23 March 2010
Monthly APRALO Teleconference 2010
Date: 23 March 2010
Time: 05:00 - 06:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0310/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Summary Minutes:
Action Items: Action Items 23 March 2010
Audio Stream: English
*Adobe Connect Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/apralo*
Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting.
Documents are linked for download next to the agenda items they belong to where available.
Members are requested to refrain from inserting explanatory text next to the agenda item in the interests of readability. If you could simply create a new page and insert the link to that page next to the item in question, that would be most helpful
Standing Agenda Items
1. Roll Call and Apologies (if any) (2 minutes)
2. Review of February 23 Summary Minutes (2 minutes)
3. Review of the Action Items 23 February 2010 (5 minutes)
4. Current Open Public Consultations (5 minutes)
- All currently open ICANN public consultations
- ALAC Statements will be prepared for the following consultations:
>> Proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Plan and Budget(ends 1 Apr 10)
>> Draft Report on WHOIS Accuracy(ends 15 Apr 10)
>> IDN 3 Character(ends 1 April 10)
Proposed Agenda Items
5. Review of ICANN Conference in Nairobi (Cheryl, Vivek, Leslie, Charles, Hong)(10 minutes)
Background information:
6. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process* (Hong, Cheryl)(10 minutes)
- 6.1) Review of the discussion with the Chairs of the Board Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) and the Board Governance Committee (BGC) SIC in Nairobi (see: http://nbo.icann.org/node/8933)
- 6.2) Review of Next Steps of the At-Large Board Selection process
Proposed Date |
At-Large Director Appointment Process Milestones |
Status |
February 15-Mar 152010 |
Public Call for Statements of Interest (SOI) / applications from candidates. |
open |
February 23, 2010 |
ALAC Meeting confirms/ endorses ABSC Membership (see below) and ensures alldocuments and available commentary outcomes are available for the Nairobi |
done |
March-April 2010 |
Ratification by SIC and ICANN Board of the At-Large Director AppointmentProcess. Draft; distribute for comment; and approve Bylaw revision. |
open |
March-April 2010 |
ABSC review and selection based on Candidate SOIs and associated input.Throughout May First round voting on candidate list. |
open |
(see full Board Selection Process White Paper)
- 6.4 Update on the At-Large Board Selection Committee Membership
The ALAC endorsed the At-Large Board Selection Committee Membership during its meeting in Nairobi:
Region: |
Name of Candidate (put forward by RALO): |
Nomination Accepted: |
Nomination Endorsed by ALAC : |
Yaovi Atohoun |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
Baudouin Schombe |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
Hong Xue |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
Raj Singh |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
Veronica Cretu |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
Christopher Wilkinson |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
Jacqueline Morris |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
James Corbin |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
Myles Braithwaite |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
Annalisa Roger |
Yes |
11 March 2010 |
7. APRALO input for the ALAC Statement on the Draft ICANN Operating Plan and Budget FY2010/11 (Leslie, Pavan, Karaitiana) (10 minutes)
The regional input will be submitted to the ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee for the Draft ALAC Statement on the Draft ICANN Operating Plan and Budget FY2010/11.
Background Information:
- APRALO%20Status%20and%20Budget.pdf (presentation prepared by Leslie Allison)
Charles Mok suggested two additional regional events to be added to the APRALO budget request list:
(1) INET Asia in Hong Kong Apr 13-14 2010
(2) Internet Governance Forum Asia Pacific:
June 15-16 2010: Regional IGF Roundtable
June 17-18 2010: Local (Hong Kong) IGF Conference
8. Chair's report (Cheryl)(5 minutes)
9. ALAC/Liaison Updates (Cheryl, James, Vivek)(5 minutes)
The gTLD working group recently started work on the Draft ALAC Statement on the DAG 3.*