Action items: At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) (2023)
Action items: At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) (2023)
2023-12-20 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule a CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 10 January 2024.
2023-12-13 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- The members of the CPWG supported holding CPWG meetings at each of the three ICANN Public Meetings. The agendas would include both strategic and forward looking section and relevant updates.
- Claudia Ruiz to send a reminder to the CPWG list for the Community consultation webinar on Public Interest Commitments and Registry Voluntary Commitments (PICs/RVCs), 18 December 2023, at 19:00-20:30 UTC.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 20 December at 14:00 UTC.
2023-12-06 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- jonathan.zuck to add Community TLDs, Continuous Improvements, and Data Accuracy to the At-Large 2025 Strategic Priorities.
- Claudia Ruiz to update Closed Generic Statement on the ALAC Policy Comments & Advice site.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 13 December at 19:00 UTC.
2023-11-29 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Justine Chewto follow up with the Next Round IRT on what possible consequences exist for implementing the second-price, sealed bid auction for contention set resolution in the future and how this may impact the opening and closing of community comments.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 6 December at 14:00 UTC.
2023-11-22 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Michael Palage to provide the details of the meeting that will address the current status of the AFRINIC situation at next week's RIPE meeting. Members are encouraged to participate remotely if possible.
- The CPWG decided that no statement is needed for the Draft Report of the Root Zone DNSSEC Algorithm Rollover Study.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 29 November at 19:00 UTC. Future early calls will be scheduled at 14:00 UTC on an ongoing basis.
2023-11-15 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Heidi Ullrich to reach out to John Crain and AFRALO leadership to see if there are any updates regarding the AFRINIC situation since ICANN78.
- steinar.grotterod to provide TPR Change of Registrant (CoR) update in collaboration with a registrar from the Netherlands in preparation for CPWG guidelines regarding the CoR policy.
2023-11-08 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Heidi Ullrich and hadia.elminiawi to work with the Capacity Building Working Group to arrange for an At-Large UA Day webinar the week of 13 November.
- Alan Greenbergto finalize the draft Closed Generics advice document in preparation for ratification vote.
- Claudia Ruiz and Andrew Chen to send the final Closed Generics advice to the Board on behalf of the ALAC on 9 November.
- Claudia Ruizto start a 5 day ratification process for the ALAC Advice on Closed Generics on Monday, 13 November.
- Andrew Chento ask matthias.hudobnik whether the At-Large community should provide public comment on the Report of the Root Zone DNSSEC Algorithm Study.
2023-10-11 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- The leads of the At-Large ICANN78 Talking Points are to finalize their slides.
- Heidi Ullrich and Claudia Ruiz to add the topic of RVCs to next week's CPWG agenda for Justine Chew to lead.
- Heidi Ullrich and Claudia Ruiz to add a standing item on the HR TOR on the CPWG as long as the public comment is open.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 11 October at 13:00 UTC.
- The CPWG decided that no statement is needed for the Proposed Updates to Existing Rights Protection Mechanisms Documentation Public Comment.
- The CPWG adopted by consensus call to submit the statement on the ccNSO PDP4 pending ratification by the ALAC.
- Claudia Ruiz to submit the ALAC statement on the ccNSO PDP4 statement on 27 September pending ratification by the ALAC
- Board Question clarification: 1) RVC - How would you expect a community discussion on this? 2) Human Rights/Meetings - Are there issues to consider when scheduling/canceling meetings? Should ICANN be going to countries that are anti-LGBTQ. 3) To what extent that decreasing ICANN's footprint and addressing the sustainability of the planet.
- RVC - Steinar raised issue of hate speech. JZ noted that it appears the At-Large view is that Compliance needs to be able to confirm that they are able/willing to address any new requirements in the contracts
- ALAC Questions to the Board: 1) DAAR - The ALAC seeks clarification on DAAR and its evolution given the new tools that are being developed, for example from the DNS Abuse Institute.
- 1. jonathan.zuck to contact the ASO Chair, with copy to the two ASO appointed ICANN Board members, letting him know that our members in Africa and around the world are concerned about the situation relating to AFRINIC and are concerned about the overall potential systemic weaknesses of the IANA-NRO-RIR system.
- 2. Heidi Ullrich to ask Steve Sheng (Deactivated) whether the ASO or NRO make available one or more experts to explain:
- a. the situation relating to AFRINIC and how stable the overall system of IANA-NRO-RIR is in relation to distribution of IP addresses?
b. Is there a role for ICANN to play?
c. What can our ALSes do at ground level to support the RIR system as it currently is implemented?
