go in there and see them directly there all of them.

Maya: Right.

Carol Cornell: So this is just a quick taste of the At-Large site so please be aware. Any particular questions? I’m going to switch over because this is a dashboard I’m also going to show you that on our main cloud because as you can see I’m showing you from this pilot testing there’s this cloud tag on the left side bottom of the document and so you can see since we’re just starting up, the word help is in big bold letters that’s because that’s the one however big the number is or the image is, shows how often that data, how much data is available compared to other elements so you can see 2009 because we’ve imported a lot of data is why that is very large, or help or welcome so depending on capability it shows up that way. I’m just going to go to one other capability we have a global partnerships one that we’re starting to standardize so I thought I would share what this page looks like. This is an internal page…

Maya: Sorry again, can I just come in quickly?

Carol Cornell: Sure.

Maya: Hello? Hello?

Carol Cornell: Please go ahead.

Maya: Okay sorry I’ve just been able to open my Adobe Connect, my internet connectivity hasn’t been that strong, I’ve just opened the page, now I want to ask am I going to enter as a guest, or I have a login, a password I should use?

Maya: Guest.

Carol Cornell: As a guest.

Maya: I should go in as a guest?

Carol Cornell: Yes please.

Maya: Okay then, alright, thank you, I mean I’ve logged on that and if I have any other problems I’ll let you know.

Carol Cornell: Great. So one of the other ideas I thought I might show, it’s a little bit how we are organizing page, this is global partnerships and it tells you a little bit about the purpose of this page, what information and about each individual team member and so it’s to make way for people to see on a given page how we’re starting to organize some of our information in another format, but again, it’s using a very similar to that, there’s an organizational tree on the left hand side, text and/or anything you’d want to add on and as you see at the bottom you could quickly add a comment just by going to that home page and move on from there, and so I’m going to go back to the dashboard.

You will notice on the right hand side when you’re in the main dashboard there is something called news, so if there is something that someone thought that they wanted someone to be aware of or something that affected across groups, if the site externally was for more than just At-Large but let’s say it was the (inaudible 35:58) and you wanted the news to be across all three, you could put it there and show it as a way for people to see a quick blast of information, that’s just another way to operate. I am going to go back to the At-Large page at this point and I’m going to say is there any other questions that anyone might have?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Go ahead Seeva go ahead.

Seeva: Hello, the Confluence makes ICANN sometimes any proprietary software system at the back?

Maya: I’m sorry I didn’t.

Seeva: Will the migration make ICANN dependant on any proprietary software?

Maya: No, no because Social Text was proprietary it was a closed system.

Angela Burr: I’m sorry this Angela Burr, could you repeat that question again please, I did not hear that.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I’ll try and do that for you if you like.

Angela Burr: Thank you so much Cheryl.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Will the transition to Confluence make ICANN dependant on any proprietary software?

Maya: No because what happens is Social Text is proprietary, I’m sorry, Social Text is proprietary and what we have in Confluence is an open source Wiki which is obviously open source available on all platforms and not proprietary.

Seeva: Because I saw a blog that talked about share point integration and so on, so I got the impression.

Maya: Oh you’re talking about document management.

Seeva: Okay.

Maya: That’s a different thing, you can implement a document management system to the back end of Confluence but this migration doesn’t deal with document management yet.

Seeva: So if that would make it (inaudible 38:20) so you manipulate this software at the back end?

Maya: You can essentially use anything on the back end because what you’re dealing with here is Java and its open source.

Seeva: Okay that clears my doubt thank you.

Carol Cornell: Are there any other questions that we could help to answer about Social Text versus Confluence Wiki? Any questions on training or the rollout time plan? Any questions you might have on how you might get access to it?

Maya: Yes, excuse me.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Go ahead.

Maya: Okay after the on the spot training in Brussels for those who can attend the ICANN training, would there be another on the spot training for other people some other time?

