23 May 2016

23 May 2016


Participants:  Alejandra Reynoso, Christelle Vaval, Ben Fuller, Katrina Sataki, Eduardo Santoyo, David McAuley, Mirjana Tasic, Dejan Djukic, Stephen Deerhake

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, joke Braeken


  • Welcome and roll-call
  • Brief update call with ICANN staff and Donna Austin + mail from Russ Housley ( IAB on .ARPA)
  • ccNSo info on ICANN call for expressions
  • Review latests version
  • Next steps: intention to have it ready for adoption by ccNSO Council early June

Recording: Mp3


Chat Transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Good morning Alejandra
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning! :)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Hi Bart :)
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Ben
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Everyone
Katrina Sataki:Hello!
Christelle Vaval:Good Morning all
David McAuley:Good morning all
Mirjana Tasic .rs 2:Hello
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Hello :)
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning!
David McAuley:Is it the CSC guideline alone due in two weeks
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I think/hope so David
David McAuley:Thanks Alejandra, me too
Katrina Sataki:yes, we're talking about the Guideline
David McAuley:good point Bart, end of July early Aug not the most productive time on the calendar
Stephen Deerhake:I cannot read 2pt type.... can you make it bigger? :-)
Ben Fuller .na:I like the new version. Will be useful for evaluating candidates
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Yes
David McAuley:yes
David McAuley:hear you clearly Katrina
Stephen Deerhake:How are we defining "conflict of interest"?
Ben Fuller .na:I assume there is a Bylaw regarding conflict of interest to which we can refer
EDUARDO SANTOYO:This is still named as the Draft version #1?
Katrina Sataki:yes, this is still a draft
Katrina Sataki:maybe not #1 :)
Ben Fuller .na:I suggest that we put a reference in item V that links back to the relevant Bylaw
Bart Boswinkel:or charter of CSC
Ben Fuller .na:Or both :-)
Bart Boswinkel::-)
Bart Boswinkel:AT least it should be make clear
Kimberly Carlson:sorry had to make it smaller so we can see the comments
David McAuley:ok thanks
David McAuley:that is fine
David McAuley:Thanks Bart and Katrine, that answers it
David McAuley:Katrina, that is
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):This is about the optional member neither ccTLD or gTLD
David McAuley:i can still hear you Katrina
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I can't hear Katrina
David McAuley:now i cannot either
EDUARDO SANTOYO:we lost Katrina
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Ok. No problem.
Ben Fuller .na:Just chillin' :-)
Bart Boswinkel:Yes:-)
David McAuley:I have now received Katrina's mail with council info doc
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Hi Katrina!
David McAuley:call for volunteers 30 June, selection by 22 July
Bart Boswinkel:Or 2 weeks
David McAuley:thats better
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Perfect!
Stephen Deerhake:can the type be made a bit bigger?
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Just trying to avoid repeating everything for initial and subsequent appointments
Kimberly Carlson:Stephen I had to make it smaller in order to see the comments
Stephen Deerhake:OK Kim.
David McAuley:Not here Bart, thank you for mentioning Martin's point
David McAuley:about review of charter after one year
Ben Fuller .na:Should we put in some text on the CSC charter review and how that might impact the second call for vlunteers?
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):It's the numbers of the subtitles that got updated due to the creation of a "Timelines" section.
Mirjana Tasic .rs 2:Martin's wording are in a mail
David McAuley:I worked with Martin yes
Mirjana Tasic .rs 2:“Any CSC member selected and appointed by the ccNSO Council may be removed and replaced at any time by the ccNSO Council. The Council will notify the CSC member of reason(s) for deselection. The ccNSO Council and the affected CSC Member will discuss whether the ccNSO Council will publish the reason(s) for the action. In all cases, the Council’s decision will be final.”
Katrina Sataki:hi! I hope I'm back
David McAuley:Hi Katrina
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Both :)
Bart Boswinkel:Any CSC member selected and appointed by the ccNSO Council may be removed and replaced at any time by the ccNSO Council. The Council will notify the CSC member of reason(s) for deselection. The ccNSO Council and the affected CSC Member will discuss whether the ccNSO Council will publish the reason(s) for the action. In all cases, the Council’s decision will be final.”
David McAuley:woops - sorry for reading it did not see it in chat
David McAuley:I agree Bart
David McAuley:If we do get same region then the charter review after a year will pick that up as an issue
David McAuley:and we cannot anticipate now who will volunteer
Ben Fuller .na:Nope
David McAuley:I agree with Katrina's summary and observations on this issue
