APRALO Monthly Meeting 15.03.26 Action Items
APRALO Monthly Meeting 15.03.26 Action Items
- Siranush Vardanyan to send us the list of Webinars to Silvia and Ariel to put on the wiki page for all APRALO members to review and comment.
- 2. ALSes to provide input on the At Large Review. holly.raiche to send the link and will ask people to provide input.
- 3. Survey to be extended till March 31; Ariel Liang to coordinate with Maureen and reach out to individual ALSes that didn't complete the survey
- 4. Spotlight to be re-launched. Silvia Vivanco to send a reminder to ALSes to volunteer for Spotlight., it was agreed that the Spotlight will be very short lasting 1 minute only.
- 5. Maureen to post the CROPP - APRICOT trip on the wiki page.