Carol Cornell: The hope is that we might be able to do more of a webinar type training where we could talk it through and have access to it once everyone has their password account, if that’s what you’re meaning by on the spot training.

Maya: Yes, because you just mentioned there would be training for members who will be in Brussels on 20th, so I was asking after the ICANN training in Brussels would there be further training for At-Large members in the future?

Carol Cornell: Yes we would be able to do something similar to what we’re doing today with conference call and having everybody’s visibility to a screen and how you might link in and we also have some training materials that will be available on the actual, once you get to the actual website under a help tab if you look up at the top, one of the tabs at the top, there is going to be some video training material there and some hand out materials there so if you can’t attend an in person training, under the help tab we would give some instructions there on how to have better access and information and walk you through opening a page or how to add a document or post more information onto that Wiki.

Maya: Thank you very much.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you, we now have a question from Olivier, go ahead Olivier.

Female: And a question from Johnny later.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Noted. Go ahead Olivier.

Olivier: Thanks. My question is actually is this new system going to be IPV6 compatible?

Maya: Yes.

Olivier: Great thank you.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Nothing like a simple answer. Navid are you getting a sense of déjà vu with some of these questions?

Navid: Yes I am because you asked me the same questions Cheryl. By the way how are you?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And I have not sent out a script to the At-Large community.

Maya: I don’t believe you Cheryl.

Female: What you should realize is that you have a highly competent, highly challenging community who are very, very keen to make the most of communications technology and that includes things like Wiki, so for us to be using ourselves as an early pilot, not only makes extreme sense, we couldn’t stop them with a barge pole anyway. We now have a question from Tijani who is probably coming through the French channel, thank you Maya, Patricia sorry.

Tijani Ben Jemaa: And so what I wanted to know is, we are going to be getting the emails and that’s going to let us know how to access with the password and all these things right, we are going to be getting that at some point perhaps?

Carol Cornell: That’s a great question and the answer is yes, over the next week you will be receiving an email, it will be in English at this point that says the access as well as passwords and Heidi and I are looking at each other across the table, we recognize we will put that sentence into multiple languages and send it out to make it easy for everyone to see that they have been given that access and have a login.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you Carol and welcome to our world, and I’m saying that not being very- but it is not lost on those in the community particularly in Africa, in parts of Europe and certainly in Asia that a lot of what happens in ICANN happens with a rather English based view and we all appreciate greatly every time that the challenges of not working in a first language are recognized.

So that is a very serious issue, it sounds like we’re being petty or it sounds like we’re being nagging but we’re being necessary and we are working and sometimes a second or a third language to deal with English and there is always room for error in interpretation or translation. It is important to get information like this out in the language that we use and of course, yes we would like to see ICANN using the official UN languages, notice I didn’t leave that to a number but rather the official UN languages, but certainly we feel ourselves that we work in Spanish, French and English so to have important transition for enabling tools to be going in at least those languages is something I think we just simply have to do. Any other questions, Olivier back to you.

Olivier: Thank you very much again Cheryl. I do have another couple, well one technical question actually. I notice that there is an ability to do RSS feeds from the pages, I just wonder whether you can also do automated tweet feeds.

Navid: Absolutely.

Olivier: And any future?

Navid: Well Heidi suggested that we try a pilot of tweets but we haven’t actually organized that yet, I think we need to get a Twitter account for the At-Large community.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Actually At-Large already has Twitter accounts, we have acquired for all the regions.

Carol Cornell: Cheryl if I could, I think Navid was referring to a possible one with global partnerships so that one is still being discussed.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay that would be very useful. Olivier, another question from you.

Olivier: No that was it thank you, I think my hand needs to go down now thank you.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And of course now Navid doesn’t think there is any chance that I have not scripted the At-Large community.

Female: And just you guys know from Tijani if you need help in any of your translations for that email when you send it out he’ll be more than glad to help.

Carol Cornell: Thank you. Carol you do have a very keen DIY and self help community here and it would be incredibly sensible from a project management point of view to make good use of it. Over to you for your question.