David McAuley:Yes, and if this becomes an issue it should be raised in annual charter review
Stephen Deerhake:Yes.
Ben Fuller .na:Agree as well
Mirjana Tasic .rs 2:Agreed too.
Dejan Djukic:agree
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):My other comment was regarding time
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):How long should this last?
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):maybe say something like a maximum of two weeks or something like that?
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):it's an example ;)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):ok
David McAuley:good Katrina, thanks
Stephen Deerhake:The sections are now 5.x rather than 4.x but the text is still relevant.
Bart Boswinkel:@Stephen
Bart Boswinkel:Okay
Bart Boswinkel:Any CSC member selected and appointed by the ccNSO Council may be removed and replaced at any time by the ccNSO Council. The Council will notify the CSC member of reason(s) for deselection. The ccNSO Council and the affected CSC Member will discuss whether the ccNSO Council will publish the reason(s) for the action. In all cases, the Council’s decision will be final.”
David McAuley:you are feint again Katrina
David McAuley:Martin and I came up with that language and naturally I agree with it and feel sure he does as well
Ben Fuller .na:I can accept the language
Bart Boswinkel:Okay we will include it in the next version
David McAuley:No objection here
Stephen Deerhake:Looks good.
Mirjana Tasic .rs 2:I support the idea of having the list of volunteers
David McAuley:Maybe the list of volunteers could be made into "alternates" chosen each cycle
Ben Fuller .na:Can we say that ccNSO appoints a relpacement until the end of term for the CSC member who left/removed. Then when the next term comes up the call for volunteers is issued.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I think Bart is saying to have an interim alternate and then, after call for volunteers, he/she can be ratified or not.
David McAuley:Bart raises a fair point
Bart Boswinkel:First fill the vacancy
Bart Boswinkel:then call for volunteers
Bart Boswinkel:on interim
Bart Boswinkel:basis
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):I like Bart's approach :)
David McAuley:I can accept Bart's idea but wonder why not select an alternate with each cycle
Stephen Deerhake:Double the workload in vetting candidates?
EDUARDO SANTOYO:i like barts
David McAuley:good point Bart
David McAuley:Let's go with Bart's idea
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):If we do have a list for alternates, then they can be interim replacements until the call for volunteers finalizes.
David McAuley:yes, seems a fair summary
Bart Boswinkel:We will update the cdraft to make that clearer
Stephen Deerhake:Sounds good.
Ben Fuller .na:Agree with David, let's go with Bart's idea. We can change it at some point as part of the work of the GRC. :-D
Mirjana Tasic .rs 2:Yes it seeems a fair summary
Dejan Djukic:good for me
David McAuley:Thanks Katrina and Bart for smoothing the draft
David McAuley:The doc on screen does not show the dates below the line Kim, at least here
David McAuley:thats good
David McAuley:sounds like we may need a special call
David McAuley:I would be happy to take a stab at first draft of "its coming" email
Ben Fuller .na:I can do a special call anytime after the 31st
David McAuley:very clear
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):We can use the vacacy procedure if they can't fulfill 3 years
David McAuley:We should be clear that 3 years are being asked for
David McAuley:prior to getting EoIs
Ben Fuller .na:Or, we can use that as a criteria for the first short listing of candidates
Ben Fuller .na:"that" = willing to serve for three years
David McAuley:maybe so - this gives new appreciation for borad members willingness to serve
Stephen Deerhake:ccNSO Council votes on both the ccNSO proposed members AND the RySG selected members?
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):and liasons, Stephen. It's the full slate
Stephen Deerhake:OK. Thanks for the clarification Katrina.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Maybe the middle ground is better. Sub-committee and ccNSO Council.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):;)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Ok :)
Mirjana Tasic .rs 2:I think that Council should be consulted, although I do not see the time slot
David McAuley:Agree with Katrina that feedback from Council is needed on this
Stephen Deerhake:Will do Katrina.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Not at the moment :)
Ben Fuller .na:Nop. Will send an email
EDUARDO SANTOYO:have a good day!
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Thank you! Have a great day!
Mirjana Tasic .rs 2:Bye all
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all!
David McAuley:Thanks Katrina, Bart, Kim, and all
Joke Braeken:Thank you. Bye all
Christelle Vaval:Thank you Katrina
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you everyone, bye
Christelle Vaval:Bye All
Ben Fuller .na:Bye
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all


