APRALO By-Laws-Memorandum of Understanding-Organizing Documents
- Memorandum of Understanding with ICANN
Agreed and Final Text, as Initialled on 28 Feb 07: (MSword): MoU%20Asia%20Pacific%20RALO%20FINAL%20INITIAL%20TEXT-%20EN.doc
MoU Text as transmitted to the ICANN Office of the General Counsel: PDF: MoU%20Asia%20Pacific%20RALO%20FINAL%20-%20EN.pdf
- Operating Principles
Operating Principles of the APRALO as agreed 28th February 2007: PDF: Operating%20Principles%20FINAL.pdf MSWORD: Operating%20Principles%20FINAL.doc
- Drafts used to reach final texts:
Here are the documents which evolved into the final texts above. Information on what elements must be contained in a RALO MoU can be found in at this page.
Draft prepared by Staff as directed by regional representatives at Sao Paulo ICANNN discussion: MOU%20Between%20ICANN%20and%20APAC%20ALSes%20DRAFT%201%20-%20EN.doc
Edits proposed by I Aizu on 19 Dec 2006 to staff draft above: MOU%20Between%20ICANN%20and%20APAC%20ALSes%20DRAFT%201%20-%20EN%20I%20Aizu%2019DEC2006.doc
Revisions as requested in 19 Dec 2006 telcon: MOU Between ICANN and APAC ALSes DRAFT 2 - EN.doc on 4 January 2007
Revisions as requested on 7 January 2007 telcon: MoU%20Asia%20Pacific%20RALO%20DRAFT%204%20-%20EN.doc
- Operating Principles for the Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO)
RALO Operating Principles in draft form: Operating%20Principles%20No%205-C%20june26.doc
- Useful forms
- Draft Rules of Procedure for meetings in French, English, and Spanish