ccNSO Review Workspace

ccNSO Review Workspace

 ccNSO Review Wiki can be found at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CIBhBg


  • Ahlam Abu-Jadallah
  • Tinuk Andriyanti Asianto
  • Stephen Deerhake
  • Debbie Monahan
  • Biyi Oladipo
  • Jelena Ožegović
  • Katrina Sataki
  • Mirjana Tasić 
  • Hong Xue
  • Martin Boyle
  • Margarita Valdés Cortés

  • Nigel Roberts (stepped down 4 April 2018)

Review Working Party roles and responsibilities

  • Conduct a self-assessment

  • Provide input into the review scope and the Independent Examiner selection criteria

  • Provide community outreach support

  • Provide input into data collection through for instance online surveys and interviews

  • Provide clarification and factual corrections throughout the review

  • Once the final report is submitted: assess the feasibility of the recommendations, and provide the OEC with appropriate documentation