Zoom chat: 2020-09-30 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Zoom chat: 2020-09-30 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

11:56:51 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the CPWG call
11:59:33 From Marita Moll : Hi Herb.
11:59:54 From Marita Moll : Keeping safe in Ontario
12:00:26 From Marita Moll : No chickens -- only foxes
12:00:54 From Judith Hellerstein : did the fox eat the chicken
12:01:49 From Alan Greenberg : 9 am - too late for rooster crowing.
12:01:49 From Marita Moll : No, but they are eating everything else -- squirrels, rabbits, etc. -- so chickens would not have a chance
12:03:02 From Herb Waye : we are surrounded by open fields so the foxes can’t get close enough to grab our birds… our neighbor loses them regularly
12:03:03 From Bill Jouris : It's a rough job, but no doubt someone has to do it
12:04:14 From Holly Raiche : @ Alan - what is the moniker next to your name on the participant list?
12:04:18 From Herb Waye : Greetings everyone, hope you are all staying healthy and safe
12:04:19 From Alan Greenberg : Light is good! Makes up for the meetings that run over.
12:04:43 From Holly Raiche : @ AG - I like it!
12:09:21 From Holly Raiche : Big congratulations to Justine
12:09:23 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : And Sub Pro LT have received and responded with our thanks for ALL the work from you all that got the PC in in such a timely manner Amaizing job!!!
12:10:16 From Evin Erdogdu : Many thanks to Justine, the SubPro Small Team and CPWG Co-Chairs for this volunteer work over months (actually years!)
12:11:00 From Maureen Hilyard : An amazing effort. Thank you all. Brilliant work and so much of it as you say Evin, over years!!
12:11:25 From avri doria : I wanted to let you know how impressed I am by the process this group went through on the subpro and by Justine's shepherding.
12:13:30 From Evin Erdogdu : Thanks Avri, Maureen, Cheryl and all for your kind comments for the work of At-Large.
12:16:05 From Marita Moll : Oh, well what was on the wiki was a form and that's that I read @Cheryl
12:16:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Noted CW
12:17:27 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : It is *and should be* all about the effectiveness of analysis **exactly* @JZ
12:18:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : that is after all where influence may or may not can or can not occur in the PDP process we have in our MSM
12:21:49 From Marita Moll : agreed @Alan -- there is some middle ground needed to accommodate both the community and those who analyse the results.
12:22:22 From Maureen Hilyard : I agree with Jonathan and Alan. Although it is a little bit more work, if the organisers of the required inputs plan their survey well, it will make it easier for us to incorporate specific comments into relevant sections. They are then more easily processed by the analysers of our inputs which could get lost in a narrative, as we have provided in the past.
12:23:10 From Alan Greenberg : To be clear, if I have to choose a method that is difficult to input, and one that may alter or misinterpret my comments, I will pick the first every time (and that is what this PDP used).
12:23:14 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes @CW your views are well known and noted by all of us in the SubPro PDP I can assure you
12:25:23 From Jonathan Zuck : That's correct. I went crazy on metrics.
12:25:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes we provided the WOrd Doc for exactly thois option
12:25:54 From John McCormac - author of Domnomics : @JZ Consider the people who have to collect all those metrics. :)
12:26:30 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : BUT it is double work for many at both ends your PC and then the Staff report and prep for analysis
12:26:33 From Jonathan Zuck : @JM, well, they asked. ;)
12:26:45 From Holly Raiche : Bit bit thanks to Evin
12:26:51 From Evin Erdogdu : You are too kind! Thanks Olivier, Jonathan, Justine and all for the group hustle :)
12:27:04 From Judith Hellerstein : great work Evin and Justine
12:27:19 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Justine has been nothing short of brilliant in all this, and huge thanks to @Evan as well it is as we wrote back to her from SubPro LT deeply appreciated
12:27:43 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Great Thanks
12:28:05 From Evin Erdogdu : Go ALAC / At-Large!
12:28:06 From Marita Moll : agreed @Alan -- Justine is a star
12:28:13 From John McCormac - author of Domnomics : @JZ Going to run a HHI on the hosting operations data (as opposed to registrars) this weekend. HAve about 96% coverage on the hoster/reseller ops in the gTLDs.
12:28:20 From Holly Raiche : Pity Justine isn’t here - she is probably taking a well earned rest
12:29:11 From Alan Greenberg : And the respect that she has garnered within the PDP WG.
