APRALO Monthly 2013-12-18 - Action Items

APRALO Monthly 2013-12-18 - Action Items

1. MOU with APNIC.-  APRALO will have the whole month of January to send comments.

holly.raiche to send document to Silvia Vivanco to be posted on the WIKI page and to  the mail list for comments.

Goal: To have the official signature of the APNIC agreement in Singapore.


2.  Siranush Vardanyan to request a volunteer for the Spotlight 


3.  Siranush Vardanyan to send an email on  the WG ROP Charter seeking a consensus.


4.  ICANN 49th Singapore - APRALO will be in the lanyard. Siranush informed Emani obtained budget for the lanyars. Siranush Vardanyan to ask Emani to move forward.


5. Singapore meeting - Multi-stakeholder forum on consumer metrics holly.raiche to request ideas from APRALO members on the mail list.


6.  Silvia Vivanco to post the approximate amount for catering budget on the WIKI page a. With this information, Holly and other members of the OC can reach out to APNIC and others for Sponsorhip.


7.  Maureen - to consolidate comments on ALAC Metrics -  The deadline to submit comments is January 8th. (Before the next metrics meeting)


8.  Siranush Vardanyan to request a third member for the FBSC: send a message to the mailist


9. Siranush Vardanyan to ask the region to decide what events are going to take place in the Region and the members  who may want to be there and send message to CROPP.


10. Silvia Vivanco include the details of  2 hrs for the GA with interpretation for ATLAS II meeting in London.


11. Julia Charvolen to send a  doodle to APRALO for the last Tuesday of January.