25 November 2008
Monthly APRALO Teleconference 2008
Date: 25 November 2008
Time: 05:00 - 06:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.1108/1
Summary Minutes: Meeting Summary 25 November 2008
Action Items: Action Items 25 November 2008
Audio Stream: English (has not been uploaded yet)
Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting.
Documents are linked for download next to the agenda items they belong to where available.
Members are requested to refrain from inserting explanatory text next to the agenda item in the interests of readability. If you could simply create a new page and insert the link to that page next to the item in question, that would be most helpful
Standing Agenda Items
- Members Present and Apologies (Quorum N=5)
- Adoption of the Agenda
New Agenda Items
- Update of Vivek, Has the orientation been done already?(5)
- IGF update by Hong(10)
- Staff to update us on funding for the IGF meeting in Hyderabad.(10)
- Discussion on At-Large Summit in Mexico APRALO Role and input
Unknown macro: {via our attending ALS's and for the Regional GA}(10)
- Chair to give update on reaching out to ALS to get proper contact information.(10)
- Any news of the presentation to be done to other RALO by APRALO, perhaps a working group for this?(5)
- Vice Chair opening(10)
- AOB(10)
Hong Xue
Karaitiana Taiuru
Access Code: 1638
(see below for a list with toll free national phone numbers)
Please take note of the following information which is designed to ensure the highest quality experience for all those attending teleconferences. It is also designed to ensure that calls start on time.
DIAL-IN Information
If you are in a country with a toll-free number (see list below), please dial in using the following Teleconference ID.
Teleconference ID English: 1638
DIAL-OUT Information
If you are in a country without a toll-free number (see list below), please use one of the following two options to receive a dial-out to you:
- Use the form at http://go.adigo.com/go/outlink.php?sid=7298 to request a dial out. You will then get a dial-out to attend remotely. IMPORTANT: please precede your country code with 011 instead of 00. The dialer will only be able to ring you if you use 011. This facility is for use once a call has started. It will not work to schedule a dial-out in advance.
- You may request a dial out by sending an email to the staff@atlarge.icann.org email address. This request must be received at least 36 hours in advance of the call start time or we will be unable to process the request. If you need a last-minute dial-out, please use the URL above to request one once the conference call has started.
The operators will call those who have requested dial-outs starting approximately 10 minutes before the meeting starts. Please make sure you are ready to accept the call. If the operators have to ring you back, this will end up delaying the start time for all participants.
Interpretation on Teleconferences
If you are attending a teleconference with interpretation, be advised that the standard dial-out numbers are for English language participation. If you would like to be on non-English channel, please send an email to staff@atlarge.icann.org at least 36 hours in advance of the start of the teleconference and provide us with two alternative phone numbers you can be reached on and the language you wish to participate in as operators must dial out to you. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you are either not joining the call or planning to participate in English.
- The audio quality of the teleconference is greatly improved if participants use landlines instead of mobile telephones. Mobile phones are also much more likely to be dropped than landlines. Please do not participate using mobile phones except in extreme circumstances as using them is likely to degrade the quality of the teleconference for the other participants.
- VoIP services are disruptive of line quality for everyone, even when you mute yourself. Please do not use such services - request a dial out instead.
- When you are on the call and not speaking, please use *6 to mute yourself. When ready to speak, use *7 to un-mute.
- Please preface your comments during calls with your name, especially on calls with interpretation, so that those listening in other languages know who is speaking.
- Please remember to ask for the floor before speaking, and ensure not to speak over any other person, as this will make it difficult for others to understand you.
- Please remember to speak slowly - especially on calls with interpretation - so that you can be understood by non-native speakers of your language, or so that the interpreter will be able to correctly interpret your comments for others.
If you have a Problem During a Call
- If you have a problem during the call, please use *0 on the telephone keypad to ask an operator to help you. You may also send an IM to the Adigo call operator at AOL/AIM: adigoop or skype: adigo01.
- If your line is dropped, please do not send emails to the staff or other participants. They are unlikely to be watching their inboxes during the call. Please instead either IM the conference operator or contact the staff on Skype, AOL IM, or Windows IM; the contact information for all staff persons is in the signatures of their emails.
- If you wish to report a problem with a dial-in number, or any other issue with the call, please send an email to staff@atlarge.icann.org and/or to support@adigo.com and tell us what the problem is so we can help to fix it.
USA: Toll-Free (North America Only): +1 (800) 550-6865 / USA Toll: +1 (213) 233-3193