August 2012 SSAC Report

August 2012 SSAC Report

August 2012 – SSAC Liaison Report

(as at 28Aug12)


1.  SSAC MEETINGS.  Attended SSAC Meeting on 1Aug12

2.  DSSA WORKING GROUP MEETINGS.  Attended DSSA Working Group Meeting on 2Aug12, 9Aug12, 16Aug12, 23Aug12.

3.  ALAC COMMENT ON SAC054.   SAC054, released on 11 June 2012, proposes a standards-based, structured, and extensible model for the recording of Domain Name Registration Data. (DRND).  The SSAC has sought Community feedback on its completeness and utility, and a one-page ‘scene setter’ has been posted on the ALAC wiki seeking input from the Community.  Following a Webinar on 20 July 2012 during which Jim Galvin (Deputy Chair of SSAC) briefed At-Large Community Members, Spanish and French translations of SAC054 have been completed and these are posted on the At-Large Policy Development Page.  These translations have not yet been posted on the SSAC Documents Page (as at 23rd August 2012).  No additional feedback to that provided during the Webinar has been received (ie the data model should include elements which could be used for privacy controls).  Although not extensive, this feedback will be formally provided to the SSAC as an ALAC Comment.

4.  ALAC REPLY TO COMMENTS ON DRAFT STATEMENT OF ICANN’S ROLE AND REMIT IN SECURITY, STABILITY AND RESILIENCY OF THE INTERNET’S UNIQUE IDENTIFIER SYSTEMS.  The ALAC had previously submitted a comment on the draft Role and Remit document and has now submitted a reply to comments by other community members.  In particular, the ALAC has supported the views expressed by the GNSO ISPCP Constituency.

5.  SEPTEMBER REPORT.  As I will be on vacation during the month of September, I may be unable to submit a detailed report for that month.