20 June 2016

20 June 2016


Participants: Alejandra Reynoso, David McAuley, Dejan Djukic, Katrina Sataki, Mirjana Tasic, Stephen Deerhake, Maarten Simon, Ben Fuller, Martin Boyle

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke Braeken


  • Welcome & roll call
  • Update and follow-up CSC Guideline
  • Discussion RZERC guideline
  • Next work items: ccNSO implementation efforts post 15 August
  • Next meetings
  • AOB



Kimberly Carlson:Link for Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MuQ_GvG-DI3OMSGLNNrSTX4Z57GDCGntquoCaTYl9Vw/edit?usp=sharing
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome all
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning
Katrina Sataki:Hello!
Dejan Djukic:Hi!
David McAuley:Good morning all
David McAuley:busy
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello!
David McAuley:busy bees
Stephen Deerhake:I'm back. Different computer with a working mic I hope.
David McAuley:I know RySG is considering coordination process as well
David McAuley:Each SO/AC will need to have a process in place on challenges (like IRP) to Board or staff action to act quite quickly
David McAuley:none here
Bart Boswinkel:Council resolution Marrakesh
Kimberly Carlson:correct, 130-3 local in Veranda 3
Kimberly Carlson:remote participation will be available as well
Bart Boswinkel:See Resolutions : https://meetings.icann.org/en/marrakech55/schedule/wed-ccnso-council/agenda-ccnso-council-09mar16-en.pdf
Stephen Deerhake:Define them here. Do not leave for Council.
Joke Braeken:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MuQ_GvG-DI3OMSGLNNrSTX4Z57GDCGntquoCaTYl9Vw/edit?usp=sharing
Joke Braeken:this is the link to the RZERC guideline (draft google)
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Thank you Joke!
Joke Braeken:most welcome!
David McAuley:Good point Martin
Stephen Deerhake:2 is fine. 3 max.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Agree with Stephen.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):2 years, max 3
Maarten Simon, SIDN:still strange that this had to be a standing committee
David McAuley:I think five would be fine for the reasons Bart says but there should be a removal process in case a selection simply is not working out
Dejan Djukic:2 years could be too short
martin boyle, Nominet:agree on need for a removal process - for example as in the CSC members
David McAuley:they are linked sections Bart
martin boyle, Nominet:I would prefer to say something - appointment to the time of the RZERC charter review
David McAuley:I had planned to read RZERC document this past weekend but my mother became ill and my attention was diverted.
Stephen Deerhake:I think 5 is too long.
Stephen Deerhake:3 is fine.
David McAuley:3 fine
Ben Fuller .na:3 is fine
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):yes, 3 is better
Maarten Simon, SIDN:3 ids fine
Dejan Djukic:3 is ok
Stephen Deerhake:1 additional term.
martin boyle, Nominet:yes
David McAuley:agree allow for reappointment
Stephen Deerhake:That's 9 years. That's too long in my view.
Ben Fuller .na:three terms in total is 9 years, perhaps too long?
martin boyle, Nominet:problem solved?
martin boyle, Nominet::-D
martin boyle, Nominet:fine for me. Katrina
David McAuley:good point about guideline being revisited before term tenure becomes an issue so I would be ok at three
martin boyle, Nominet:look again at the time of review
Bart Boswinkel:Ther ei always the possibility soemone else wnats to stand/ + ability of COuncil to remove the peson
martin boyle, Nominet:rezerc review & guidelines review both give the option
Ben Fuller .na:I agree we keep it flexible but also keep in mind that there may be a need to have new people take over the position fom time to time
David McAuley:no objection here
Stephen Deerhake:2 3-year is fine.
martin boyle, Nominet:fine by me Katrina
Stephen Deerhake:I have an issue with 9 years but will stand aside on this.
Maarten Simon, SIDN:no objection
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):no objection
Ben Fuller .na:I go with Katrina
David McAuley:maybe check with ccNSO members who may be serving on RSSAC for helpful insights?
David McAuley:and I like Bart's suggestion
Ben Fuller .na:Good suggestion by Bart -- we should ask same for any new structgures created.
Stephen Deerhake:+1 to Martin's remark.
Maarten Simon, SIDN:agree with that suggestion
Maarten Simon, SIDN:and sorry, but I did not follow the discussions around RZERC as I found it highly overengineering things
Stephen Deerhake:Nigel is always a good candidate for the rack...
Katrina Sataki::)
Stephen Deerhake:I think Bart is correct --the CWG has to have some idea of what requirements that they had in mind when they cooked this thing up...
Ben Fuller .na:Good point Stephen
martin boyle, Nominet:easier to define for csc than for rzerc
David McAuley: I like asking CWG
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):ask our representatives in CWG
David McAuley:ask chairs
Stephen Deerhake:Our members and the chairs.
David McAuley:+1 Stephen
Ben Fuller .na:Chairs and representatives
David McAuley:OK with me, Katrina
Stephen Deerhake:Works for me.
David McAuley:good plan
Bart Boswinkel:Conflict of Interst statement was directly taken fom draft charer
martin boyle, Nominet:fewer than 1!
Bart Boswinkel:Maybe change to : if only one candidate put her or his name forward
David McAuley:not quite sure
David McAuley:i think that workls
Stephen Deerhake:+1
martin boyle, Nominet:that works for me, too
Dejan Djukic:agree too
Ben Fuller .na:Martin, in the event that no candidate puts their name forward should we give Council the opprtunity to co opt a member?
martin boyle, Nominet:good idea
martin boyle, Nominet:need to get going
David McAuley:my computer neeeds to restart - i will be on phone for several minutes
martin boyle, Nominet:ad interim until there are candidates
Ben Fuller .na:Good suggestion Martin. We just wnt to make certain that the post is filled
Maarten Simon, SIDN:if it is there, we should do something with it
Ben Fuller .na:OK.
martin boyle, Nominet:yes
martin boyle, Nominet:hard task-master
Katrina Sataki::D
martin boyle, Nominet:that wording looked fine to me
David McAuley:am back on adobe
David McAuley:I will check with my tech colleaguies prior to our F2F in case they have any helpful insights
Stephen Deerhake:I asumme the tweaks will be reflected in the GoogleDoc shortly?
martin boyle, Nominet:can we have a link to the google docs
David McAuley:I plan to be theree
martin boyle, Nominet:I won't be in helsinki
Stephen Deerhake:I will be there.
David McAuley:bringing a sweater
martin boyle, Nominet:i'll join the GRC meeting remotely
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I will be there
Dejan Djukic:me too
Stephen Deerhake:Martin enjoys retirement ;-)
martin boyle, Nominet:I like Helsinki
martin boyle, Nominet:And it is wet here
David McAuley:futher meeting at ccNSO cocktail reception
martin boyle, Nominet:are we meeting on 4 July?
David McAuley:I will be travelioong on JUly 4th and cannot make it
David McAuley:traveling
David McAuley:Leaving Iceland that morninh
Stephen Deerhake:I won't be around on 4 July either (holiday here).
David McAuley:looking forward to seeing folkjs
Stephen Deerhake:I think we are good to go.
Stephen Deerhake:See some (most?) of you next week!
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):See you soon! :)
David McAuley:Many thanks Katrina and Bart and all
Ben Fuller .na:See y'all
Stephen Deerhake:Bye!
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye
martin boyle, Nominet:bye all and thanks
Dejan Djukic:see you!
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Bye :)
Katrina Sataki:thanks and