7 April 2008
Summit Working Group Teleconference
Date: 07 April 2008
Time: 2000 UTC (Please note that UTC is not the same as Western European time this month because of daylight savings time. For the time in various timezones click here)
Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 07 April 2008
Action Items: Action Items 07 April 2008
Recording: http://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/Summit-WG-07-04-2008.mp3
Dial-Outs: none at present
If a free phone number doesn't exist below for your country, send an email to staff@atlarge.icann.org to request that the conference service dial out to you.
- Introduction and welcome (CLO) - 2 mins
- Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
- Review of activity since the last meeting
- Any other Business
Remote Participation Details
Ms Vanda Scartezini
Ms Veronica Cretu
If you are in a country without a toll-free number (see list below), please use the form at http://go.adigo.com/go/outlink.php?sid=7298. You will then get a dial-out to attend remotely. IMPORTANT: please precede your country code with 011 instead of 00. The dialer will only be able to ring you if you use 011.
The operators will call you approximately 10 minutes before the meeting starts. Please make sure you are ready to accept the call. The audio quality of the teleconference is greatly improved if participants use landlines instead of mobile telephones.
If you have a problem during the call, please send an IM to the Adigo call operator at AOL/AIM ID: d4500
Access Code: 1638
Toll-Free Access Numbers
USA & Canada: Toll-Free (North America Only): +1 (800) 550-6865 / USA Toll: +1 (213) 233-3193