03 June 2008
Summit Working Group Teleconference
Date: 03 June 2008
Time: 2000 UTC. For the time in various timezones click here
Meeting Number: AL.SU/CC.0603/1
Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 03 June 2008
Action Items: Action Items 03 June 2008
Recording: https://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/summit-wg-03-06-2008.mp3
Dial-outs: none at the moment
Interpretation: none
- Introduction and welcome (CLO) - 2 mins
- Approval of the Summary Minutes 13 May 2008
- Review of the Action Items 13 May 2008
- Discuss Agenda of the Summit PrepCom Meeting in Paris
- Any other Business
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The following should be added to the agenda:
(1) In an email dated 19 May Nick Ashton-Hart advised: "Therefore, if the working group wishes to put a revised proposal together for the Paris board meeting (which you are of course not obligated to do, but since the previous version of the proposal was predicated upon the Summit being held in Paris, it is now rather out of date), it would be extremely helpful for me to have it in hand on or before 10th June 2008." Without a specific fully detailed proposal to accompany the budget request being tendered to the ICANN Board, the chances of actually being budgeted three-quarters of a million dollars are slim (all the moreso in view of Director Beca's stated opposition to this Summit). Who is working on the update, and when will it be ready for review? Does the initial drafting team have something ready for us to examine?
(2) In view of the recent addition of new ALSs, the last set of Summit budget figures are now out of date. Who will be revising these figures?
(3) Need a status report on the responses to the "List of Open Questions produced by ICANN Staff". Have there been a sufficient number of responses to indicate that there is still interest in this project? If the interest has waned, perhaps the Summit should be postponed further or cancelled.
(4) Having noted that the IGF has received 104 Workshop proposals, I am concerned with the logistics of a Summit if a call for WorkShop Proposals/Papers has not yet gone forth... how is ICANN Staff to plan room space if we don't know how many presentations will be delivered by the ALSs, or how many speakers will need to be accomodated, or if room sizes and availability will be sufficient. The IGF scheduled their Call for Workshops a full nine months prior to their Hyderabad session to properly deal with logistical concerns. Shouldn't a similar degree of planning be evident for the Summit if we are to ask for the huge amount of money that this event will require?
(5) When is the policy survey scheduled to be released?
(6) Which ALAC members have taken responsibility for preparing which policy briefs? I know that Evan is working on this... who else is contributing?
regards to all – Danny
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-05-30 19:57:36 GMT