6 February 2008 TR
APRALO SocialText Wiki "101" Training
Date: 6 February 2008
Time: 0500 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Recording: Available 72 Hours after end of session
Agenda is in draft form until adoption at the beginning of the meeting.
Documents are linked for download next to the agenda items they belong to where available
- SocialText Wiki training by Yan Sun
Remote Access Details
NOTE: You will need to be at an Internet-connected computer in order to participate. Both WebEx and Voice connections are required for this session.
WebEx Access Details
Please follow these easy steps to join the WebEx meeting:
1) Please note the meeting password: asiapac
2) Click on the link below to join the meeting. (If prompted for security warning, please select "Yes".) https://ukmeeting.webex.com/ukmeeting/j.php?ED=103099897&UID=0
3) If prompted for a meeting number enter : 703 675 713
Telephony Access Details
Dial-Outs Scheduled
Scheduled: N Agarwal
If you require a dial-out to attend remotely because there is no toll-free number in the country you will be in at the time of the meeting, please use the form at http://go.adigo.com/go/outlink.php?sid=7298. IMPORTANT: Precede your country code in the form with 011 and not 00 or the dialer will not be able to ring you.
If you have a problem during the call, please send an IM to the Adigo call operator at AOL/AIM ID: d4500
Access Code: 1638
Toll-Free Access Numbers
USA: Toll-Free (North America Only): +1 (800) 550-6865 / USA Toll: +1 (213) 233-3193