Action Items 23 March 2010
Action Items 23 March 2010
Action Items from 23rd March 2010 meeting
- Hong will get in contact with James and make the APRALO Draft Statement for the Proposed Implementation Plan for Synchronized IDN ccTLDs
- An IDN Working Group call will be organized on the 8th or the 9th of April to talk about the Statements on the open IDN consultations
- Pavan, Matthias and KT will have a meeting later this week to talk about brochure and Seminar for all ALS'es
- Pavan will follow up with APNIC to see if Friday the 26th of March or Friday the 9th of April would be a better time for the training session
- An email will be sent out to ask people to submit their ideas and comment on suggestions from others on a wiki pages.