28 February 2007

28 February 2007

Asia Pacific Regional Meeting

A meeting for AP ALSes will be held as follows:

DATE: 28th February 2007

PLACE: Surabaya Room, Bali International Conference Centre

TIMES: 0900 - 1800 Local Time


DRAFT Minutes: Minutes 28Feb07 28FEB07%20Bali%20Meeting%20Minutes.doc



AP-2007-1-3%20EN%20Draft%20Operating%20Principles.pdf Google Docs Version

AP-2007-1-2%20EN%20Draft%20MoU.pdf Google Docs Version


Please see the APRALO Organising Documents page for the MSWord versions of documents AP/2007/1/2 and AP/2007/1/3.

Draft Agenda

1. Opening of the session

2. Welcome

3. Election of a Chair

4. Adoption of the agenda

5. Concluding the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ICANN to form APRALO

6. Concluding the Operating Principles of the Region

7. Discussion and Election of 2 Representatives to the At-Large Advisory Committee

8. Discussion of Issues of Current Debate and Work Programme for 2007

9. Discussion of the Upcoming Asian ICANN Meeting in 2007

10. Any Other Business

11. Closing of the session

Videoconference Participation Instructions

Remote Participation via Internet-based Videoconferencing will be available to those representatives from the AP region who are unable to attend in person. The instructions for attending in this way are as follows:

There are 2 ways to enter the meeting room.

1 - Java Webstart (The preferred method)

Click the following link which will automatically install the Marratech
client: http://uk.emeetingportal.com/launch.jsp?sid=537

When prompted enter the user details:
Username: spamcop
Password: spamcop

This will take you into the virtual meting room.

2 - Installed client

Download the installation file from our website:
www.marratech.com/download and install in the usual manner

Open Marratech, select 'Marratech Meetings' / 'UK & France'

Login on the left hand side with the above details and your room will
appear at the bottom of the list under 'Private Rooms' - click to enter.