- a. the situation relating to AFRINIC and how stable the overall system of IANA-NRO-RIR is in relation to distribution of IP addresses?
- Heidi Ullrich and Claudia Ruiz to add the item on the questions related to the IANA/PIR relations with the five RIRs.
- jonathan.zuck and joanna.kulesza to work with GAC leadership and GAC Liaison to the ALAC on adding the topic of a Joint ALAC/GAC statement on closed generics to the ALAC/GAC meeting.
- Heidi Ullrich and Claudia Ruiz to add the topic of the Joint ALAC/GAC statement on closed generics to the ALAC/GAC meeting on the CPWG call of 27 September.
- Heidi Ullrich and Claudia Ruiz to add the topic for decision on the Rights Protection Mechanism public comment on next week's CPWG agenda.
- Heidi Ullrich and Claudia Ruiz to add the item of the Board questions to the ALAC on next week's CPWG agenda.
- avri.doria to explain the Board proposed question related to human rights and the location of ICANN meetings.
- Claudia Ruiz to work with Michael Palage to finalize the ALAC input to the ccNSO PDP3 public comment and launch the vote to run 20-26 September to submit by 29 September.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 27 September at 13:00 UTC.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 20 September at 19:00 UTC.
- Final comments on the ALAC Response to the GNSO Guidance Process Applicant Support Guidance Recommendation Initial Report Public comments should be made by 8 September at 23:59 UTC.
- jonathan.zuck to add the comments he made on the CPWG call to the GNSO Guidance Process Applicant Support Guidance Recommendation Initial Report .
- hadia.elminiawi to present a summary of the ccNSO PDP4 public comment on the CPWG call of 13 September.
- Michael Palage to work with Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Alan Greenberg on incorporating the comments on the ALAC input to the ccNSO PDP3 Public Comment.
- Heidi Ullrich to add an item for the final review of the ALAC input to the ccNSO PDP3 Public Comment to the CPWG agenda of 13 September.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 13 September at 13:00 UTC.
- steinar.grotterod to review the final proposals from the GNSO-TPR Phase 2 and, if needed, to add to the ALAC response to the public comment statement on Antitrust/competition (as initial proposed by Michael Palage). The timing may be changed based on the response from ICANN Legal. (Update: It must be “pending” until the final report for Phase 2 OR feedback from ICANN Legal to Michael Palage letter.)
- joanna.kulesza and Heidi Ullrich to add the item of the incubator to the agenda of the ALAC/GAC meeting during ICANN78. This is in addition to the item of the possible Joint ALAC/GAC statement on Contention Resolution. (in Progress)
- Michael Palage to work with Alan Greenberg and others on the ALAC response to the ccNSO Proposed Policy for a Specific ccTLD Related Review Mechanism Public Comment.
Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 6 September at 20:00 UTC.
- Heidi Ullrich to circulate the results for the GGP Applicant Support Survey
- Heidi Ullrich to circulate link to recording for Pilot Holistic Review
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG on 30 August at 19:00 UTC
- Next steps on the ALAC input on the Pending Rec 17.2 include Justine Chew to amend the current proposal to include multiple third parties and finalize the statement so that the ALAC can begin their vote on 17 August
- Michael Palage to be the penholder for ALAC response the the ccNSO Proposed Policy for a Specific ccTLD Related Review Mechanism public comment.
- Heidi Ullrich to ask Lianna Galstyan to review the two ccNSO public comments.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG on 23 August at 23:00 UTC.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr , Maureen and satish.babu to continue working on the ALAC response to the public comment on the GGP Initial Report.
- Justine Chew to incorporate comments received for her statement on Pending Rec. 17.2.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG on 16 August at 13:00 UTC
- gregory.shatan noted that the Closed Generics Small Group will be inviting the main penholders of the comments on the Draft Framework on Closed Generics to their next meeting.
- Alan Greenberg , gregory.shatan and ejikeme.egbuogu volunteered to be the ALAC Alternate on the CSC. (Update: ejikeme.egbuogu was appointed)
- ICANN78 Session proposals: (updated: ICANN78 Session proposals)
- *Session Title: Multistakeholder Governance for New Internet Infrastructures: SpaceX, IRIS2, and Equitable Internet Access for All*
- Session on Reviews - Holistic Review, etc.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG on 9 August at 19:00 UTC
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr cw@christopherwilkinson.eu volunteered to be penholders for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support Guidance Recommendation Report. Maureen Hilyard and Satish Babu to be Advisors.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 02 August at 13:00 UTC
- steinar.grotterod to soften the tone on the draft TPR statement. Final comments to be made by 17 July, comments incorporated on 18 July, vote between 19-24. Submit to the TPR on 25 July.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 19 July at 19:00 UTC.
