Action Items 28 July 2009

Action Items 28 July 2009

  1. Regional leaders should check their email for voting instructions and get them sorted ASAP
  2. APRALO already had AGM in Mexico so there will not be one in Seoul
  3. Due Diligence for the Korean ALS
  4. List of people traveling to Seoul, need to let staff know soon, so they can arrange travel arrangements
  5. Meeting with Kevin and Steve for for travel support
  6. Heidi to send email out for a cross RALO Secretariat meeting
  7. Any news from NIDA about Korean meeting in ICANN being in Korean
  8. Nick to give update about the calender idea, where people can type in which meeting they are attending
  9. Heidi to give update on WIKI idea, where we can see what other people have commented on