Action Items 23 February 2010

Action Items 23 February 2010

  1. Karaitiana and Pavan to send an email to the ALS'es of APRALO to ask them to comment on the White Paper(http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#at-large-director)
  2. Cheryl to ask the ALAC meeting tonight about the application of .cn in the IDN Fast track and see why it has not made the next round. If not, it will be a topic at the Kenya meeting.
  3. Hong suggested that Cheryl be on the AOC review panel and it was agreed by everyone on APRALO.
  4. Cheryl suggested some Asia Pacific members be part of the At-Large Board Selection Committee and Rajnesh and Hong were to be on this committee too.
  5. Karaitiana and Pavan to email the APRALO and ALS about participating more to be in working groups of coming up ICANN topics.
  6. A separate meeting be arranged for APRALO on integrating the ALS’es more towards the APRALO and if there should be some kind of mentoring program for that. And to set a minimum number of meetings they should attend.
  7. About the RAA agreement for non lawyers, it was suggested to push it out to the mailing list and ask for comment on translation issues.
  8. Pavan to contact KT for the presentation to be sent to Raj and also Heidi will be contacted to send the flow chart to Raj for presentation purposes.