- gregory.shatan and Alan Greenberg encouraged to be more granular and to include examples in the draft Framework on Closed Generics draft statement.
- jonathan.zuck, gregory.shatan , hadia.elminiawi and Alan Greenberg to discuss the first draft on the draft Framework on Closed Generics draft statement on a call to be scheduled on Thursday, 6 July.
- Heidi Ullrich to send the ALAC draft response on Rec 17.2 to the Secretariat list asking the RALO leaders to circulate the doc, the CPWG list and other relevant lists for comments with a deadline of 26 July 2023.
- jonathan.zuck , on behalf of the ALAC, to consider asking Rod Rasmussen , chair of the SSAC, re next steps on .Zip to highlight the concerns of end user confusion and also next steps on DNSSEC.
- On the ALAC draft statement on the Amendments to the Base gTLD RA and RAA to Modify DNS Abuse Contract Obligations, members of the CPWG have 24 hours to review and add any additional comments. Alan Greenberg to incorporate any comments and finalize the statement by early 7 July.
- Claudia Ruiz to launch of the vote on the ALAC statement on the Amendments to the Base gTLD RA and RAA to Modify DNS Abuse Contract Obligations on 7 July through 12 July and submit by the 13th of July.
- Heidi Ullrich to send the draft possible Joint ALAC/GAC Statement on Auctions/Contention Resolution to the CPWG list with a deadline of 11 July and add an item on this topic to the CPWG agenda of 12 July.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule next CPWG call on 12 July at 19:00 UTC. (Note: Time changed to 13:00 UTC to allow for the regular rotation schedule)
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 5 July at 13:00 UTC.
- steinar.grotterod and Michael Palage to work on developing At-Large input on recommendations outlined in the TPR charter.
- gregory.shatan , Alan Greenberg , Sivasubramanian M , and jonathan.zuck to develop input on the proposed Closed Generics Framework (input due to ICANN org by 15 July).
- Justine Chew and Chantelle Doerksen to work on developing a document to capture At-Large input on pro bono support for the Applicant Support Program.
- jonathan.zuck to develop draft At-Large positions on Auctions to share with the GAC, possibility of future Advice.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 28 June at 13:00 UTC.
- jonathan.zuck to summarize .ZIP discussion.
- Alan Greenberg volunteered to draft an initial ALAC statement on the Amendments to the Base gTLD RA and RAA to Modify DNS Abuse Contract Obligations.Chantelle Doerksen to create a workspace and Google doc.
- satish.babu, hadia.elminiawi, and Justine Chew to finalize input by the CPWG for the ALAC draft statement on the EPDP-IDN Public Comment proceeding.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 7 June at 19:00 UTC.
- jonathan.zuck and Olivier Crépin-Leblond to facilitate discussion on .ZIP
- hadia.elminiawi and jonathan.zuck to continue ICANN77 preparations, including a final review of the talking points.
- Chantelle Doerksen to circulate Justine's ALAC-GNSO prep slides on the CPWG list. Justine Chew to use CPWG feedback for ALAC-GNSO bilateral call on 6 June.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 31 May at 13:00 UTC.
- Chantelle Doerksen and Claudia Ruiz to coordinate submission and ratification of the ALAC statement on Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET.
- CPWG members to review steinar.grotterod's update on Transfer Policy submitted via the CPWG mailing list on 24 May.
- Alan Greenberg recommended CPWG members to review RDRS webinars held week of 15 May.
- Chantelle Doerksen to check into whether a copy of the draft African DNS Report is available (request from John McCormac).
- Michael Palage to send Sarah K his paper on the ala carte approach to new gTLD application fees.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 24 May at 19:00 UTC.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 17 May, 13:00 UTC.
- steinar.grotterod to publish update on Transfer Policy on the CPWG mailing list or the 17 May agenda.
- gregory.shatan and Alan Greenberg to publish update on Closed Generics on the CPWG mailing list or the 17 May agenda.
- Michael Palage and bill.jouris to finalize draft statement on the Public Comment proceeding on the Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET, and facilitate a discussion during the next CPWG call.
