ALAC ExCom 26.09.12 Summary Minutes

ALAC ExCom 26.09.12 Summary Minutes

ALAC ExCom Meeting
Wednesday 26 September 2012 at 1300 UTC
Summary Minutes and Action Items

1.  Roll call and apologies - Staff gave the roll call.

  • Roll call was held.

2. Review of Action Items from the 25 September 2012 ALAC Meeting and the Action Items from 17 September 2012 ExCom call - Olivier (15 minutes)

  • Action Items were updated as necessary.
  • ALAC AIs
  • SOI updates - OCL noted members are beginning to update their SOIs.
  • ExCom AIs
  • The ALAC to discuss SOIs during the next ALAC meeting - closed
  • Evan to discuss R3 - closed
  • New ExCom AIs
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond and Matt Ashtiani to work together on the Questions for Toronto.
  • AI: Staff to send another reminder to add questions to the Toronto question wiki pages today.
  • Wiki page is to be set up for the Topics for Policy Issue Briefs and publicized.

3.  Policy Advice Development

a. Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

  • SSAC Report on Dotless Domains - Adopted
  • ALAC Statement on the URS Status - Status to be discussed

b. Statements currently being voted on or reviewed by the ALAC

  • APRALO Statement on Prioritization of IDN gTLD Applications in the New gTLD Program  - No update on this. Staff to follow up with APRALO.
  • At-Large RRR WG – RAA Section 3.7.8 Modification - Garth to move ahead.
  • EL: Discussion on this on the RRR WG list. A bit of a wait and see attitude among the members given the new position of Compliance in ICANN's organization. Re 3.7.8 has been a focus.
  • R3 Paper - ALAC voting on it.

c. Current open policy forums:

  • DSSA Working Group Phase 1 Report   - OCL - some attempt to have questions. Even if it is a short answer that gives support to the DSSA WG work.
  • Draft Recommendations Overall Policy for the Selection of IDN ccTLD Strings - Comment Period closes 18 October - Edmon Chung suggested to proceed with a simple response commending the work and reiterating the importance of IDN TLDs.  - The IDN WG is currently working on this. Rinalia has a draft statement ready. She is awaiting Edmon's input before putting to the IDN WG.
  • Community Input Draft 2013-2016 Strategic Plan  - TBJ volunteers to draft an initial statement. This topic will be discussed under the "Hot Topics" on Sunday afternoon in Toronto.
  • AI: Staff to send a note to the ALAC and At-Large regional leaders that they should read the draft Strategic Plan and the draft ALAC statement before arriving in Toronto, as it will be discussed in Toronto.

4. Review of the ALAC Meeting of 25 September 2012 - Olivier (15 minutes)

  • EL: I hope this is the right place to say, one of the things that was not mentioned but I think needs to be on our agenda is, despite the Strategic Plan, there is still a large amount of capacity that needs to happen in ICANN. There are very important issues that At-Large/ALAC are not being invited to or considered in - RAA Amendments. The GAC is invited to some of these while we have not been invited.
  • OCL: No, this is the right place to note this.
  • EL: The optics are horrible, so anything to change the inertia of this if welcomed.
  • EL: One of the requests is that ALAC been allowed to send an observer to ICANN's traveling road shows. Also, not only ourselves, but also other observers, have asked to observe the negotiations between ICANN and its contracted parties.
  • OCL: I suggest we put this on the agenda for the meeting with the new CEO and the Board
  • OCL: I think the high level meeting with the GAC will be particularly important.
  • OCL: The only question is, who will spend the rest of the day during its open sessions? There was a suggestion the Yrjo do so.
  • TBJ: If Yrjo can do it, it would be very good. Otherwise, we need to organize ourselves so we have someone there during the whole day. Perhaps we could share it amongst the members of the ExCom or ALAC.
  • EL: Has the day been set up so we can send people?
  • OCL: An agenda was sent out.
  • EL: I think we need to stack our participating during ICANN and Global Participation. I think that one is explicitly relevant to us.
  • AI: Olivier to distribute the GAC High Level agenda.
  • TBJ:I want to comment on what Evan said. Session 2 is very important but only governments can attend, we cannot attend.
  • OCL: I think that Yrjo was suggested as the observer - if we can have someone there.

5. Discussion of Toronto ALAC Agendas and Collection of Questions - Olivier and Staff (15 minutes)

a. Review of agendas

  • The agendas were reviewed

b. Collection of questions for various meetings:

  • The requests for comments were sent out.

c. High Level Meeting - 15 October

  • This meeting was reviewed.
  • OCL: Perhaps, having seen the preparation of the GAC for this meeting, we may suggest that we have a more formal go between for the ALAC and the GAC. Perhaps a liaison.
  • TBJ: I agree with you and this is the right time to raise it.
  • OCL: If there is absolute opposition from it, we are likely to hear about it during that breakfast.
  • OCL: I think there is an absolute will for this position on the ALAC and that this breakfast would be a good point for us to make this suggestion.
  • OCL: Topics - (1) the topic of GAC and ALAC being able to talk to each other more often through the use of a liaison and (2) open for discussions
  • EL: The issue of the objection process and what was considered objectionable. Depending up what the GAC wanted we could deal with this issue.
  • OCL: Without thinking too deeply about it and just for brainstorming purposes: 1) WCIT 2) Red Cross vs. IOC 3) new gTLD Objections or WHOIS

6. Any other Business - Olivier (5 minutes)

  • There was no other business.