21 November 2016

21 November 2016



Apologies:  Mirjana Tasić, Ben Fuller 


1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. Update Council decision Hyderabad
a. Adoption Specific review guideline
3. Update & progress Guideline under review/development
a. EC Guideline (see slides)
b. Guideline Liaison and Observer
4. Issues identified Council Election Guideline
5. Travel funding Guideline
6. Work plan Update
7. AOB


Chat transcript:

Christelle Vaval:good morning
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome Christelle
Christelle Vaval:thank you :)
Christelle Vaval:hi Bart
Kimberly Carlson:Hi Stephen - glad I didnt have to wake you this morning
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Good morning
Kimberly Carlson:Good early morning Alejandra
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning!
Stephen Deerhake:Me too ;-)
Kimberly Carlson::)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:same here David!
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome all
Joke Braeken:hello everyone, welcome!
David McAuley:Good morning
Katrina Sataki:hello!
David McAuley:thank you Stephen
David McAuley:I know Annex D is quite complex
martin boyle, Nominet:isn't triggering the EC quite a slow process in its own right?
David McAuley:I think the GRC might convene a triage team if that happens and those on it would have to agree to dedicate a fair number of hours in a short time to work it through for that case
martin boyle, Nominet:they would be helpful!
David McAuley:the gateways along the way are short
Stephen Deerhake:Agreed David.
Stephen Deerhake:No self nomination
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:why is it an issue to self-nominate? just want to understand
David McAuley:it seems off putting to self nominate - maybe allow them but require some good vetting
David McAuley:I like Martin's comment, maybe require the relevant ccTLD to comment on nomination
Katrina Sataki:the current guideline requires a candidate being nominated by a ccNSO member and seconded by another ccNSO member
David McAuley:on self-nomination that is
Katrina Sataki:if it's ok no self-nominate, is it ok to self-second too?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:no, self-seconding I think makes no sense
Katrina Sataki:why self-nomination makes sense then?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:seconding should be done by someone else from the region as a mean of having support from the region
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:self-nomination might make sense as a way of letting people know that one is willing to take the seat?
Katrina Sataki:that's when they accept nomination
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:mmm... ok
David McAuley:sounds right and policy should match reality as Bart says
Joke Braeken:that would work indeed
David McAuley:hats off to EC document team - Annex D is a tangled web
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I'm in the Council Election Guideline ;)
Katrina Sataki:true
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Not done anything yet, but promise to do it for the next call
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]::)
David McAuley:awesome Bart
Stephen Deerhake:David, Annex D can only be properly studed "at the Office"...
David McAuley:agreed Stepehn - perhaps with Bart singing in background
Katrina Sataki:no no, that is not necessary
Katrina Sataki::)
David McAuley:Can Bart sing again
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]::)
martin boyle, Nominet:I'd rather he didn't!
Katrina Sataki:hehe
David McAuley:I prefer 13:00
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:please! :D
Dejan Djukic:fine with me
David McAuley:Great, thanks
martin boyle, Nominet:ok for me
Kimberly Carlson:5 Dec, 13:00 UTC next call
Kimberly Carlson:thank you all, bye
David McAuley:Thanks Kim - good bye all
Christelle Vaval:bye
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you, bye
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all
Dejan Djukic:bye!