APRALO Monthly Meeting 15.12.17 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the APRALO Monthly call on Thursday 17 December 2015 at 0600 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/D5jdBg
Fouad Bajwa:Good Morning everyone
Gisella Gruber:Good morning all! -audio will be connected in a couple of minutes
Siranush Vardanyan:good morning, Fouad and Gisella
Holly Raiche:Hi everyone - did I ask for a dial in?
Fouad Bajwa:Hi Siranush
Holly Raiche:In case I didn't ask, my number: 61 2 9436 2149 - thanks
Holly Raiche:Thanks
Toshio Tachibana(ISOC-JP):Hi All
Pavan Budhrani:hi all! :) an early merry xmas to you all
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:try me again they need to ignore the newe sound on the line
Maureen Hilyard:thank you Pavan for that list. good to get an updated one
Jee eun Choi:Hello All
Kaili Kan:Hello!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all
Kaili Kan:Yes, I do have Chinese here. We were just chating. : )
Siranush Vardanyan::))) great, Kaili
Satish Babu:Hi all!!
Gunela Astbrink:Hi everyone
Tomohiro Fujisaki:Hi all, sorry for joining late.
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all
Kelvin Wong:Hello all
Satish Babu:Hi Siranush!
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Kelvin!
Holly Raiche:Welcome
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome to the new ALS "Lebanese Information Technology Association"
Siranush Vardanyan:i can't hear Holly through phone. Can i ask to dial me out again?
Siranush Vardanyan:hi, Nadira and Yannis, welcome to the call
Narine Khachatryan:Hello everyone
Yannis Li:Hi Siranush
Gisella Gruber:@ Siranush - doing so
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks, Gisella, I am in.
Siranush Vardanyan:Welcome, Narine
Silvia Vivanco:See Policy Advice development place : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/overview
Nadira Alaraj:txs Siranush
Silvia Vivanco:which lists all the Public consultations being presented at the moment
Narine Khachatryan:Hi Siranush
Gunela Astbrink:Thanks, Holly
Gisella Gruber:Webinar details: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/RSbvBQ
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yes Welcome to OUR Region :-)
Holly Raiche:Welcome Yesim
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome to our new staff member Yesim Nazlar!
Gisella Gruber:APRALO Outreach Strategic Plan: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/jYf2Bg
Gisella Gruber:APRICOT 2016: https://2016.apricot.net/
Tomohiro Fujisaki:I'll be there!
Tomohiro Fujisaki:Sure!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I am seeing if I csn mske it
Toshio Tachibana(ISOC-JP):I'll be there for APRICOT 2016.
Silvia Vivanco:The new brochure is coming together quite nicely!
Silvia Vivanco:yes we will print it before APRICOT
Yesim Nazlar:Thank you for all :)
Silvia Vivanco:See APRICOT site: https://2016.apricot.net/
Gisella Gruber:At-Large FY17 Budget Development Workspace : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/SjjvBQ
Gisella Gruber:APRALO is Meeting C in 2017
Gisella Gruber:November 2017
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO - APAC Hub Pilot: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/APRALO/pages/115183292/APRALO+-+ICANN+APAC+HUB+PILOT+FRAMEWORK
Kelvin Wong:Sure, Siranush
Gisella Gruber:Nadira Alaraj has joined the call
Yannis Li:APrIGF will be held from 26-29 July 2016. But it might potentially be moved to 20-22 July 2016
Yannis Li:We are now calling for workshop proposals at http://2016.aprigf.asia until 2 Feb 2016. Highly encourage APRALO members to oragnize workshop there.
Silvia Vivanco:APriGF SITE: http://www.aprigf.asia/
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO - APAC Hub Webinars 2015 : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/APRALO/pages/115183818/2015+APRALO+Capacity+Building+Webinar+Series
Maureen Hilyard:https://apralo2015.wordpress.com/at-large-webinar-ebooks/
Silvia Vivanco:Great initiative Maureen
Silvia Vivanco:and Glenn
Holly Raiche:Well done Maureen - maybe one for CCWG?
Maureen Hilyard:things are changing everyday with CCWG .. its would need regular updating..
Silvia Vivanco:6 ALSes joined! congratulations
Holly Raiche:@ Maureen - all too true
Silvia Vivanco:the APRALO family is growing
Maureen Hilyard:An historical
Gunela Astbrink:Great number!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:That would be more an EPIC Saga in 18 parts thn a simple e-book IMO Holly
Satish Babu 2:Good to see APRALO growing....!
Maureen Hilyard:Sorry an historical feature eBook at the end of the CCWG process??
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you to our great colleagues at APRALO HUB! for excellent collaboration
Kelvin Wong:Thanks everyone too for the effort and for the webinars with APAC Hub.
Gisella Gruber:Please say your names when speaking for our interpreter
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:histericl for some of us by then... I am literslly in leadership Team planning csll during THIS meeting for CCWG I do 3-4 more meetings a week than 'just the meetings listed'
Gisella Gruber:and for the transcript
Kelvin Wong:Thanks Silvia, and all the At Large staff too
Gisella Gruber:and Terri who is our Webinar Queen
Nadira Alaraj:Thanks Siranush for mentioning my coming meeting with Mona
Maureen Hilyard:Thanks Kelvin and the APAC team for your great contribution to our APRALO programmes
Kelvin Wong::)
Gunela Astbrink:Thank you! And thank you to staff for all your support!
Silvia Vivanco:Calendar : http://teamup.com/ks8f4dd46342679eea/
Silvia Vivanco:This tool is very useful
Silvia Vivanco:you can see your regional events
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you to all APRALO leaders !
Maureen Hilyard:And Amir Qayyum who is our NomCom rep
Satish Babu 2:Thanks Siranush and the APRALO LT !!
Gisella Gruber:Happy Holidays to everyone! Hear you all again in 2016
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Thanks everyone, good call and all the best of the Season to You All... Seasons Greetings to you
Silvia Vivanco:and each and everyone of ALSes for participating with great enthusiasm!
Kaili Kan:Also, many thanks for the excellent Chinese interpretation !
Satish Babu 2:Happy Holidays!!
Holly Raiche:Very best seasons greetings
Kelvin Wong:Have a good holiday season all!
Gisella Gruber:Keep well and safe
Silvia Vivanco:Happy Holidays!
Gunela Astbrink:Seasons greetings to you all
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Siranush for your great leadesrhip of APRALO -snap Cheryl
Toshio Tachibana(ISOC-JP):Happy holiday! Have a great rest of day!
Satish Babu 2:+1 Cheryl
Gunela Astbrink:+1
Kelvin Wong:Can't agree more Cheryl!!
Holly Raiche:Thanks to Sirik as well
Gisella Gruber:Thank you Siranush and all APRALO
Narine Khachatryan:Thank you and happy upcoming holidays, all
Kaili Kan:Happy holidays to everybody! Meet you all next year!
Silvia Vivanco:See you all next year! :)
Toshio Tachibana(ISOC-JP):bye
Gunela Astbrink:Bye everyone
Jahangir Hossain:Thanks to all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yup until next year
Jee eun Choi:Thank you~~
Siranush Vardanyan:bye and thank you all, Seasonal greetings to all