apralo proxy draft

apralo proxy draft


Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO)
Attn: The Secretary APRALO
[Insert Postal Address of Secretariat]
[Insert Fax number of Secretariat]
Email: apralo.secretariat@atlarge-lists.icann.org

Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO)


I, the undersigned, being the delegate/member of
[Insert ALS Name] being an accredited At Large Structure (ALS) of the above RALO hereby appoints:
[ Insert full name of Proxy ]

Of [Insert Name of ALS] :[email address of proxy]

as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the [Insert Meeting TYPE etc.] of APRALO to be held at [time hrs]UTC on [Insert Date of Meeting] and at any adjournment of that meeting.

I understand and agree that:-
o My proxy at any meeting this will count towards the quorum number established elsewhere in our RALO’s Rules.

o If proxy name is blank or if the proxy does not attend, then the chairperson of the meeting is appointed as my proxy.

By either

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1) Vote on the resolution(s) listed on the Agenda (and any amendments to said resolutions or foreshadowed motions resultant) at their discretion.

2) The proxy must vote as specified by me with a mark in the appropriate box.

That the [Insert Motion Details here]
Resolution: [ ] in favour [ ] against [ ] abstain

[Insert Motion Details here]
Resolution: [ ] in favour [ ] against [ ] abstain

[Insert Motion Details here]
Resolution: [ ] in favour [ ] against [ ] abstain

If the above resolution(s) vote is/are not specified then voting on that resolution is at
the discretion of the proxy.

Signature:_________________________________ Date:____________________

Full name (please print):______________________________________________

1. The Proxy Form must be received by the Secretariat of the RALO not less
than 12 hours before the meeting is scheduled,
2. This form must be printed out, completed, signed and sent by email,
fax or post to the Secretariat Office/Officer of the RALO, at the above