APRALO OC 2013-03-19 Action Items & Summary Notes

APRALO OC 2013-03-19 Action Items & Summary Notes

Next - notes for what will be our final meeting (until Beijing where we will need a few minutes together to walk through the Showcase event)


Committee reports:

The Showcase:  Maureen's report (and we all wished your a happy birthday) outlined what will happen.  It did outline list last minute facilities that will be needed.  So action item on Maureen/ICANN staff to go through her email of yesterday (18 March) to tick the final list of what is necessary off.


Multi Stakeholder event:  Rinalia reported that all the invitations have been sent, with acceptances received.  Action item on Rinalia to update Silvia on who has been sent invitations and who has accepted - and any final action items necessary


Chinese event:

The agenda has been finalised for the event (Thursday morning from 0800 - 0930) APRALO members welcome



Action item: Edmon to work with ICANN staff to finalise catering arrangements for the showcase event



Items including cards, pins, badges etc been ordered and will be available.  Thanks please to Lynn for her work on this.


Youth Forum

Edmon/Yannis have been working towards a Forum event with youth from the region.  At this stage, the ICANN schedule has been finalised, so the event will have to be held as a side event.  Hong will work with Edmon and Yannis on this event. Edmon/Yannis to follow up with contact Heidi has provided.


Travel for ALS rep from Malaysia.

Action item: Rinalia and Pavan to work with ICANN Constituency Travel to see if arrangements can be made for another rep from Malaysian ALS to travel to Beijing