APRALO Monthly 2013-08-27 - Action Items
APRALO Monthly 2013-08-27 - Action Items
Siranush Vardanyan
Siranush Vardanyan to send an email to APRALO members to form a WG to review the current APRALO ROPs re so that they are in line with the revised ALAC Rules of Procedure. CLO volunteered to be a member of this working group.
2. ALS Update - Siranush Vardanyan and Silvia Vivanco to send a reminder to all ALS to provide information for the ALS WIKI page.
3. pavan.budhrani to reach out to KT for the next spotlight presentation for September meeting.
4. pavan.budhrani to work with staff in advance to look for best time and place for APRALO meeting in ICANN Argentina