1. Welcome and roll-call
Welcome by Katrina Sataki (Chair). Many things still to do. File was sent by Katrina to the mailing list. She discovered that the guideline needs to be ready in 2 weeks time, since it needs to be submitted to the ccNSO Council, allowing them time for review.

2. Brief update call with ICANN staff and Donna Austin + mail from Russ Housley (IAB on .ARPA)
Coordination calls (Katrina, BB, JB) with ICANN staff on coordinating appointment efforts from ccNSO and gNSO side. More complicated for gNSO: RySG, and council both have a role.
Both groups are looking at different methods of appointing. Full council, or subcommittee from the full council to approve the full slate? Final date is 15 August. Having the full councils appointing the full slates may be a logistical nightmare. The gNSO is looking at the subcommittee option as potential alternative.
The RySG has role, together with ccNSO Council, has role in coordination appointment of the CSC members. Skillset is important, followed by the diversity. The RySG is looking at small committee, when they can meet with (subset of) the ccNSO Council?
ICANN's announcement on call for Expression of Interest. Shared with CCWG stewardship last week, and more broadly as well in the meanwhile. The ccNSO Council will follow up with info on when and how interested candidates can volunteer.
Coordination discussions with RySG to be held in Helsinki.

3. ccNSO info on ICANN call for expressions
ICANN sent info on the CSC. Minimum requirements for Expression of Interest (EoI)
Most recent version of the guideline on Google Docs. Annex A: Call for volunteers.
Candidate can insert its own assessment: do I meet the requirements, Y/N? Attendants to the call today are invited to go through the requirements.
Still open:
• What to do if the top 2 candidates are only willing to serve for 2 years?
• Conflict of interest: reference to the bylaws. Still relevant for the ccTLDs that want to apply. e.g. the employer of the member has a conflict with IANA. In that case, the member needs to step down.
Suggestion: reference in item 5 that links to the bylaws. or charter of the CSC.
Forms to be sent to the council for review after closure of the EoI.
Supporting documents: CV
Question on timing of formal EoI? To be discussed later on agenda today. Timeline included in the doc sent by Katrina to mailing list earlier today.
Announcement on behalf of Council that something is forthcoming. So people can prepare. Reference included to CSC Charter. The real call for EoI, only possible when the council has signed off on the guideline itself.

4. Review latest version

page 2.
TLD registry operators, not associated with ccTLD or gTLD: .arpa. They will not appoint members to CSC.
initial appointment only? regular appointment? needs to be defined. Liaisons is less clear when and how often they will be appointed. Focus on initial appointment, and then move forward.
Action item: BB will look into terms of appointed members. And terms of the liaisons.
Call for volunteers (+ Annex)
To do: agree with approach suggested by Katrina. Announcement EoI, and then update this section.

5.2. Selection process.
Martin and David worked on language. Council removing member from CSC.
Accountability of councilllors. are supposed to select candidates based on skillset and diversity criteria.
Katrina: are we willing to run into the risk that 2 members from same region are selected? Diversity needs to be taken into account. Attendants confirmed that they agree.
This process consists of 2 steps:
1. first step: ccNSO council is supposed to coordinate with the RySG on diversity of members. (not on liaisons).
2. The final step: ccNSO council and gNSO council needs to approve the full slate, which means members AND liaisons.
Timing to be discussed later. Still premature.
Language on diversity: David and Stephen worked on it. 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 : on its way to the list. (numbering might not be correct)

Section 7.
first paragraph of the section: Any CSC member selected and appointed by the ccNSO Council may be removed and replaced at any time by the ccNSO Council. The Council will notify the CSC member of reason(s) for deselection. The ccNSO Council and the affected CSC Member will discuss whether the ccNSO Council will publish the reason(s) for the action. In all cases, the Council’s decision will be final.”
Martin suggested to have a list of volunteers ready. Solution: add extra check-box to EoI. Secondly, ask the secretariat to maintain the list of volunteers who are ready to step in, should the need arise. Concern by BB: this may work well early in the process, but after 2 years the list might not be relevant anymore. Maybe another call for volunteers is cleaner. For transparency reasons.
Suggestion: Council can appoint someone to fill the vacancy, via the list (within 1 month after occurrence), ad interim. At the same time, issue a new call for volunteers.
David: When the council chooses new representatives, could they pick 2? BB: There is a risk. You may end up with candidates with a lesser skill set.

5. Next steps: intention to have it ready for adoption by ccNSO Council early June
BB and KS go through draft, attendants keep an eye on the document. Notification when next iteration is available.

Info to be sent the council, containing the timeline for CSC adoption:
- Guideline developed and adopted: 16 June
- Call for volunteers issued: 30 June
- EoI submitted: 15 July
- ccNSO members selected: 22 July
- CSC full slate adopted: 10 August.

For discussion:
- how the ccNSO council will select the ccNSO Members for the CSC
- how the council adopt the full slate of the CSC.
- how to ensure diversity?
- what if the top candidates are not willing to serve 3 years?
==> Suggestions on how the council should deal with these issues?

Adoption of full slate: 3 options.
1. council select final slate in consultation with RySG and votes on full slate
(Actor: ccnso council)
2. council nominates set of councillors to select final slate in consultation with RySG and votes on full slate (email or call)
(Actor: sub-committee and ccNSO Council)
3. council nominates set of councillors to select final slate in consultation with RySG and to adopt the full slate.
(Actor: Sub-committee)

is the doc to be sent to the council clear enough? Any comments? Needs to be sent to the council within the next 3 days. The GRC cannot decide on any of these options. This needs to be done by the council. Afterwards, we can start working on info to the community.
Thank you. Next call: in 2 weeks time.