8 August 2016

8 August 2016

Participants:  Eduardo Santoyo, Ben Fuller, Christelle Vaval, Martin Boyle, Katrina Sataki, Mirjana Tasic, David McAuley, Alejandra Reynoso, Dejan Djukic 

Staff:  Kim Carlson, joke braeken

Apologies:  Maarten Simon


Welcome and roll call
RZERC: next steps
Board selection guideline: next steps
Other guidelines



Chat transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Eduardo
Eduardo Santoyo:Good morning Kim
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, Ben
Ben Fuller .na:Hello
Kimberly Carlson:Good morning Christelle
Christelle Vaval:Hello everyone
Joke Braeken:hello everyone. Welcome.
Ben Fuller .na:Hello
Katrina Sataki:Hello!
martin boyle, Nominet:did anyone hear me?
Joke Braeken:yes Martin, welcome!
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello!
martin boyle, Nominet:thanks Eduardo
Kimberly Carlson:we hear you typing as well ;)
Katrina Sataki::)
martin boyle, Nominet:muted now, sorry
David McAuley:Hello Katrina
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning
David McAuley:My recolection on RZERC was that it seemed fine
Ben Fuller .na:I agreed with a couple of points by Eduardo
David McAuley:nor can I
Kimberly Carlson:if i go too big, we cant see the comments
David McAuley:is there a way to let us individually enlarge image on screen?
Kimberly Carlson:there should be directional arrows that you can click to enlarge
David McAuley:i used the arrow and lost ability to comment in chat - will toggle between the two
martin boyle, Nominet:good idea to ask
Kimberly Carlson:correct, sorry David
David McAuley:ok
David McAuley:will do right after call
Kimberly Carlson:link to doc is also in the bottom left box
martin boyle, Nominet:issued is better, I think
martin boyle, Nominet:wording there isn't good, though!
martin boyle, Nominet:do we need "at 23.59"?
David McAuley:it is also in nominations to review teams
martin boyle, Nominet:@David +1
David McAuley:we need to ensure that call for EoI are clear, comprehensive and encourage direct and responsive submissions
David McAuley:good question Martin
martin boyle, Nominet:excellent point, David
David McAuley:I agree katrina
David McAuley:in the call
David McAuley:I caN
David McAuley:should we add tech skills - is that question?
Ben Fuller .na:I was under the impression that the skill level called for more than a general knowledge
David McAuley:I don't recall what CWG Stewardship said about Rzerc - shouldn't we mirror what they said?
Dejan Djukic:Agree with that
David McAuley:good point Katrina
David McAuley:the language Martin read seems good, esp specific reference to root zone
Ben Fuller .na:Good points Martin. We should add some specificity
David McAuley:I suspect the RZERC charter as it is today will not change much in this respect and we might be able to use it
David McAuley:even tho not final
Mirjana Tasic .rs:If it is clear to evryone else, for me it is OK
David McAuley:it seemed ok to me
martin boyle, Nominet:& me
David McAuley:LOL
David McAuley:3,2,1 seems the better approach IMO
martin boyle, Nominet:no strong views from me
Eduardo Santoyo:+1
Eduardo Santoyo:yes
Ben Fuller .na:OK for me
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):+1
Christelle Vaval:agree
David McAuley:agreed on vacancy bit
David McAuley:with help from Stephen
Kimberly Carlson:Doc is scrollable
David McAuley:Thanks Kim
David McAuley:as might be guessed, this looks ok to me
martin boyle, Nominet:looks good to me
Mirjana Tasic .rs:For me too
Eduardo Santoyo:to me too
Ben Fuller .na:It looks good to me
Eduardo Santoyo:bravo!!!
David McAuley:good point Eduardo - nice to get this done
martin boyle, Nominet:sorry, I had not seen it
David McAuley:for some reason, as I scroll the page goes elsewhere very quickly - did same on prior doc
David McAuley:I agree Katrina - we pick three but may suggest more if review team needs more as they choose
David McAuley:I think we need to be clear about our three choices so yes we should say take these three for sure
martin boyle, Nominet:i would be concerned if ccNSO preferences were open to change by others
David McAuley:I think your comment KS3 is a good one Katrina
David McAuley:I can take a look
David McAuley:I will quickly get my comments in
Ben Fuller .na:I will have a look and comment
David McAuley:I can do that
David McAuley:great
martin boyle, Nominet:i will look, too
martin boyle, Nominet:yippee!
Eduardo Santoyo:ha ha
David McAuley:Thanks Katrina, Kim, Joke, and all
Eduardo Santoyo:thank you all
Ben Fuller .na:Thanks all
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Have a great day!
Kimberly Carlson:You're welcome - thanks All
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all
Joke Braeken:thanks. bye all!
Dejan Djukic:Bye!
Katrina Sataki:thank you! bye!
Christelle Vaval:bye!