12:29:14 From Jonathan Zuck : Cool, @JM
12:29:55 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes it is a shame she is not here but we DO need to make sure she knows and is appreciated
12:30:27 From Evin Erdogdu : We can share the recording and chat with her :)
12:30:32 From Marita Moll : I was in WT5 and I can say I saw what Cheryl is saying about how respected Justine is for her level headed comments in action
12:31:22 From Claudia Ruiz : 2020-09-30 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
12:31:49 From Evin Erdogdu : I’ll create a Google Doc and share the link after this meeting.
12:40:09 From Jonathan Zuck : Both the GAC and SSAC ended up saying, let's take what we can get. that's all I'm saying.
12:43:30 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Well noted @Greg, but these were vexed matters as well
12:43:52 From Maureen Hilyard : ALAC-GAC meetings - a lot more meetings between the groups where discussions between our two groups and sharing our views have been important in our decision to support their statements when there is some common understanding. ALAC-NCSG -Justine has been able to talk to Kathy Kleinman and Kathy has agreed to discuss and support the At-Large view on certain topics. I have suggested to Justine that she would be the ideal person to be the ALAC policy liaison to the NCSG. There is a lot of respect there already.
12:44:30 From Greg Shatan : Vexed is a wonderful word for the EPDP, @CLO
12:44:52 From Greg Shatan : and its derivatives — vexing, vexatious...
12:45:48 From John McCormac - author of Domnomics : The UA aspiration is very like the "endeavor to persevere" thing from the Outlaw Josey Wales. ICANN can't really get into the content side of the Web.
12:46:51 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : Is there any reference in the Subsequent Procedures concerning goals achieved on related work such as UA ?
12:47:04 From John McCormac - author of Domnomics : If they target the main CMSes (outreach), they will get a lot of that problem solved almost overnight.
12:47:40 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : i.e. the relationship between the timing of the subsequent round and the degree of UA readiness achieved ?
12:50:50 From Evin Erdogdu : Thank you @Bill
12:51:09 From Evin Erdogdu : :)
12:51:11 From Holly Raiche : AMAZING
12:51:22 From Judith Hellerstein : amazing
12:51:39 From Marita Moll : Oh my -- this feels weird!
12:51:40 From Bill Jouris : Let's revel in it while it lasts!
12:51:43 From Evin Erdogdu : Stay tuned for ALAC/At-Large ICANN69 Talking Points
12:53:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes make it worth while
12:54:12 From Marita Moll : Yes, it was a great session @JZ
12:55:14 From Holly Raiche : Hopefully it will be recorded
12:55:15 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thanks JZ
12:55:34 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : yes it is a BAD time for AU @Holly
12:55:37 From Alfredo Calderon : @JZ, I will be there.
12:55:48 From Maureen Hilyard : 3am for me.. groan..
12:56:15 From Holly Raiche : Not much better for me - which is why I hope it is recorded
12:56:16 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : probably need a repeat or 5
12:56:47 From Greg Shatan : It should be available on demand.
12:57:00 From Marita Moll : JZ has his work cut out -- old presentation habits are hard to break
12:57:34 From Herb Waye : Take care everyone, always great to see names and hear voices. Stay safe and be kind.
12:57:52 From Evin Erdogdu : Thank you interpreters!!
12:57:58 From Alfredo Calderon : @Staff, please accept my apologies for next week. Will be on a ICANN Fellowship 2 hour session.
12:58:01 From Maureen Hilyard : Excellent. thank you to the interpreters!!
12:58:09 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : They deserve MORE than a day of recognition!
12:58:13 From DELL : thank you all and thank to the translators
12:58:23 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks so much for all of your great interpretation!
12:58:32 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Thank you, you hidden Workers. We only hear your voice, but we love it!
12:58:50 From Marita Moll : +1 thanks to interpreters
12:59:02 From Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet : Many thanks
12:59:26 From Evin Erdogdu : Thank you all
12:59:28 From Alfredo Calderon : Congratultations , Interpreters for the great work!
12:59:35 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, All
12:59:56 From Marita Moll : Bye all. Some time to go outside and play
13:00:05 From John McCormac - author of Domnomics : Later all.
13:00:09 From Alfredo Calderon : Stay well and safe!
13:00:25 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Thanks
13:00:26 From Evin Erdogdu : lol
13:00:35 From Roberto : bye