11 August 2010
APRALO In-reach Working Group Teleconference
Date: 11 August 2010
Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0810/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Summary Minutes: Minutes 11 August 2010
Action Items: Action Items 11 August 2010
Audio Stream: English
*Adobe Connect Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/apralo*
Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting.
Documents are linked for download next to the agenda items they belong to where available.
Members are requested to refrain from inserting explanatory text next to the agenda item in the interests of readability. If you could simply create a new page and insert the link to that page next to the item in question, that would be most helpful
Suggested Agenda Items
1. Roll Call and Apologies (if any) (2 minutes)
2. Discuss possible APRALO mentoring programme (Raj)(15 minutes)
2.1 Presentation of ISOC Mentoring Program (Raj)
- would a similar program be desirable and workable in APRALO?
- what would be the benchmarks for the APRALO mentoring program ?
- next steps?
3. Discuss possible Policy Issue Leadership program (Raj)(10 minutes)
When Rajnesh Singh was Chair of APRALO plans were made to establish regional policy issue leaders. Policy issue leaders would follow policy discussions, brief the region on current developments and draft the regional position where required.
3.1 Presentation of previously planned Policy Issue Leadership program (Raj)
- should we resume work on this project?
- next steps?
4. Action items from the APRALO survey, how to move forward? (Pavan, Fouad)(10 minutes)
Discuss suggested recommendations to increase participation based on the results of the ALS Survey. The recommendation will be presented at the next monthly call.
Reference Documents:
Presentation of APRALO ALS Survey results
Presentation of global ALS Survey results
5. Discuss possible APRALO Bylaw modifications (Pavan)(10 minutes)
- Do we need to revise the APRALO bylaws to include minimum ALS participation requirements and possible sanctions?
Reference Documents:
NARALO Operating Principles (PDF)(see principle 16 on ALS status)