- satish.babu, hadia.elminiawi , and Justine Chew to continue coordinating input by the CPWG for the EPDP-IDN Public Comment proceeding.
- Subject Matter Expert shepherds to continue working on At-Large Talking Points between now and Monday, 29 May due date.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 10 May, 19:00 UTC.
- steinar.grotterod to request input via the CPWG mailing list related to the GNSO-TPR PDP discussion on inter-registrar transfer disputes.
- satish.babu, hadia.elminiawi , and Justine Chew to request input via the CPWG mailing list on Preliminary Recommendation 3.5 and Implementation Guidance 3.6, which appear on slide #13 of the 03 May CPWG presentation.
- gregory.shatan and Alan Greenbergto prepare a more in-depth discussion on Closed Generics for next week's call.
- Michael Palage and bill.jouris to continue development of initial draft of Public Comment proceeding on the Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET, and facilitate a discussion during the next CPWG call.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 3 May, 13:00 UTC.
- Michael Palage and bill.jouris to develop initial draft of Public Comment proceeding on the Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET, and facilitate a discussion during the next CPWG call. Chantelle Doerksen to send statement template.
- CPWG members to provide any input on the GGP work, including the collection of data regarding the portal, to Maureen .
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 26 April, at 19:00 UTC.
- Michael Palage and bill.jouris to review the Public Comment proceeding on the Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET, and facilitate a discussion during the next CPWG call.
- Justine Chew collected feedback on DNS abuse relevant to the GNSO Council small team discussion.
- hadia.elminiawi to continue development on proposal for policy session on the New gTLD program, and report back to ICANN77 Planning Committee on the CPWG discussions.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 19 April, at 13:00 UTC.
- Chantelle Doerksen and Heidi Ullrich when available, to report any follow-up related to the DNS economic impact studies.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 12 April, at 19:00 UTC.
- Chantelle Doerksen, Justine Chew, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, and jonathan.zuck to begin planning for CPWG SubPro prioritization sub team work.
- hadia.elminiawi and others to continue consideration of possible ICANN77 session topics and objectives.
- Chantelle Doerksen and Heidi Ullrich to follow-up with ICANN org on DNS economic impact studies.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 5 April, at 13:00 UTC.
- CPWG members to provide steinar.grotterod comments on TPR input by 3 April (extended).
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 29 March at 19:00 UTC.
- hadia.elminiawi to facilitate final input on the draft comments regarding the Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates. Chantelle Doerksen and Claudia Ruiz to develop statement template if agreed. (Update: no statement)
- CPWG members to review ICANN76 At-Large talking points.
- Chantelle Doerksen and Heidi Ullrich to update the order of ALAC open Advice topics to the ICANN Board ahead of their ICANN76 bilateral (SubPro Advice ahead of Joint ALAC-GAC Advice).
- CPWG members encouraged to look at the final column of the GNSO-Board dependency document on SubPro.
- CPWG members are encouraged to attend/listen to the ICANN76 Prep Week Session on the SubPro ODP.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 1 March at 13:00 UTC (time change due to Prep Week sessions).
- hadia.elminiawi Confirmed CWPG will not draft a statement on the Proposed Procedure for Selecting a Top-Level Domain String for Private Use.
- hadia.elminiawi to lead final discussion on draft comments regarding the Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates during 1 March call (comment closes on 3 March).
- Chantelle Doerksen and jonathan.zuck to speak with Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Susie Johnson on use of prioritization matrix (APAT tool).
- Chantelle Doerksen and Heidi Ullrich to confirm if OFB-WG session is cancelled. (Confirmed as cancelled).
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 22 February at 13:00 UTC.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the following CPWG call on 1 March at 13:00 UTC to avoid overlap with ICANN76 Policy Update webinar (to be cancelled if needed).
- hadia.elminiawito draft brief statements on the two open proceedings for CPWG consideration: Proposed Procedure for Selecting a Top-Level Domain String for Private Use (closing 28 February) and Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates (closing 3 March 2023).
- Chantelle Doerksen to confirm Board Advice pages as current, which are updated quarterly (March, June, September, December).
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 15 February at 19:00 UTC.
- satish.babu to ask for volunteer to review Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates (closing 3 March 2023).
- steinar.grotterod and DANIEL NANGHAKA to submit At-Large feedback to Transfer Review Policy PDP on shorter TTL for registries discussion (no consensus).
- gregory.shatan and Alan Greenberg to circulate notes on Closed Generics when published.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 8 February at 14:00 UTC.
