Action Items 22 June Extraordinary APRALO Meeting
Action Items 22 June Extraordinary APRALO Meeting
Action items from meeting
> 1. Pavan to work with Heidi and Matthias on translation issues for the brochure in Chinese and other Asian languages
> 2. Since the meeting turned into an extraordinary meeting, items from the agenda item would be carried forward to the next meeting.
> 3. Pavan on request of Fouad is to locate where the brochures have been distributed and see where it can distributed the next time.
> 4. Pavan to work with APRALO representatives to design the new brochure for next quarter, in time for the next meeting in Columbia
> 5. Pavan is going to work with staff on the formal voting procedure for the other vice chair position
> 6. Raj to inform APRALO who is going to have voting rights for the PICISOC region.