Action Items 03 June 2008

Action Items 03 June 2008

1) Hong mentioned about the IGF proposal being sent already. Adam said that it would be a good idea to have some proposals merged. Hong asks everyone to look at proposals from the website http://www.intgovforum.org/workshops_08/wrkshplist.php and see which were good to merge with and reach out to them.

2) Cheryl suggested to look into having a face to face in Paris for APRALO. Pavan would ask ICANN staff about it and update everyone.

3) Frederic mentioned about the Chinese ALS whose website could not be accessed out of the region. He suggested waiting for the Olympic Games to end and see if the problem still persisted.

4) Hong brought up the Quorum issue and says it is important to get more participation.

5) Items from last Actions Items such as Budget items and the possibility for ALAC to do something related to IDN in Paris have not been answered.