03 March 2009 GA Summary Minutes

03 March 2009 GA Summary Minutes

Present: Karaitiana Taiuru, Les Allison, Sophie, Phoebe, Cheryl, Izumi, Nirmol, Siva, Viv, Holly, Hong, Arab, Guest from Korea ALS

Online: Pavan, Edmon, Staff

Apologies for lateness : Hong Xue

Absent: Keith Davidson - InternetNZ

Unable to attend (due to technical or logistical issues): Nguyen Thu Hue - Vietnam

Siva, Sophie and Izumi will form a WG to provide a detailed report to ICANN on the need for multilingualism on APRALO outreach material which including at least a bilingual web site in English and Chinese. It was unanimously agreed that this is hindering APRALO outreach and the facts were raised that English is in fact the minority language in the AP region. Only two people present in the meeting spoke English as a first language.

Section 6.4 Quorum was changed to 1/3 of membership.

It was agreed to introduce a Proxy system into the APRALO articles. Furthermore a template was agreed upon.

Cheryl assumed the role of Chair for the election of the new Chair. Karaitiana Taiuru was unanimously elected as the Chairperson of APRALO. Karaitiana appointed ISOC HK as the secretariat.

Les Allison (Fiji) and Mohamud (Gordon) were appointed as Vice Chairs. Les was appointed for one year and Mohumud for two years.

Section 5.2 Two vice-chairpersons shall be selected. For the fiscal year 2009-2010, one for a period of one year and another for a period of two years.Thereupon each vice chairperson e selected will serve for a period of two years. New 5.3 -The selection process of APRALO representatives to ALAC, Chairperson of APRALO and Vice Chairpersons of APRALO shall be concluded by June 30th of the relevant year of filling up the position.The existing 5.3 and other sections are serially re-numbered after the new 5.3

It was unanimously agreed to utilise SKYPE for alternative monthly meetings with the goal of fact gathering to ascertain if Skype is to be used for all meetings. The reasons for this is the number of issues that many people cannot dial in and that ICANN have not assigned free phone numbers to some of the region’s largest countries both developed (New Zealand) and large (India). It is also intended that Skype can be used for text messages prior to the monthly meeting.

Agenda items not covered which will form the first part of next month’s agenda.

  1. Review of ALS application procedures
  2. Formalize and agree outcomes of remaining issues of APRALO survey (i.e., meeting style and GA WG questions)
  3. Preparation for the coming ICANN meetings in AP region (Izumi)