ALAC ExCom 07.08.12 Teleconference
ALAC Executive Committee Teleconference
Date: Tuesday, 07 August 2012
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 UTC . For the time in various timezones click here
Meeting Number: AL.EXCO/CC.0812/1
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Participants: Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL), Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO), Tijani Ben Jemaa (TBJ), Evan Leibovitch (EL ), Alan Greenberg (AG), Rinalia Abdul Rahim (RAR), Julie Hammer (JH), Carlton Samuels (CS)
Apologies: Sebastien Bacollet (SB)
Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Silvia Vivanco (SV), Matt Ashtiani (MA), Gisella Gruber (GG)
Summary Minutes:ALAC ExCom 07.08.12 Summary Minutes
Action Items: ALAC ExCom 07.08.12 Action Items
Chat: ALAC ExCom 07.08.12 Chat
Recording: English
Interpretation: No interpretation for this meeting
Transcript: ALAC ExCom 07.08.12 Transcript
Standing Agenda Items
1. Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 minutes)
2. Review of Action Items from 25 July 2012 ExCom Meeting - Olivier (15 minutes)
3. Policy Advice Development Page -- Tijani, Olivier (20 minutes)
See: ICANN Public Comment page
a. Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:
i. Preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Protection of International Organization Names in New gTLDS
ii. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part C Policy Development Process Initial Report - Vote closed 24 July
iii. IDN Prioritization in the New gTLD Program Targeted at the ICANN Board - Adopted and sent to the Board
iv. ALAC Statement Endorsing the IPC's Statement on the .com Renewal and Thick Whois - Sent to IPC Chair Steve Metalitz
v. Request for Community Input on Formulation of 2013-2016 Strategic Plan - Submitted. Vote closing soon.
vi. Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT) Final Report - Adopted and submitted.
b. Statements currently being voted on or reviewed by the ALAC
i. Request for Community Input on SAC054 - Domain Name Registration Data Model - Comments requested through 23 August.
c. Current open policy forums:
i. Proposed Modifications to GNSO Operating Procedures - No Statement is to be produced. PC Comment Period closes 30 July; Reply Period closes 20 August
ii. .name Registry Agreement Renewal - No Statement is to be produced. Period closes 2 August; Reply Period closes 23 August
iii. Locking of a Domain Name Subject to UDRP Proceedings - Comment Period closes 15 August. Reply Period closes 5 September.
iv. Preliminary Issue Report on Uniformity of Contracts to Address Registration Abuse - Comment Period closes 15 August. Reply Period closes 5 September. AG has indicated that the ALAC not submit a statement for this PC.
Items for Discussion
4. Discussion of Toronto ALAC Meetings and Agendas - Olivier and Staff (20 minutes)
See: At-Large Toronto Workspace, including the At-Large Toronto Meeting Agendas
See: ICANN Toronto Meeting page
See: Venue - Westin Harbour Castle
5. Topics for the August ALAC Meeting - Olivier (10 min)
a. SOI update - At-Large Statements of Interest wiki page
6. Any other Business - Olivier (5 minutes)