27 October 2009 - APRALO Summary Minutes

27 October 2009 - APRALO Summary Minutes

APRALO 27th October Seoul Meeting Minutes

Present: *Karaitiana Taiuru, Pavan Budhrani, Rajnesh Singh, Heidi, Matthias, Nick, Cheryl,
Edmon, Vivek, Izumi, Ada, Evelyn, Matthew, Richard, Jung Yun Kim, James Sing, Hong*

Apologies: Siva

Karaitiana got the meeting underway by introducing the new ALS to everyone here,
they were the OSIA from South Korea and now officially onboard.

Representative from OSIA told everyone to look at their website and their
introduction part was now in English and he said very soon the whole website would
also have an English version.

The same representative then gave a presentation about his ALS and what they are
all about. The main points from his presentation were that they were very active to
contribute to domestic and international standards and have been doing so for a
long time. They are also very active in the future of the internet on issues such as
IPV6 and others so it would be a great time to enter APRALO.

Cheryl said that while she was happy to see a new ALS joining the APRALO, they
would be able to bring their expertise and contribute to this region but also from an
ALAC perspective, Cheryl said that the new ALS would be on her mind when she is in
every ICANN meeting and will mention them.

Next agenda item was to introduce the new members who have been re‐elected and
the first one was Cheryl and the next was the new IDN liaison who was James and he
was asked to give a brief introduction of himself.

James said he had been working on IDN related matters for a long time since 1999,
he has attended many ICANN meetings since then and giving his feedback to the IDN

Next was Vivek and he was the dean in a law school in India, he said he was in the
process of setting up a new society called the internet society of Calcutta. Also
for ALAC, he said he attended and presented at the Bangalore, which was a major summit.
Cyber Security Summit at.

Next the chair told everyone they were in the process of looking into the application
of another ALS from Pakistan, we will be waiting to hear back from the staff about
the due diligence and hope to have them onboard soon too.

Then the meeting moved on to the updates in the Seoul meeting and the
microphone was going to be passed to Pavan, Cheryl and James.

Cheryl said that the imminent acceptance of fast track of CC IDN TLD will be a huge
moment. With the new gTLD coming around, we need to have a bigger voice to show
our opinion, reason why it is important, give ICANN an Asian prespective on things
related to this is hugely important too.

Cheryl mentioned there were also issues related to consumers with relation to the
RAA registrar agreement and right now around 86% of the registrars have signed up
for it.

Cheryl also mentioned how she wanted more of the ALAC and At Large community
to be part of other meetings around ICANN and GNSO to find out more on what is
happening there and give some ALAC advice.

Cheryl also mentioned about the RAA agreement and although the version was the
2009 copy, there were still some loopholes which needed more protection for the
end users. For example when his domain name is going to expire, he knows when he
renews it and not knows about it when the domain name is going to auction.
Pavan talked about when he was at the gTLD meeting and said it was the time issue.
It would be hard for end users to be able to draft any long term plan for this not
knowing when the idea will actually go ahead and when this cannot be handled,
their other plans cannot go on and they will be burning more money at the moment
on promotion and others.

Next James gave his update; IDN CCTLD will be given the green light on the 16
November and that is very good news for the whole of ICANN. There will be around
50 applications for this soon so hopefully they will see some soon.

Hong was online and gave her feedback on several ICANN issues. First was the IRT
issue, she said there was some good news in the 3
controversial parts has been removed. the proposal was open for comment and
Hong hopes after the feedback from staff and representatives from APRALO, it led to
the changed version of the draft and more of this is desired.

Izumi wanted to make a point about the fast track and comment on what James had
to say. He said the IDN CC fast track would make sense in places like in Hong Kong
and China where it is controlled by one organisation but not in Japan and also an
interesting point about the city names, would they be implemented in their own
languages too in the near future.

Vivek said whatever Hong said was of great inspiration and we should all take the
lead to see which areas we can work together and he suggested working with Hong
more on issues.

Hong said that was a good idea and it would be a good idea to be part of the GNSO
discussion since they are close to the board and trademark issues would be easier.
Also Hong mentioned that the domain name task force would have their meeting the
next day and it would be a good idea for Vivek to be part of that meeting to give
some input on copyright issues.

Moving along to the next agenda item, it was about at‐large voting board director.
Cheryl mentioned how it was very important to get some regional advice and to
agree on the mechanism to elect this new member

Next was the at‐large implementation plan and Cheryl said it was discussed on many
meetings before and finally put into place with the help of the staff. It was going to
be very directed to the RALO’.

The next item on the agenda was for increased participation in APRALO, be it for the
meetings every month or for general comments to ICANN issues. KT said one
important thing is if we believe in what we are doing and only then we will be able to
go to our friends and say would you like to join APRALO, one thing we need to work
on is why do we convince people to join APRALO.

Vivek had similar concerns, he said people around Bangalore would not even know
what ICANN is and it was important to reach out to these people. He suggested we
started an electronic newsletter of some sorts very soon to reach out to these

Heidi mentioned that there was going to be a secretariat meeting the next day
where the leaders of all RALO’ would come together and discuss ways to reach out
better and it would be a good idea for Pavan and KT to bring those back to the
APRALO meeting and see if there were anyways that could work for APRALO.

On a second note she mentioned how in the At‐Large implementation note, there
would be some parts about education and engaging the ALS and that would be very
important and any updates on that will be discussed with the people from APRALO.

Another idea was from the pacific where it was mentioned how hard it was to get
people interested in what APRALO and ALAC do and he said one method which was
discussed in the morning was for being part of more university and science subjects
to get more people aware of this at an early age.

Heidi wanted to bring to everyone’ attention was about the fellowship program and
for Nairobi, the deadline was going to be on the 6 of November, good news was that ALS were okay to apply for that and could be an avenue to get some of the ALS
to join the meetings in person.

that ALS were okay to apply for that and could be an avenue to get some of the ALS
to join the meetings in person.

Next was about the outreach and Cheryl was quick to point out that we need to be
quick to change the strategic plans into operational plans so the budget and logistics
can be taken care of as soon as possible. Another consideration would be to rank the
coming meetings coming up of high, medium or low priority and then see how many
people would be needed there.

Another area was the working groups, like the one for RAA, Cheryl said she was
getting fed up that there was so much North American influence and she wanted
more of an Asian voice there.

Next was the updates of ALAC and Vivek decided to take this agenda item. He
thought that ALAC had a good Sunday session where everyone shared their
thoughts, on issues such as gTLD and others. He said it was a good idea to get
different people to go around different meetings on Monday and get feedback.
Cheryl made a quick note that the buses for tonights meeting will be leaving around

Pavan introduced the NetMission Ambassadors to APRALO and they were ready to
give their presentation about youth, elderly and housewives using the internet.
Everyone was touched by the presentation of Netmission which really talked about
how to reach out to different groups that we never really had in our mind such as
targeting the young people less than 8 years old and then the elderly population and
also the housewives and finding ways to get more of them online and aware of what
is happening. They would be applying to become an ALS soon and Heidi would contact and assist
them if they had any issues.

Meeting ended at 2pm local time.