26 Sepember 2016
26 Sepember 2016
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Joke Braeken, Gisella Gruber
Apologies: Mirjana Tasic, Dejan Đukić
- Welcome roll call
- Adoption ccNSO Guideline: Selection Special Review Team
o Document: version send by Ben
- Overview and priority of upcoming work items
o Documents: Overview work items GRC 23 September and ICANN Bylaws and Procedures
- Discussion Guideline: ccNSO Council meeting
o Document: ccNSO Guideline as send by Katrina
- Next meeting
- ccNSO Guideline Appointment Specific Review Teams version for last review-1.1.doc
- ccNSO Guideline Appointment Specific Review Teams version for last review-1.1.pdf
- Guideline ccnso Council meetings v3.docx
- Guideline ccnso Council meetings v3.pdf
- ICANN Bylaws & ccNSO Guidelines and Procedures 23 September 2016.docx
- ICANN Bylaws & ccNSO Guidelines and Procedures 23 September 2016.pdf
- Overview Work items GRC 23 September.docx
- Overview Work items GRC 23 September.pdf
Recording: Mp3