Maya: Can you hear me?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes we can, go ahead please.

Maya: Okay well first of all I think using Confluence is a very good step ahead because I’ve used Confluence in various projects and non profit program and it is indeed a very strong program for updating documents, managing documents, adding ease of use and ease of collaboration and the best part that I have always loved about Confluence that it is related to (inaudible 47.06) to comments if Cheryl perhaps comments on the community, every person who obviously will be a member of the Wiki or of Confluence and is the (inaudible 47.19) and then comments can easily migrate into a document, I think this is a very strong cutting edge system which is going to really enhance a life’s work in the postcode, other constituencies are also going to receive access to it.

And another thing, there’s a strong opportunity for this Wiki to work with all the other spaces that I can deploy this and why? Because say if all the constituencies are to comment to a certain document and all the comments have to be (inaudible 47.55) space this can do it, that was impossible earlier but this can actually do it, and of course then I have used it so I will be considerably available to answer any questions as soon as this goes public and I can be your community helper occasionally. Okay that’s it.

Carol Cornell: That’s great thank you very much.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks, and in fact Carol that will make some of your decision modes easier knowing that we have members of the community who are highly experienced in the use of this tool and who are willing to act as support modes for those of us who are putting on our learning experience hats and just coming into it gently. We’re coming towards the top of the hour so I’d like to ask if there are any other questions and seeing none from the Adobe Room at the moment, any coming in from either the French or Spanish channels?

Maya: Oh there is one question here about Google Chrome web browser. Yes it does work on Google Chrome. I’m actually using it on Google Chrome.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And I almost saw the message from Dev long enough to give you microphone rights, Dev over to you for your question. You may be muted Dev, * 7 to unmute.

Dev: Inaudible 51.39.

Carol Cornell: Dev you’re on we can hear you.

Dev: Okay for some reason I thought I didn’t get on. No I think that answers the questions, I think about the support because I know Social Text didn’t support Google Chrome browser so it’s good to know that this new Wiki would support Google Chrome. That’s it.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks Dev, but I’m fascinated that Google Chrome didn’t support Social Text because I only use Google Chrome and I’ve certainly managed to muddle through Social Text enough, so it’s one of those mysteries. Any other questions before I hand back to our presenters? Anything from French, anything from Spanish?

Carol Cornell: Nothing from French so far.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you, alright that’s back to you Carol for a final wrap up.

Carol Cornell: Great, so I guess the next step is what I’d like to just remind everyone of, so the first opportunity to learn is I’ll be working with the team here to send out a formal announcement saying that we are going to proceed with going and converting and implementing Confluence Wiki.

The second is we’re going to share a rollout plan so that, just not those just on the call, but anyone who would like to see this will see the information about the plan and the phases rollout we’re going to do over the next six months, and the third is you will be seeing a message over the next week before the Brussels training session saying that you will be given a password and access to an external Confluence Wiki which everyone will be able to see, and then lastly the training will start place, will be 11.15 on June 20th and it’s about one hour and fifteen, an hour and a half long and we will go through the basics.

Now I’d like to say that it is a one size fits all training so if you have a fair amount of experience with Social Text Wiki you might find some of the information straight forward and others because of some of the newer capabilities we will go to the second part of the training. So I think with those set thank you for letting me come and make a presentation about Confluence Wiki and the plan to roll it out.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you Carol and indeed thank you Navid, I’m sure you both know that the enthusiasm you got from me when I had a first play has been more reciprocated it’s been amplified by the community At-Large so I’m fairly confident that we’re going to be an excellent pilot for the community aspect of the rollout, and from that, I’d like to thank one and all, I’d like to thank the interpreters and the language channels and I would very much like to thank each and every one of you for giving up your valuable volunteer time to share this call with us so close to many of you traveling. When you do travel, travel safe and I look forward to seeing you in Brussels. Bye for now.

Carol Cornell: Thank you. Bye bye.

-End of recorded material-