- jonathan.zuck to lead the small At-Large team on developing advice on SubPro based on the recent letter to the Board. (ongoing)
- Chantelle Doerksen WSIS to be added to agenda for 8-Feb call
- Chantelle Doerksen to add ICANN76 Plenary topic to agenda for 8-Feb Call
- satish.babu and Justine Chew to submit At-Large feedback on the EPDP-IDN charter questions.
- Maureen and Sarah K to submit At-Large feedback on the GGP Applicant Support Tasks 3-5 homework.
- gregory.shatan and Alan Greenberg to prepare update on Closed Generics for 8-Feb call.
- hadia.elminiawi, on 8-Feb call, to lead discussion for Public Comments on two open proceedings for CPWG consideration: Proposed Procedure for Selecting a Top-Level Domain String for Private Use (closing 28 February) and Additional Script-Based Reference Label Generation Rules and Related Updates (closing 3 March 2023). CPWG
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 1 February at 21:00 UTC.
- jonathan.zuck to lead the small At-Large team on developing advice on SubPro based on the recent letter to the Board. (ongoing)
- cw@christopherwilkinson.eu to send details of concerns on Google's recent actions.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 25 January at 13:00 UTC.
- Claudia Ruiz and Chantelle Doerksen to open ratification process for ALAC statement on Initial report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism Public Comment proceeding.
- Maureen, Sarah K, andChantelle Doerksen to review transcript to compile CPWG chat comments re GGP homework assignment and At-Large input.
- steinar.grotterod and DANIEL NANGHAKA confirmed no At-Large comments were received on the TPR charter questions. At-Large comments will not be submitted to the TPR PDP working group.
- Chantelle Doerksen, Heidi Ullrich, and Claudia Ruiz to note ICANN76 draft questions to the ICANN Board from the ALAC.
- jonathan.zuck and Michael Palage consideration of potential ALAC Advice to Board on conducting an economic study of the TLD space.
- Chantelle Doerksen and jonathan.zuck to continue preparation of draft ICANN76 ALAC talking points.
- At-Large members encouraged to familiarize themselves with the At-Large ICANN76 workspace.
- holly.raiche requested CPWG members to review the draft ALAC statement on the Draft FY24–28 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY24 Operating Plan & Budget and provide any input by 2 February.
- jonathan.zuck , Justine Chew , and Alan Greenberg to begin planning for ICANN76 ALAC hosted community session on the ODP.
2023-01-11 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 18 January at 19:00 UTC.
- Lianna Galstyan and hadia.elminiawi to review final comments on the Initial report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism Public Comment proceeding. The ALAC ratification process to begin next week.
- jonathan.zuck , hadia.elminiawi , gregory.shatan & Alan Greenberg , Sarah K , Justine Chew , cw@christopherwilkinson.eu, Chantelle Doerksen SubPro ODA research project: to continue review and comparison of SubPro ODA to ALAC Advice for alignment. Call scheduled for tomorrow, 12 January.
- Michelle DeSmyter and Gisella Gruber to create ICANN76 ALAC-GNSO workspace by end of next week. Staff to inform Justine Chew when complete.
- steinar.grotterod to continue facilitation of At-Large discussion on Transfer Review Policy charter questions.
- Sarah K and Maureen to review CPWG comments on At-Large position for GGP homework.
- jonathan.zuck to speak with Alan Greenberg and Justine Chew on coordination for ICANN76 ALAC community hosted session (and possible panel) regarding the ODP.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule next CPWG call on 11 January at 13:00 UTC.
- Lianna Galstyan and hadia.elminiawi present final draft statement for CPWG and ALAC consideration on the Initial report on the ccNSO PDP Review Mechanism Public Comment proceeding. Community comments will be due on Friday, 13 January 2022.
- steinar.grotterod to continue facilitation of At-Large discussion on Transfer Review Policy charter questions ahead of 11 January CPWG call.
- Staff to confirm with leadership to add Michael Palage for OFB-WG agenda for discussion on trans.
- jonathan.zuck , hadia.elminiawi , gregory.shatan & Alan Greenberg , Sarah K , Justine Chew , cw@christopherwilkinson.eu, Chantelle Doerksen SubPro ODA research project: to continue review and comparison of SubPro ODA to ALAC Advice for alignment. Call scheduled for 12 January to discuss next steps ahead of Board Workshop (19 January) and for ICANN76 planning.
, multiple selections available,