ALAC ExCom Summary Minutes 2012-12-21
ALAC ExCom Summary Minutes 2012-12-21
ALAC ExCom meeting
Friday 21 December 2012
Summary Minutes
1. Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 minutes)
- Roll call was held.
2. Review of Action Items from the Toronto Meeting - Olivier (10 minutes)
- The action items were reviewed and updated as necessary. Additional information can be found here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99546433/At-Large+and+ALAC+Action+Items+14-19+October+Toronto+Meeting
- The action items from the ALAC Monthly Teleconference were noted. The actions items can be found here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99545733/ALAC+2012.12.20+-+Action+Items+EN
- EL: I think the webinar should be led by Olivier.
- CS: I think the webinar should be led by Olivier.
- CLO: I think the webinar should be led by Olivier.
- EL: I think that if we are looking for a different sort of opinion, we may wish to reach out to Milton.
3. Policy Advice Development Page -- Tijani, Olivier (20 minutes)
- a. Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:
- i. ALAC Statement on the ICANN Consolidated Meetings Strategy Proposal - the ALAC adopted on 24 November 2012 - the ALAC adopted on 24 November 2012
- ii. ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant TLD Program – Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels - the ALAC adopted on 26 November 2012
- ii. ALAC Statement on the Expired Registration Recovery Policy - the ALAC adopted on 7 December 2012
- iii. ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant TLD Program – Interim Report Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs - the ALAC adopted on 13 December 2012
- b. Statements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC
- i. ALAC Demarche to ICANN - the ALAC to vote during this meeting
- ii. Trademark Clearinghouse "Strawman Solution" - Currently being drafted. Comment Period extended to 15 January 2013. - Alan and Evan to work on this Statement
- c. Currently Open Public Comments
- i. Proposed Modification of GNSO PDP Manual to Address the Suspension of a PDP - No Statement - Comment period closed 12 November 2012; Reply period closes 3 December 2012
- ii. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part C Policy Development Process (PDP) Recommendations for Board Consideration - No Statement
- iii. Expert Recommended Improvements to ICANN's Accountability Structures - No Statement
- iv. Application for New GNSO Constituency Candidacy-"Public Internet Access/Cybercafe Ecosystem" - Comment period closed 17 November 2012; Reply period closes 17 December 2012 - No Statement
- v. Preliminary Issue Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part D - Comment period closes 14 December; Reply period closes 4 January 2013. No Statement
- vi. At-Large White Paper on Future Challenges Entitled Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected
- vii. Consultation on IANA Secure Notification Process - Comment period closes on 10 January 2013; Reply period closes 31 January 2013. - ALAC to send a message to the ASO re ALAC should statement.
- viii. Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in all gTLDs (IGO-INGO) - ExCom to discuss. Updated version to be sent to ALAC-Announce. (see agenda item 5)
- ix. Statement on WCIT Outcomes
- x. Consultation on Internet Number Resources Performance Standards - Comment period closed 11 December; Reply period closes 7 January 2013.
- xi. Consultation on the IANA Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process. Comment period closed 18 December; Reply period closes 9 January 2013.
4. Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in all gTLDs - Update - Olivier (10 minutes)
- AG: Given that we have relatively active representation in this group, I think the ALAC needs to weigh in on this issue unless we are willing to be silent on the outcome. At the very least, we need to make a substantive Statement on this PC.
- RAR: I have followed up with Jovan Kurbalija on this issue as well.
5. Follow Up of the ALAC Meeting of 20 December - Olivier (15 minutes)
- a. At-Large travel support and dates of departure.
- OCL: I agree and sympathize with Tijani on this issue. I do not think that we need a Statement on this issue, but that a letter to the Board Chair and CEO would be more appropriate.
- TBJ: I do think that if we have to write a letter, the CEO must be informed. I think that this point must be solved indefinitely. I have been dealing with this issue for quite some time now.
- TBJ: The ExCom traditional departed on Saturday, the day has now changed. It needs to be understood that if we work on one day, we need to be cleared to travel the next day.
- AG: I don't think this is the responsibility of the Board. I also think we need to make a case to the CEO. Travel must go beyond departure dates.
- CS: I support Tijani. I want to beyond departure dates. When making a transcontinental flight, the expectation that I will arrive at midnight and start working at 9 am is unworkable. There are a whole set of issues that need to included in this effort. Particularly, the arrival and departure of volunteers so they make work effectively and efficiently.
- CLO: I agree with what has been said, but I would also remind you that there is someone specifically in charge of stakeholder engagement. Perhaps it would be best to talk to Steve Antonoff, Sally Costerton, and Xavier Calvez.
- TBJ: I think a letter is best, not a Statement.
- AI: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, with the assistance of Tijani Ben Jemaa, is to compose a letter on travel support that will be sent to Sally Costerton, CCing the PPC and Steve Antonoff.
- SB: The fact that the Board didn't have ay meetings on Friday was not something that should have changed the work of the ALAC. I meet Sally quite often as she is now in charge of the PPC. Would you like me to first follow up with Sally before a letter is written.
- AG: I think that Sebastien is free to advocate for us and we truly appreciate it. However, we need to bring the issue and not just specific issues to the front.
- b. Follow from report of GNSO Liaison - Action points
- The current GNSO update is available here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/GNSO+Liaison+Reports
6. Any other Business - Olivier (3 minutes)
- a. Staff update on the Beijing Events
- HU: We now have 19/25 ALSes that have confirmed their attendance at the meeting.
- b. ICANN Meetings
- SB: Progress was made at the last Board Meeting on this issue.
- c. Connectivity in Beijing
- EL: I am concerned about connectivity in Beijing
- AG: The venue will be open, the hotel cannot be guaranteed.
- d. Public Comments
- RAR: There are many PCs closing very close to the break. Are there any plans for addressing this issue?
- SB: I will follow up with the PPC.
- OCL: If need be, we can ask for an extension.