APRALO Monthly Meeting 2016-02-18 AC Chat
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the APRALO Monthly Call held on Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 06:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/k5ndBg
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all, we are still gathering
Holly Raiche:Hi Everyone
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:hi, everyone, welcome
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:hello APRALO.
Maureen Hilyard:Hi everyone..
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Rinalia
Ali AlMeshal:Hello all
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:hi! such an interesting agenda.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim::)
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:a lot to discuss:)
Maureen Hilyard:Just butt in wherever you like Rinalia :)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I will type.mi am in a busy area with lots of noise.
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:never mind, Rinalia, your presence is already an honor for us
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:you are so kind, Siranush.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:do people hear a tone in the background? almost a buz but a definite tone.
Nadira AlAraj:Good day ALL
Ali AlMeshal:hi Nadira
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome everyone!
Holly Raiche:@Rinalia - Me too
Kaili Kan:Hello!
Nadira AlAraj:Good morning Ali
Ali AlMeshal:Kaili How are you
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:hi, Nadira, welcome
Satish Babu:Hi all!
Kelvin Wong:Hi all!
Nadira AlAraj:Hi Siranush, good morning
Yasuichi Kitamura (ALS-Japan):hi, all
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:hi, all, and welcome
Ali AlMeshal:Hi Yasuichi welcome
Kaili Kan:@Ali I am fine. Thank you! So we are going to miss you in Beijing?
Yasuichi Kitamura (ALS-Japan):hi, ali
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:In AC and Audio now :-)
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:great, Cheryl, welcome
Ali AlMeshal:hi Cheryl how are you
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:welcome, Anupam
Anupam Agrawal:Hello Everyone
Kaili Kan:May I have a dial-out? My speaker is rather faint. Thanks!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I am staff today.
Anupam Agrawal:Hello Siranush
Kaili Kan:@Rinalia Staff ... : )
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:it happens sometimes. :)
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO::)
Gunela Astbrink:Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late
Silvia Vivanco:Policy advide development page: https://atlarge.icann.org/policy-summary
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Gunela!
Gunela Astbrink:Thank you @ Yesim
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:welcome, Gunela
Gunela Astbrink:Thank you, Siranush
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Maureen had CTN
Bikram Shrestha:Hello Every one
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Hi Bikram
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Bikram
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:How about the deep dive meeting on multi year budget and proposal for summit and RALO meeting? anyone can provide an update?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yup a tad too late for our nput BUT we do need to input on the Bylws drafting out soon for CWG Transition and CCWG Accountabiity
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:yes. 400+pages in the new draft bylaws.
Bikram Shrestha:thanks everyone.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:It will be almost finished for PC by the next monthlt meeting
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:so I suggest a Mid Month webinar or call, though perhaps the ALAC/At-Large one will suffice for our Rwgion if needs be...
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:noted, Cheryl
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:And of course Assuming we are *satisfied with our terrific Leadership nTeam, we can simply resuport the sitting Members in their current positions for an additional Term... That is what I would sutreongy suggest we do BTW
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:should say STRONGLY suggest
Silvia Vivanco:ALL RALOs are in syncronization now
Silvia Vivanco:which is efficient
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:If it 'Aint broke - why fix it'\
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:like the Internet. :)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup
Silvia Vivanco:some RALOs have "regional internal positons" at a different schedule (NARALO and LACRALO) but all the same for ALAC position
Silvia Vivanco:All nominees are required to send an Statement of Interest
Nadira AlAraj:Q: How many years for the re-selection applies?
Silvia Vivanco:The wiki page explains in details all the terms Nadira : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99563568/2016+APRALO+Regional+Selections
Nadira AlAraj:Thank you Silvia
Silvia Vivanco:Basically APRALO positions are for 2 years and Secretariat 1 year
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:If I understand Holly correctly, the idea is to begin "training/mentoring" the next layer of RALO leadership from the region. great idea! especially as the issues are quite complex.
Satish Babu:Should we include the NomCom position in the list as well?
Holly Raiche:Thanks Rinalia - exacly what I have in mind
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I would support it. imparting knowledge on context , process and substance would be invaluable.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:The same for NomCom Satish.
Silvia Vivanco:@ Satish yes the ALAC voting delegate to NomCom is included (see screen) but in this case the RALO "recommends" to the ALAC so in strict sense is not an election but a "recommendation"
Satish Babu:Right, thanks @Rinalia...
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Is there also a plan for looking into getting/encouraging RALO members into PDP working groups of they are interested?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:There are some really interesting policy development working groups at ICANN right now, especially related to review of new gTLD program.
Holly Raiche:@ Cheryl - which is why Id like to start involving everyone
Satish Babu:@Rinalia, I agree we need more RALO members in PDP groups, if we can find a way to ease them in...
