24 October 2016
Participants: Christelle Vaval, Alejandra Reynoso, Dejan Djukic, Katrina Sataki, Stephen Deerhake, Eduardo Santoyo, Mirjana Tasic
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Martin Boyle, David McAuley, Maarten Simon
- Welcome and roll call
- Discussion ccNSO Guideline ccNSO Council
- Discussion ccNSOGuideline Specific reviews
- ccNSO Guideline management email list
- Hyderabad meetings:
o WG meeting
o Presentation community
- AOB & Closure
- Comments on ccNSO Nominations Specific review Teams.pdf
- Guideline ccnso Council meetings v5-1 rev AR.pdf
- Guideline ccNSO relted email lists - AR.pdf
- GRC_report_Hyderabad_v1.pptx
Chat transcript:
Christelle Vaval:good morning
Kimberly Carlson:Good morning
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning.
Bart Boswinkel:Good Morning.Goo day all
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Good day
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome everyone
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Yes!
Stephen Deerhake:Yes.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:yes
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Internet Explorer!?!?! O_O
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:How about Chrome? ;)
Bart Boswinkel:Dociments are scollable
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:oh :(
Kimberly Carlson:doc can be scrolled
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you Kim
Stephen Deerhake:I'm hearing some background chatter... Making it hard to hear Katrina.
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Who else is speaking
Stephen Deerhake:For #4, perhaps send email to cc Community letting them know that the agenda has been published once it's been published on the ICANN website?
Katrina Sataki:yes, but maybe not a Cc
Katrina Sataki:it should be a separate email
Stephen Deerhake:In item 5.2, with respect to the ateendance record, are we going to record attendence of NomCom appointees?
Katrina Sataki:I think we should
Katrina Sataki:NomCom might want to have some feedback too
Stephen Deerhake:Agree on the use of "move".
Stephen Deerhake:I would think NomCom would want feedback, and we should therefore record attendance.
Katrina Sataki:sure
Stephen Deerhake:In 6.1.2, it's not stated who can shorten the 5 business period.
Stephen Deerhake:I have microphone issues.
Stephen Deerhake:I think it can be kept to 2 emails: (1) email to inform community that the agenda for the upcoming meeting is available on the ccNSO website, and (2) email to inform community that the minutes of the last ccNSO meeting are now published on the ccNSO website. I don't see the need to send the actual agenda or minutes in the emails.
Stephen Deerhake:Great idea to set up subject linr for easy filitering for those people who don't want these emails.
Kimberly Carlson:Decisions are posted on the website same day
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Subject line for filtering is a good idea
Stephen Deerhake:Agree with the proposal.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Don't miss the "S" in Geographic RegionS
Stephen Deerhake:Is "regular non-attendance" in the eye of the beholder, or is there a more precise definition available? ;-)
Stephen Deerhake:Let the WG/Committee the person is on determine the definition...
Stephen Deerhake:DIfferent groups might have different needs...
Stephen Deerhake:I agree Bart. More precision isn't needed.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Still about previous suggestion, Can we use only numbers? "If 4 or more councillors from at least 2 different ICANN Geographic Regions who are eligible to ..."
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:And specify ICANN geographic reggions
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I agrre with Bart, I think we shall not list the reasons, we might forget something
Stephen Deerhake:First takeaway is that it looks pretty good.
Stephen Deerhake:GREAT set of slides BTW...
Kimberly Carlson:I can get it set up to send notifications
Kimberly Carlson:I will have to ask
Kimberly Carlson:I have asked about being able to close comments and archiving -
Stephen Deerhake:Are you proposing a public comment period for each guideline published but not yet adopted by Council?
Stephen Deerhake:That look sgood Bart.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I like that process :)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:It's more transparent for the community
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I agree with Bart, it should be included in the presentation
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I would add it to this presentation
Stephen Deerhake:Not that I am aware of...
Stephen Deerhake:Perhaps do some longer term planning in HYD?
Stephen Deerhake:As in, where do we want to be 18-24 months out?
Stephen Deerhake:Do we need a ccNSO specific Empwered Community Administration Guideline?
Stephen Deerhake:Good question regarding a possible change in the Charter --I don't see the GRC going away anytime soon...
Bart Boswinkel:@ Stephen, we need to have mechanisms in place how ccNSO as Decional Praticpant wil recived and deal with particular requests etc from ccTLD community
Bart Boswinkel:See overview of taks to date
Stephen Deerhake:That's good Bart, as currently I'm running completely blind (not that anyone has proposed to me spilling the Board (yet).
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:No AOB from me
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]::)
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all! Thanks Katrina!
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thanks! Bye :)
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, see you soon
Christelle Vaval:bye all thx
Stephen Deerhake:Thanks Bart and Kim!
Dejan Djukic:Bye!
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all