Action Items 24 June 2008
Action items from Paris APRALO Meeting
1.Quorum Issue
Discussions took place at the very few chances we had over the past few meetings to have Quorum. Suggestions were made to lower the Quorum number for different meetings so there could be some substantiality at meetings. Other suggestions were to have an online APRALO meeting use Skype which could increase participation.
2.IGF Proposal
Hong led the discussions about this. Suggestions were made to merge proposals with other proposals as long as our objectives of IDN and translation are clearly articulated. Some members were going to talk with Paul about this as well so that ICANN knows.
3.Frederick’s Questionnaires
Frederick said he had sent out 14 questionnaires but only 2 had been sent back with replies. He urged all members to do it as soon as possible.
4.New ALS from China
Edmon had to send an email out to the list discussing the due diligence for the new ALS which was CDNUA.