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Perhaps staff can circulate the list of PDP WG to APRALO
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:as a start and ALAC veterans can provide some guidance on which has key issues related to end users.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:One can start as an observer participant before becoming a member of a PDP working group just to get a sense of it.
Ali AlMeshal:Thanks Cheryl
Maureen Hilyard:APRALO Leaders are always looking out for members who are involved in At-Large discussions and working groups.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I must say Rinalia I would greatly value having a few more people form our region *active* in a number of the WG's that includes PDP's that I serve on, so step up *do the work* and I will train you up NP
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:*yuo* being whoever we can press gang inti it of course ;-)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Would you mind listing in brief those WGs Cheryl as info for this group?
Holly Raiche:Maybe have a webinar just on the issue?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:It is true that things in ICANN require "work" and time investment.
Yasuichi Kitamura (ALS-Japan):yes
Holly Raiche:Thanks Kelvin
Kelvin Wong 2:Got it!
Kelvin Wong 2:@Holly - thanks! Glad it was useful
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:One of the recommendations of the GNSO Review is to enhance the inclusion and diversity of PDP WGs. if the GNSO ends up forming a specific WG to address that topic, would be great to have RALO and ALAC representatives in that WG.
Anupam Agrawal:Thanks Kelvin. Looking forward to the webinar on DNS security
Kelvin Wong 2:@Anupam, sure, thanks for the interest
Holly Raiche:Id be happy o be part of that group
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Indeed Rinalia and of course in recent times in GNSO WG's in particular we have seen imporved input and engagement from Africa, but AP ZRegion *must* do a great deal more IMOP
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Agree.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Individual Members are permitted now by our ROP's since 2015 there are however some issues, we should deal with
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO Members individual membership wiki : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/APRALO/APRALO+Rules+of+Procedures+Review+2015-+Individual+membership
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Ind Members in *all RALO's * however is a required output
Silvia Vivanco:@ Siranush and Maureen please let staff know if you would like a teleconference for Individual membership discussions
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:will let u know, Silvia, thanks
Maureen Hilyard:Our conditions for individual members are important for our region.There are two different views on the wiki at the moment. More views needed
Holly Raiche:Maybe an email to all APRALO members asking for views, explaining - based on CLO - that it is not a question of if but when
Gunela Astbrink:Apologies - I have another meeting. Bye everyone
Holly Raiche:Bye Gunela
Satish Babu:Bye Gunela
Ali AlMeshal:bye Gunela
Yesim Nazlar:Bye Gunela!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:The output from the 1st ALAC Review made the recommendation (and it was accepted to be implemented) for all RALOs to allow Infdividual / unaffiliated Memberhip
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Bye Gunela
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Siranush. I hope it is Puerto Rico.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:This is not an easy decision to make.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:As do I
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Hope for PR
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:it is a difficult decision, indeed
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:It won't be early May. It will be mid May
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for this correction Rinalia
Nadira AlAraj:Thank you for the updates
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:based on latest meeting schedule, Sylvia. BFC will meet in the last 10 days of April and Board will meet Mid May.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for that update Rinalia
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:appreciate your input and update, Rinalia
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Satish - end user issues focus would be great for the school.
Holly Raiche:@ Satish - sounds terrific
Ali AlMeshal:Thank you Satish for update
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:my called was dropped
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Lost the CHair
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Siranush?
Nadira AlAraj:@Satish, very intersting "mobile" summer school
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:just give few seconds to redial
Silvia Vivanco:@ Satish please share the information in the mailing list
Satish Babu:Thanks @Nadira, it is indeed interesting...
Satish Babu:@Silvia, will do.
Holly Raiche:@cSatish - is there a link for more details?
Anupam Agrawal:Thanks Satish..
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:No AOB from Me
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2:yes, Satish pls circulate more info on email
hong xue:sorry I was on metro. shall read the minutes later.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yes we have all the workshops in and are considering atm
Satish Babu:@Holly, pls see apsig.asia
Holly Raiche:thanks
Nadira AlAraj:Thank you for a productive meeting
Kelvin Wong 2:APAC Hub's accepted workshops are: Internationalized Domain Names and Implications for the Next Billion; Overcoming challenges in APAC outreach and participation
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:the schools will be ( I beleive) a Day 0 event pre APrIGF
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Good Call Thanks everyine, bye for now :-)
Holly Raiche:Thanks everyone
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:My pleasure!
Maureen Hilyard:Nice to see you Rinalia.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:I hear you. :)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr::-)
Satish Babu:Thanks Siranush, and have a great day ahead, everyone!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all for your active participation !
Kaili Kan:Thank you all! Bye!
Ali AlMeshal:thanks everyone
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thanks all.
Bikram Shrestha:thank you
Kelvin Wong 2:Thanks all!
Yasuichi Kitamura (ALS-Japan):thank you.
Bikram Shrestha:bye
Anupam Agrawal:Thanks Everyone
Siranush Vardanyan - APRALO:thank you all and bye